Ways to Obtain Information From Public and Private Sources
The investigation’s study element includes specialists in publicly sourced data, obtaining appropriate data about people and organizations suspected of fraud participation (Sengupta, Raja, 2019). This is one of the first measures taken when a suspect is recognized in an inquiry. Most of the information and paperwork used in a search is produced internally – it comes from within the organization or is otherwise readily accessible within the organization (in the event of invoices from the seller). However, sometimes, it becomes vital to have information or paperwork that is only accessible from external sources.
Public data and documents are typically accessible to the general government by visiting a website or facility or on request from the record holder. In most instances, government agencies maintain public records. There are two broad categories of external information sources: public and non-public. For example, if an employee posts pictures or makes statements on social media, this data could be easily accessible to all spectators. “Investigators should always use caution when accessing this information, especially if the information is only available to ‘friends’ or other contacts that the individual has granted special access to.” (Easterday, Kathryn E.; Eaton, Tim V., 2012)
Non-public documents are confidential and private. Holders of such papers are not obligated to generate them unless they have given their permission or are required to do so due to legal proceedings, such as a court order or summons. This category includes records such as private bank statements from people who may be the topic of an inquiry. (Derr, Donn A, 1995). Researchers do generally not have ready access to these records. Non-public records include information about a private and confidential person or business. Must get from consent, or legal process, or search warrant. An employer who uses a third party to conduct a workplace investigation no longer has to obtain the prior permission of an employee if the inquiry involves suspected misconduct, violation of law or regulations, or violation of any preexisting policy of the employer.
Public sources
Current spending of the employee from his bank/credit card Analyzes if he is spending more than what he earns.
Seek details from the accounts receivables and confirm the due. If there is any difference, then analyze it.
Private sources
Seek details from his family if he is facing some personal health issues of himself or his family.
Seek details from family members if he has purchased things in cash recently, as his purchases would not surface in the bank accounts statement.
I believe data obtained from public sources is reliable as they would be first-hand and cannot be fabricated by employees. At the same time, private sources like the family may give wrong details intentionally.
Sengupta, Raja. (Fall 2019). Blockchain: Transforming Public Data for Improved Financial Success. The Journal of Equipment Lease Financing (Online);
Washington Vol. 37, Iss. 3, (Fall 2019): 1-4. Retrieved on September 20, 2021, from Blockchain: Transforming Public Data for Improved Financial Success – Accounting, Tax& Banking Collection – ProQuest (lirn.net).
Easterday, Kathryn E.; Eaton, Tim V. (Summer 2012). Double (Accounting) Standards: A Comparison of Public and Private Sector Defined Benefit Pension Plans. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management; Boca
Raton Vol. 24, Iss. 2, (Summer 2012): 278-312. DOI:10.1108/JPBAFM-24-02-2012-B005. Retrieved on September 20, 2021, from DOUBLE (ACCOUNTING)STANDARDS: A COMPARISON OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLANS – Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection – ProQuest(lirn.net).
Derr, Donn A. (April 1995). The Insider’s Guide to Demographic Know-How: Everything You. The Appraisal Journal; Chicago Vol. 63, Iss. 2, (Apr 1995): 253. Retrieved on September 20, 2021, from The Insider’s Guide to Demographic Know-How: Everything You –Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection – ProQuest (lirn.net).
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Ways to Obtain Information From Public and Private Sources
Based on authoritative sources (e.g., peer-reviewed articles from the library, Fraud Examiners Manual), give some examples and discuss current ways in which you could obtain information from public and private sources if you were asked to investigate an employee in accounts receivable that is believed to be embezzling funds from your company. Do you think the data you obtained is reliable from these public and private sources? Why or why not?