Types of Outsourcing and IT Security Requirements
Organizations have turned to IT outsourcing due to complex IT processes and products that are consumed by an organization’s customers. Competition between organizations to deliver customers’ needs has further fueled IT outsourcing (Varajãoa et al., 2017). Some of the IT services that can be outsourced include management of an organization’s network, data center, and software development, as well as software support (Varajãoa et al., 2017). Get in touch with us at eminencepapers.com. We offer assignment help with high professionalism.
Network management includes the setting up of an organization’s network and its maintenance. The outsourced IT company would be required to ensure that an organization’s network is set up according to specified requirements (Varajãoa et al., 2017). Such requirements would include security and speed. The advantages of outsourcing network management are cost reductions and access to up-to-date network technologies. The disadvantage of outsourcing network management would be the organization not being in full control of its network and being exposed to security risks. Data center management outsourcing involves having an organization’s server infrastructure maintained by a third party (Varajãoa et al., 2017). This could include cloud hosting, where the server infrastructure is held in a virtual environment. The advantages of data center outsourcing include cost reduction, increased scalability, and remote access. A virtual data center would enable employees of an organization to remotely access data from various points. This could include employees working on field sites or those working from home. Virtual environments are highly scalable within short notice because it is an on-demand service. The disadvantage of data center outsourcing is that a third party’s cloud environment might be compromised by hackers and unavailable for some time. This would stall the business activities of client organizations. Software development and maintenance is another IT package that could be outsourced (Varajãoa et al., 2017). This involves hiring an IT company to develop an organization’s software and maintain it. The advantage of outsourcing system development is that the staff are skilled and would develop a robust system faster. The outsourced system developers would also be well coordinated because they are used to working on such projects. This means that the chances of having a perfect finished product are high. Maintaining the software would be easy because they developed it. The disadvantage of outsourcing software development is that it would not be easy for in-house developers to add a module or refine features because the source code would be locked. Before outsourcing IT services, an organization should evaluate the pros and cons to identify if it would be a viable idea.
In-house sourcing is where an organization employs skilled persons to execute tasks that they are skilled at. In such roles, the organization’s management is in full control of running projects to completion (Varajãoa et al., 2017). This might not be possible with outsourced projects because the experts would be working from a different location, and supervision could only be made through calls and emails. When in-house experts handle IT projects or services, data confidentiality could be observed in accordance with an organization’s policy as opposed to when outsourced experts are in charge of IT services. Outsourcing some IT services enables organizations to reduce costs (Varajãoa et al., 2017). For example, with cloud services, an organization would require less investment in physical servers and licenses for operating systems. The cloud environment is virtual, hence sharing of resources is made possible without investing in extra physical infrastructure. Both in-house and outsourced IT services are important and suitable for different situations. Sometimes, the two could be used simultaneously, based on the nature of the products and services required.
Varajão, J., Cruz-Cunha, M., & da Glória Fraga, M. (2017). IT/IS Outsourcing in Large Companies – Motivations and Risks. Procedia Computer Science, 121, 1047-1061. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2017.11.135
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Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions with your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

Types of Outsourcing and IT Security Requirements
Some information technology (IT) security requirements are almost considered commodities. Their support is handled in standard ways. Virus updating and e-mail support are examples, and the support for these services is often a candidate for outsourced work. In addition to justifying outsourced work, the type of outsourcing (e.g., on-site or off-shore) must be studied.
Identify 3 types of outsourcing that are often used within IT.
For each, provide an example of IT work with rationalization of trade-offs by listing pros and cons.
Please use the following format for your answers:
State a general summary of the proposed use of IT outsourcing for the project.
Compare and contrast role differences in the IT organization between an in-house strategy and an outsourced strategy for IT services.
Some roles, such as development and support service needs, may become unnecessary, but new roles may arise with the need to plan, manage, and monitor outsourced work.
Identify role changes with regard to the impacts of outsourcing.
Predict the business impact from each change.