What Is Real Love
The day my niece was born is one I will never forget. I had taken my sister to the hospital as her husband was out of town for a week. The baby came earlier than expected. I believed what the magazines and every parent I know had told me. I believed that the moment I set my eyes on her, I would be flooded with love and awe. It didn’t happen as I thought it would. When I held her in my arms that very first time, I did not ‘feel’ anything. I was not so much in awe as I was inquisitive. I looked at her tiny hands and feet, trying to see what she had inherited from my side of the family. As it turned out, my family’s DNA wasn’t as obvious as I had assumed it would. She looked nothing like my sister and everything like her father. I was not excited, nor was I sad. I can describe my emotions at that time as ‘flat’ for lack of a better word. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you. Our team of experts is ready to help.
I went to live with my sister for about a month to help her with the new baby. The first few days, the baby slept most of the time, which also gave my sister time to rest as well. She would be awake approximately 3-4 hours in total per day. She hardly cried except for small whimpering, to which I would attend to her immediately while my sister rested. She was the quiet, un-nagging type of a baby. On the second week after her birth, I was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes when I heard what at that time sounded like a scream from the baby monitor. My heart felt like it had stopped for an eon. I could not run to the upstairs bedroom fast enough. All manner of thoughts were running through my head, and with every step, I felt like I would rather fly. I got to the baby’s room and found her wide-eyed. Next to her crib was the family dog Frenchie, breathing as heavily as usual. I figured that the dog had startled the baby, and she woke up crying. Although relieved that she was okay, I still took her from her crib and held her tightly. It was at that instant that, for the first time, I felt in my heart, my mind, my spirit, and in every nerve of my body that I would never let anyone or anything hurt my niece. At that moment, I was flooded with emotions of courage, protection, joy, and love; all merged into one huge ball: love. I couldn’t imagine anything bad happening to her. I wanted to wrap her in my arms for eternity.
Years have gone, and my niece is the greatest being in my life. I would die for her. When she hurts, I hurt, even when it is just a boo-boo. Her every tear is a crack in my heart. Her every laugh is a million rainbows in my world. I find myself staring at her and thinking just how lucky I am to have such a beautiful soul as a niece. I watch her play and do silly things, and it makes me smile. I listen to her childish voice singing off-key, but it sounds like a thousand angels. I listen to her ‘life dreams,’ and I can’t help but swell inside with love/admiration/hope/ and some bit of laughter. I often wonder how it is I had lived without her and how I can ever live without her. I pray for long life for her and a prosperous one too. My sister and her husband have given me a special gift and the title of ‘mama.’ That’s what my niece calls me-mama (She calls her mom just that-mom). The special bond and love I share with my niece is the perfect example of real love.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Essay 1
What is real love
Essay 1 should be at least 500 words long (no more than 700 or so), and in standard essay format (double spaced, indented first lines to paragraphs, etc.) The essay is a creative project and should be interesting to an informed reader (represented by me), not merely to a not-well-informed popular audience. The two ways that this essay will be graded are:
What Is Real Love
(A) Is it interesting, with a developed train of thought (a developed exploration of a focused topic or a developed argument)? The essay is centered on your own ideas. Anchor your essay in particulars: The best way probably is to use actual experiences, which not only illustrates ideas but also stimulate your own thinking. You might argue for a viewpoint (and against an opposing one). Don’t idealize and don’t ignore problems. If speaking about masculinity, femininity, or love, think about actual people and relationships. Don’t float off into vague generalities (e.g. “Love is a beautiful thing…”). This is why I highly recommend that you include an anecdote (short story with a point) of actual experiences. And don’t include unimportant details or obvious ideas. Experiences of other cultures may be interesting, but they should be analyzed and evaluated (include your opinions). Research is not required for Essay 1.
- My professor wants me to Write an interesting essay about what you think real love is this essay has to be written on your own, no research treat it as a creative writing essay add your own experiences 500-700 words max.