Vision and Mission Statement Analysis-Amazon and Tesla
Tesla Mission and Vision Statements
Tesla’s mission is ‘to accelerate the advent of sustainable transport by bringing compelling mass market electric cars to market as soon as possible.’ On the other hand, the company’s vision is to ‘create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles (Tesla, 2022)
Amazon’s Mission and Vision
Amazon’s mission statement is ‘to serve consumers through online and physical stores and focus on selection, price, and convenience.’ On the other hand, the company’s vision is ‘to be the world’s most customer-centric company, earth’s best employer, and earth’s safest place to work in’ (Amazon, 2023).
Comparing Tesla’s and Amazon’s Vision and Mission Statements
Amazon’s mission statement focuses on the customer. The mission statement suggests that the company will focus on e-commerce variables that make it attractive to customers. One can tell from the mission statement that the company will produce services based on customer needs and expectations. On the other hand, Tesla’s mission is geared toward market trends and global needs. By ‘accelerating a transition towards sustainable energy,’ the company seeks to leverage an existing market opportunity to expand. It is worth noting that Tesla’s mission statement was changed to reflect the company’s interest in sustainable transport and energy. The difference between the two mission statements is that Tesla focuses on market trends, whereas Amazon focuses on the customer.
For the vision statement, Amazon underscores the desire to become the world’s best e-commerce company by focusing on customer needs. The company also underscores the goal of becoming the best employer globally by emphasizing employees’ needs and workplace safety (Amazon, 2023). On the other hand, Tesla’s vision statement underscores the company’s goal of applying sustainable energy forms on cars and for home use.
The Impact of Vision and Mission Statements on Organizational Culture
The ‘lowest prices’ component of Amazon’s mission statement influences the company’s pricing culture. At the center of Amazon’s attractiveness is the fact that the company offers e-commerce services and websites at relatively low prices (Flamand et al., 2020). Another corresponding objective toward that direction is that the company works toward reducing operational costs to ensure overall costs remain minimal. Another component of Amazon’s mission statement that influences its corporate culture is that the company has a selection of diverse products on its website (Flamand et al., 2020). Amazon users can access a wide variety of products from different vendors via the company’s website.
On the other hand, the inclusion of ‘earth’ in Amazon’s vision indicates its objective of expanding internationally and becoming the best global online retailer. Another component of the vision statement that points to the online retailer’s corporate culture is the emphasis on employee needs. To that end, leaders at Amazon company believe that paying attention to employee needs is fundamental to organizational success. Since Amazon participates in the global market, it focuses on employee safety, a practice that will potentially attract the best employees to the company from a global market.
Tesla’s mission statement suggests that the company is moving toward an ambitious innovation culture. By focusing on sustainable car models, the company is more innovative than big automobile companies such as General Motors (GE), which have failed. Tesla’s vision statement also points to the company’s use of intangible motivation tools to bolster performance. The vision statement suggests that the company aims to create the most compelling car in the 21st century (Tesla, 2022). Based on that noble objective, employees are willing to work more hours a week, aware that their efforts will create a positive difference in the world.
Principles and Values of Servant Leadership in Amazon
According to Langhof and Güldenberg (2019), one of the distinguishing factors between servant leadership and other leadership models is that servant leaders are follower-oriented. Servant leaders tend to lead with the highest priority being assigned to followers’ interests over the leader’s interests. Langhof and Güldenberg (2019) further explain that an emphasis on followers’ needs by the leadership assures the company of long-term growth. Since employees are aware that their development, safety, and growth is assured, they will likely exploit their potential to achieve organizational goals. To that end, Amazon’s vision statement emphasizes being ‘the world’s best employer, and safest place to work in..’ These elements of the vision statement show that the company is follower-centric.
Another distinguishable component of servant leadership that is lacking in other leadership styles is a moral compass. In other words, the institution-level strategies must show efforts that go beyond improving the organization (Langhof & Güldenberg, 2019). Amazon’s mission statement suggests that the company is ‘customer-centric,’ indicating that they are interested in profit and in customers’ needs. Another component of the vision statement that solidifies Amazon’s alignment with servant leadership is the promise to provide a safe workplace. Given the workplace safety promised, whether virtual or physical, it has significant implications on employees’ productivity, assuring employees that safety is central to the organization’s strategy is key to alleviating any fears.
