Weighing Pros and Cons of Modern Parenthood and Its Impact On Population
According to U.S. population data, there are numerous benefits and drawbacks to having children today—Census Bureau, as well as various aging theories. Various aging theories demonstrate how people can die in various ways, including biological causes, disease, accidents, or even murder. When someone is born, they will die at some point, which brings up the pros and cons of having a child.
The first advantage of having a child today is the ability to form a bond. This is where family comes into play. People who have children form bonds with them through caregiving and raising them. This type of bond forms a family bond in which love exists. This kind of family bond and love are priceless and give the parent and the child reason to live. This bond is also eternal. Another advantage is that parents can positively influence their children’s lives. It is self-fulfilling for every parent to be able to raise a responsible and disciplined child who later becomes a “star” in society.
Furthermore, having children provides parents with a reason to live and work. This level of responsibility motivates parents to work harder. This is beneficial because it helps raise the standard of living. Most people who would have been lazy otherwise will be forced to work hard to provide for their children, raising their standard of living.
Having children today, on the other hand, is prohibitively expensive. With rising economic levels, necessities such as food, water, shelter, and clothing have become prohibitively expensive. Furthermore, medical and educational expenses are high. All of these expenses are the major disadvantages of having children today. Children consume a lot of energy. As a result, parents always tire of caring for them, especially when they are young. Raising children takes a significant amount of time. It takes time away from exercising, golfing, writing, traveling, or even working on one’s marriage. Having children also implies that many things must be sacrificed, including recreational time with friends. They are constantly forced to make decisions that favor their children over themselves, resulting in a “miserable” life.
Given the disadvantages of having children today, one could argue that young people in the United States prefer to have fewer or none. Most people fear responsibilities, rising living costs, and leading a stressful life. As a result of today’s decision to have a few children, the U.S. population will have fewer people under the age of 25 in the future. According to the United States Census Bureau, there will be a 4.6% decrease in the population of people under the age of 25, a 3.2% increase in the population of people aged 26 to 45, and an 8.1% increase in the population of people over the age of 65. According to the data, there will be a lower mortality rate in the future because the number of older people will outnumber the number of younger people. According to the United States Census Bureau, the overall U.S. population has increased by 0.5% (approximately 1.5 million people) since 2018. This indicates that the population of the United States will decline in the future. The younger population will decline while the older population will grow.
Population Clock. (n.d.). Population Clock. https://www.census.gov/popclock/
Bureau, U. C. (2023, April 26). Census.gov. Census.gov. https://www.census.gov/en.html
Council (U.S.) Panel on Statistics for an Aging Population, N. R., & Gilford, D. M. (1988, January 1). Social, Economic, and Demographic Changes among the Elderly – The Aging Population in the Twenty-First Century – NCBI Bookshelf. Social, Economic, and Demographic Changes Among the Elderly – the Aging Population in the Twenty-First Century – NCBI Bookshelf.
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Weighing Pros and Cons of Modern Parenthood and Its Impact On Population
175 – 265 words
Cite at least one (1) peer-reviewed reference
Respond to the following:
Read the following publications from the U.S. Census Bureau:
- “The Older Population in Rural America: 2012-2016”
- “The Population 65 Years and Older in the United States”
Use the Search function at the top of the page to find the articles.
- Considering the various theories of aging and the U.S. Census Bureau data, what are the pros and cons of having children today?
- Do you think that young people in the United States want to have many or few children?
- What impact will today’s decisions about having children have on the future age structure of the U.S. population?