Understanding Jesus’s Identity and Purpose- Analysis Based on Mark 8:29
What was Jesus’s point in the teaching?
Your answer in 75-100 words:
In Matthew 5:21-24, Jesus alludes to the offense of murder, which is deserving of death as indicated in Exodus. Nonetheless, Jesus goes ahead to clarify that actions are not by any means the only culpable offenses, “But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment.” Jesus’s point in teaching this was that we ought to learn to forgive those who wrong us, and we should also offer reparations to those we have wronged. This way, we will have no evil sentiments towards each other (Keener 2011). Assuming every one of the ill feelings is addressed, then they can never materialize into harmful actions. Jesus also teaches in verses 23 to 24 that we can never be direct with God if we have a conflict with someone. |
How might someone from an atheist or pantheistic worldview see the concepts of this passage differently?
Your answer in 75-100 words:
A person who doesn’t believe in God may contend that there is no Godly judgment for any harmful actions people take against each other. In their view, there is no life after death, subsequently no hell or heaven (Crocker 2015). With that in mind, whatever harmful actions or thoughts people carry out here on earth, they can only be punished by our legal systems, but if they aren’t, the criminals get away with it. |
What does this teaching reveal about Jesus?
Your answer in 75-100 words:
This particular teaching reveals that Jesus had a profound comprehension of the Bible and how to decipher it. He additionally did not just refer to it and preach like other scholars. He expounded on what it means to be Holy, just like God. Jesus was here to help Christians find their way back to God from His teachings on staying directly with God up to His death. Everything was tied in with saving humankind ever since his from Grace in Genesis. |
Select one of the following passages in which Jesus makes statements about his nature and purpose: Matthew 9:1-8; Matthew 9:9-13; Luke 7:18-23; John 5:16-18; John 10:25-38; John 14:5-11. Answer the following with in-text citations from a commentary in the topic study materials. The article used should be included on a reference page at the end of this document.
What is Jesus saying about his nature and the purpose of his ministry? What is the significance of this claim?
Your answer in 250-300 words:
In Matthew 9: 1-8, upon returning to Nazareth, a paralyzed man is brought to Jesus by his friends, and Jesus, upon seeing them, calls them to come to Him. “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven,” Jesus said before healing the sick man (Keener 2011). However, the nearby teachers of the law thought Him to be committing blasphemy by saying that. In response to their thinking, Jesus said, “Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts, Which is easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven’ or ‘Get up and walk’ But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins” (Keener 2011). Here, Jesus was saying that His purpose was to heal spiritually more than physically. Jesus’ main goal was to reconnect humanity with God and give us salvation. We need forgiveness more than we need other physical kinds of healing. He came to reconcile man and God (Stevenson et al. 1981). His actions were not impious as He had been given authority by His father, God. The significance of this claim is that Jesus acknowledged that everyone, no matter what they look like, will get to heaven as long as they are pure in spirit. Jesus also showed that as long one has faith in God and comes to Him with humility, his heart desires will be conceded. He additionally implied that the kingdom of God is for everyone (Hull, 2004). Also, saying that God sent him confirmed that He was the promised Messiah. |
How would you personally answer Jesus’s question, “But who do you say that I am?” (Mark 8:29). Describe your own beliefs about Jesus.
Your answer in 250-300 words:
My answer to the question, “But who do you say I am?” would be, “You are the son of God who came to save us.” My conviction about Jesus is that there was no way to get to heaven after one sinned after the fall of humanity from Grace in Genesis. There was no absolution; man was doomed to burn in hell for his transgressions, but then God sacrificed His son and sent Him to earth to die so that we could have eternal life. I accept that everyone will pay for the sins they have committed, even after asking for forgiveness. However, after we have been born for them and atoned, we will go to heaven. My conviction is that without Jesus, one would pay for their sins for eternity. Jesus came to give us salvation by teaching us how to live with selfless love, how to fix our mistakes, and repent and ask for forgiveness. I believe that Jesus is the closest person to God, followed by the Holy Spirit. Jesus died on the cross; after three days, He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven, where He is seated on God’s right side, where He watches us from. I have confidence in His promise that He is preparing a place for us in heaven. Jesus was the promised Messiah that prophets foresaw. I also believe in the Second Coming of Jesus; He will return from heaven to come for His church and then establish God’s kingdom on earth. |
Keener, C. S. (2011). IVP New Testament Commentary Series: Matthew. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic. Retrieved from https://www.biblegateway.com/resources/ivp-nt/toc/
Crocker, G. (2015). On atheist spirituality. Journal for the Study of Spirituality, 5(2), 178-184.
Stevenson, K. E., & Habermas, G.R. (1981). Verdict on the Shroud: Evidence for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Servant Books.
Hull, Bill. Jesus Christ, Disciplemaker. Baker Books, 2004.
We’ll write everything from scratch
In Mark 8:29, Jesus discussed with his disciples what people were saying about him. Jesus asked his disciples directly, “But who do you say that I am?” In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of who Christians claim Jesus is and to share your own beliefs about who Jesus is.
Understanding Jesus’s Identity and Purpose- Analysis Based on Mark 8-29
Based on Mark 8:29, you will summarize and analyze the claims made about Jesus’s identity and purpose.
Follow the directions in the “Who Do You Say Jesus Is” document.
In addition to the Bible, use a commentary from the topic study materials.