Mission and Vision Statements Alignment with Strategy (Marketing Tactics, Employee Treatment, Public Reputation)
According to its mission statement, Amazon promises to offer customer-centric services. To achieve that, the company walks backward from the customer, which implies that the company first understands its customers’ needs before deciding which services to offer (Flamand et al., 2020). To that end, the company has invested in technological tools such as the online customer service experience system that collects customer insights to understand their needs. For instance, Amazon’s web services (AWS) launched in 2000 has a system that stores Facebook and LinkedIn data and facilitates movie streaming. AWS listens to the environment and incorporates the insights it gathers into product improvement (Flamand et al., 2020). Also, Amazon’s Kindle was launched based on readers’ complaints about their dissatisfaction with former versions. Further, Amazon is known for the inclusion of diverse product offers, true to its promise of becoming the world’s best online retailer.
On the other hand, Tesla’s long-term goal of attaining sustainable energy is reflected in the company’s marketing strategy. Apart from making electric cars, Amazon is also focused on innovating sustainable renewable energy for home use (Kim, 2020). To that end, the company does not compete by promising to make the best car but rather the most energy-sustainable car. Tesla’s marketing strategy has led to the company’s growing reputation for delivering sustainable energy. A good example of Tesla’s clean energy innovation is the Tesla battery, which captures and stores clean energy provided by the sun.
Amazon’s and Tesla’s alignment with their Vision and Mission Statements
One of Amazon’s dominant promises from its mission and vision statement is customer-centricity. To that end, the company collects enough information regarding a customer’s interests based on previous orders. Among others, the company captures a customer’s personality, opinions, and lifestyle with the objective of influencing customers to make a purchase (Flamand et al., 2020). Also, Amazon has a ratings and review segment on its website, which is used to self-improve based on customers’ reviews. It is also worth noting that business-business relationships exist on the retailer’s platform. Since Amazon considers these businesses to be customers, it collects its customers’ reviews to help them improve products (Flamand et al., 2020). For instance, the company collects useful consumer data through Amazon Prime, which helps improve the quality of the businesses posting content on the platform.
Amazon implements high workplace safety standards internally. The safety standards aim to reduce attrition rates and warehouse strikes (Flamand et al., 2020). Besides, the company hopes to get positive press for its workplace safety standards, which will go a long way in attracting the best talent into its workforce. This practice aligns with the company’s vision statement, affirming that Amazon is the safest place to work.
Tesla manufactures electric vehicles, power storage walls, and solar power panels to align with its vision of energy sustainability. These products will go a long way to conserve energy and safeguard the consumer from the impacts of climate change (Kim, 2020). Some of the objectives the company seeks to address are the increasing carbon dioxide concentration and the damaging impact of fossil fuel use. Although Tesla operates in a market with significant barriers to entry, its focus on energy sustainability which is a current global market issue, continues to contribute to its success.
Revision of Tesla’s Mission and Vision Statements
Tesla’s vision satisfactorily addresses the company’s goals. It also fully captures the company’s products, market scope, and position of the automobile company. However, the mission statement fails to capture the direction of Tesla’s organizational development. For servant leadership to be possible, a mission statement should incorporate what the company does toward realizing its corporate vision (Dirk Van Dierendonck & Patterson, 2010). That way, employees will know their expectations and hence understand their responsibility in realizing the organization’s goals. An effective mission statement would, for instance, state that the company aims to provide technical innovation that will accelerate a transition to sustainable energy. The vision statement can also be adjusted to indicate the company’s efforts in retaining a motivated workforce.
