Weather Applications in Everyday Life and Aviation
Question Set A: Weather Applications in Everyday Life
Question 2: On a day in August at Patrick Space Force Base (located along the Atlantic coast in central Florida), after a hard lunchtime workout in the base’s air-conditioned fitness center, you exit the facility with your sunglasses on. Synthesize and apply related concepts from Modules 2 and 3 to explain why the lenses of your sunglasses instantly fog over as you step outside.
When there is a change in environmental conditions, there is an experienced change in environmental components. In this context, as one transitions from an air-conditioned fitness center to an open area outside, there is a change in environmental conditions in terms of temperature. Particularly, the transition is from a cooler environment to a warmer environment. The sunglasses have a temperature below the dew point, and upon stepping outside, the moisture in the open-air environment condenses to form visible water vapor due to the difference in temperature between the environment and sunglasses (Penn State College, n.d). The formation of fog on sunglasses is also facilitated by the fact that there is a higher humidity/water vapor content in the open air atmosphere than inside a room. Therefore, the scenario can be explained through the change in temperature and humidity.
Question Set B: Weather Applications in Aviation
Question 4: Synthesize and apply related concepts from Modules 2 and 3 to a) explain how jet condensation trails form and b) discuss the factors that affect their duration once formed (i.e., whether they will be short- or long-lived).
Jet condensation trails, also known as contrails, are the long steak-like lines of clouds formed in the sky when an aircraft, especially when a jet flies through the sky. There are two categories of jet condensation trails, which include exhaust and aerodynamic contrails (Jansen & Heymsfield, 2015). The trails are formed when water condenses on the cloud in the form of liquid or ice crystals. Aerodynamic contrails are caused by the reduced air pressure and air temperature as the air moves along the surface of the wing of an aircraft. This is the process that mainly leads to the formation of short-lived contrails seen in the sky. The contrails are short-lived because as they move over the wing, they are subjected to normal temperature and pressure in the sky, therefore melting and disappearing. On the other hand, exhaust contrails are formed when the warm, moist air comes into contact with cold air and drops to temperatures below the dew point. These contrails are also short-lived. Nevertheless, these contrails can last longer if the surrounding relative humidity is higher.
Jansen, J., & Heymsfield, A. J. (2015). Microphysics of Aerodynamic Contrail Formation Processes. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 72, 9; 10.1175/JAS-D-14-0362.1
Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences. (n.d.). What to do with dew points. What to Do with Dew Points | METEO 3: Introductory Meteorology.
We’ll write everything from scratch
In this Extreme Weather (Wx) Check, you will take your learning to the next level by synthesizing and applying the weather concepts explored in Modules 2 and 3 to answer questions about scenarios in both everyday life and aviation.
Weather Applications in Everyday Life and Aviation
Choose TWO questions – one from each question set – to answer. Place your chosen questions and the formulated answers* within a separate document that includes your name at the top.
Use mainly course resources – textbook readings and module lesson content – to develop your answers, vs. doing an internet search. Regardless of the source, provide references for the information used in formulating your answers.
*Your answers will be scored on completeness, correctness, clarity, and conciseness, and the degree of synthesis and application of the related concepts, not on how many words they contain. More is not necessarily better!
Please read through all sections before proceeding to the next page, and refer back whenever necessary.
Question Set AQuestion Set B
Question Set A: Weather Applications in Everyday Life
Describe the season of the year and time of day, along with a qualitative (i.e., with descriptive words, not numerical values) description of the wind speed, temperature, dew point temperature, and relative humidity conditions that would cause your skin to dry the quickest after stepping out of a swimming pool. For these quick-dry conditions, state the specific thermodynamic process causing the drying and why you will feel cold as the drying takes place. Synthesize and apply related concepts from Modules 2 and 3 to support your answers.
On a day in August at Patrick Space Force Base (located along the Atlantic coast in central Florida), after a hard lunchtime workout in the base’s air-conditioned fitness center, you exit the facility with your sunglasses on. Synthesize and apply related concepts from Modules 2 and 3 to explain why the lenses of your sunglasses instantly fog over as you step outside.
Suppose it is a Saturday morning, and while watching your local weather forecast on television, you hear the meteorologist state that the predicted maximum heat index for the day will approach 100 °F. Synthesize and apply related concepts from Modules 2 and 3 to explain why this information indicates that engaging in outdoor activities on Saturday afternoons could be potentially dangerous to your health.
You are at an outdoor restaurant with friends on a warm, humid evening. Synthesize and apply related concepts from Modules 2 and 3 to explain why, shortly after receiving a round of cold beverages, puddles of water begin forming on the table around the beverage containers.
Please proceed to the Question Set B section.
Submission Instructions: Submit ONLY the answers to your questions. DO NOT include the question statements. Number each answer to clearly indicate which question is being answered. (e.g., Question A1).
In this Extreme Weather (Wx) Check, you will take your learning to the next level by synthesizing and applying the weather concepts explored in Modules 2 and 3 to answer questions about scenarios in both everyday life and aviation.
Choose TWO questions – one from each question set – to answer. Place your chosen questions and the formulated answers* within a separate document that includes your name at the top.
Use mainly course resources – textbook readings and module lesson content – to develop your answers, vs. doing an internet search. Regardless of the source, provide references for the information used in formulating your answers.
*Your answers will be scored on completeness, correctness, clarity, and conciseness, and the degree of synthesis and application of the related concepts, not on how many words they contain. More is not necessarily better!
Please read through all sections before proceeding to the next page, and refer back whenever necessary.
Question Set AQuestion Set B
Question Set B: Weather Applications in Aviation
Synthesize and apply related concepts from Modules 2 and 3 to explain why, on a given summer day, a regional airfield located near sea level along the central California coastline is more likely to have both smaller changes in temperature over the course of the day, and greater chances for low cloud ceilings and low visibility conditions, compared to a regional airfield located in the lee of California’s Sierra Nevada mountain range at elevation 4500 feet.
A general aviation aircraft miraculously lands safely at a regional airport with a cracked windshield and significant damage to the leading edges of the wings. The pilot stated that severe turbulence, strong downdrafts, heavy rain, and low visibility were encountered while passing beneath the base of a large cloud on approach to landing. Synthesizing and applying related concepts from Module 3, a) name the type of cloud the aircraft likely encountered, and b) support your answer for the cloud type by explaining the reasoning behind the aircraft damage and pilot landing experience described in the scenario.
Synthesize and apply related concepts from Modules 2 and 3 to explain why using a weather satellite infrared image would be best for determining the presence of fog and/or low clouds at an airfield.
Synthesize and apply related concepts from Modules 2 and 3 to a) explain how jet condensation trails form and b) discuss the factors that affect their duration once formed (i.e., whether they will be short- or long-lived).
Submission Instructions: Submit ONLY the answers to your questions. DO NOT include the question statements. Number each answer to clearly indicate which question is being answered. (e.g., Question A1).