Twelfth Night
Olivia seems to either be keen or not ready to marry Orsino for a genuine reason that he cannot comprehend. The rejection causes Orsino to attempt other ways of courtship, such as using his servants to convince Olivia that he is the ideal partner. However, the princess is not moved. It seems that the mourning of her brother consumes her entirely. Nevertheless, she instantly falls for Cesario, also known as Viola, for his passionate imagination of courtship.
I think Olivia seems to be seeking an emotional spark, a sense of intimacy, and love from her ideal man. It may appear that she lacks these aspects from Orsino as he uses his status and masculinity power to win her heart. More so, Olivia is moved by simple gestures illustrated in Cesario’s speech as opposed to the word-of-mouth testimonies about Orsino. This perspective demonstrates that Olivia values being valued by her man loves attention, and the fantasy of love. Moreover, questioning Cesario about his social status indicates Olivia’s strong interests and reflects the period’s culture. Similar to today, people in Shakespeare’s age also valued the social status of their partners when in courtship. Women desire both emotional and financial security for themselves and their children. Thus, questioning Cesario was right and understanding the securities he comes with if they were to court.
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Twelfth Night Response
After you read acts 1 through 3 of Twelfth Night and view Module 8’s online lecture, please post by replying to any post.
Twelfth Night
Classmates post:
Cesario also known as Viola has captured The heart of Olivia because of her words. Olivia had cut herself off from the world as she was mourning the loss of her brother. She wasn’t ready for a relationship and so she constantly told Orsino she can’t love him. When Cesario goes to Olivia to relay the message from Orsino about his love for her, she again turns him down but asks Cesario how he would court her. Her speech was so moving that Olivia began falling for Cesario but then she asked about his social status. So for a woman in power she must be courted to another person of power. Seeing as how she asked about his social studies after Cesario’s speech shows how that was the determining factor in whether or not she could love him. Orsino has developed a friendship with Cesario, who in the beginning became attracted to because of his looks. Orsino also loves Olivia for the same reason and not because of her true self.
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