How a Mission and Vision Guides an Organization’s Treatment of Employees and Clients
Mission and vision statements communicate the purpose of the organization to its stakeholders. Clients and customers are part of an organization’s stakeholders, so they should explicitly state what the organization does to help it achieve its goals. For instance, Southwest Airlines’ mission statement states “We are committed to providing our Employees a stable work environment with equal opportunity for learning and personal growth” (Dirk Van Dierendonck & Patterson, 2010). The statement shows that employees are treated with a caring attitude, respect, and dignity. On the other hand, the vision statement should inform employees that their company is doing more than just producing goods and services. For instance, a vision statement that centers on customer centricity guides employees to undertake actions that will keep the customer happy.
Christian Worldview Perspective on Stakeholder Treatment
The idea that God can be incorporated as a business stakeholder or manager is applicable in modern organizations. As a stakeholder, God deserves part of businesses’ profits through dividends. Businesses can provide God’s profits share to the poor and the disadvantaged through corporate social responsibility (CSR) (Schwartz, 2006). Also, the Christian perspective encourages moral reflection before implementing some actions. Moral reflection includes considering the needs of others before making a decision. The management of any organization should listen to employees’ input before arriving at some key decisions. If an organization wants to reschedule working hours, managers should consult with employees to ensure that the new schedules do not significantly affect their personal lives. The Christian worldview on business aligns with the servant leadership style.
Amazon. (2023). Who We Are. About Amazon; Amazon.
Dirk Van Dierendonck, & Patterson, K. (2010). Servant leadership: developments in theory and research. Palgrave Macmillan.
Flamand, O., Wisher, A., & Riley, S. (2020). Strategic Plan: Amazon Strategic Plan: Amazon is part of the business administration, management, and operations commons, e-commerce commons, operations and supply chain management commons, and the strategic management policy commons.
Frau, M., Moi, L., & Cabiddu, F. (2020). Outside-in, Inside-out, and Blended Marketing Strategy Approach: A Longitudinal Case Study. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 12(3), 1.
Kim, H. (2020). Analysis of How Tesla Creates Core Innovation Capability. International Journal of Business and Management, 15(6), 42. semantic scholar.
Langhof, J. G., & Güldenberg, S. (2019). Servant Leadership: A systematic literature review—toward a model of antecedents and outcomes. German Journal of Human Resource Management: Zeitschrift Für Personalforschung, 34(1), 32–68.
Schwartz, M. S. (2006). God as a Managerial Stakeholder? Journal of Business Ethics, 66(2/3), 291–306.
Tesla. (2022). Electric Cars, Solar Panels & Clean Energy Storage | Tesla. Tesla;
We’ll write everything from scratch
The purpose of this assignment is to analyze both the vision statement and mission statement of various companies to determine how these statements guide leadership practices within organizations.
The vision statement reflects a desired future state worthy of pursuing, while the mission statement is what is done almost daily to eventually realize the vision.
Vision and Mission Statement Analysis=Amazon and Tesla
Amazon and Tesla are the two organizations with a vision statement and a mission statement. One organization should profess to practice servant leadership, and the other should practice a standard leadership model.
Write a 1,500-1,750 word analysis addressing the following:
Both the vision and mission statements for both companies.
A comparison of both the vision and mission statements of the two companies. Make sure to provide specific examples of similarities and differences.
A discussion of how the vision and mission statements affect the culture of each organization.
A description of the servant leadership principles or values that are explicitly or implicitly apparent in the vision and mission statements of the organization that professes to be servant-led.
An explanation of the principles or values expressed in the vision and mission statements manifested in each organization’s public reputation, marketing tactics, treatment of its employees, etc. Provide specific examples to support your rationale.
A determination on whether each organization is living out the principles or values expressed in both their vision and mission statements. Provide an explanation to support your determination.
An explanation of revisions that would need to be made to the vision and mission statements of the organization practicing a standard leadership model should it adopt a servant leadership model.
An explanation of how the vision and mission statements of an organization can or should guide an organization’s treatment of its employees and clients.
An explanation of how a Christian worldview perspective can inform management decisions or practices in the treatment of all stakeholders.
You are required to locate four articles that support your selected organization’s vision and mission statements. Two of the selected articles must be peer-reviewed journal articles. Include information from the articles in your discussion. Strengthen your claims with supporting citations within each content area of your essay.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.