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Validity and Reliability of an Instrument in Research

Validity and Reliability of an Instrument in Research

The degree to which an instrument accurately measures what it is intended to measure is known as validity. In contrast, the degree to which an instrument can produce consistent results is known as reliability. Multiple iterations of piloting and testing are required to develop a valid and reliable instrument for the study. Validity and reliability are important factors to consider when developing and testing an instrument for use in a study.

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Validity and reliability contribute to the quality of your measurements and the data collected for use in your study. The reliability and validity of a research instrument are important because they help to reduce errors in the measurement process and thus influence the credibility of a study. In a study, researchers seek the validity and reliability of their instruments because they need to justify statements and conclusions about casual inferences and the various relationships between different variables (Beery, 2013). The evidence in a qualitative study is deemed logical and acceptable by assessing the validity and reliability of the tool used in the study. The validity and reliability of the instrument were used to aid in providing reliable evidence on how all of the study’s factors were addressed. The theoretical constructs are the most important outcomes in most research. Hence, the validity and reliability of the instrument are important in measuring these constructs, which is a significant component of research quality.

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Beery, T. H. (2013). Establishing reliability and construct validity for an instrument to be used in research. Environmental Education Research, 19(1), 81-93. doi:10.1080/13504622.2012.687045


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Assignment 3: Reliability and Validity in Research Instruments


Quality measurement in research is essential. Measurement involves assigning numbers to concepts, objects, events, or situations following a set of rules derived by the researcher through instrumentation or the use of tools for measurement.

Validity and reliability of an Instrument in Research

Validity and Reliability of an Instrument in Research

These measurements should be accurate and consistent. Chapter 16 in Gray & Groves (2021) explains how validity and reliability can be achieved.