Tools and Models of Leadership
Survey Results
Introvert (31%) Sensing (6%) Feeling (38%) Perceiving (37%)
You have a moderate preference for Introversion over Extraversion (31%)
You have a slight preference for Sensing over Intuition (6%)
You have a moderate preference for Feeling over Thinking (38%)
You have a moderate preference for Perceiving over Judging (37%)
Based on the survey results above, I prefer introversion over extraversion. Despite what many people think, an introverted leader can be an asset in the workplace. Such leaders tend to listen more and pay attention to the needs of customers and clients (Kahnweiler & Conant, 2018). Also, introverted leaders think deeply about a company’s objectives and are hence, more likely to come up with solutions. Besides, introverted leaders are willing to let others shine. On the flip side, I tend to respond to feelings over logic. Such a behavioral pattern is not good, especially for leaders. In the future, I will need to think deeply about issues before responding.
Areas of Challenges in Organizational Leadership
One of the areas of organizational challenges is stakeholder management. A leader should influence employees and win their support to steer the company forward. Another area that needs attention is employee development. To that end, a leader requires the resources to make such training possible.
Personal Practices of Transformation Leadership
One of the practices that characterize transformational leaders is taking personal accountability. Transformational leaders must not blame the organizational culture or senior leadership for organizational challenges. Instead, they own up to these challenges and look for innovative solutions (Inam, 2016). Another attribute associated with transformational leaders is the ability to stay true to one’s values. That means that their actions at the workplace should be guided by these personal principles. Also, transformational leaders are agile in their behaviour (Inam, 2016). They are willing to let go of behaviours that do not contribute to the organization’s well-being. Breaking away from habits may make the much-desired difference in leadership.
Leadership Theory
Transformational leadership is one of the most effective leadership theories. A transformative leader seeks to inspire positive change among followers (Korejan & Shahbazi, 2016). As a leader, I will use this theory to inspire change among followers. I will study the strengths of every team member and figure out how I can capitalize on these strengths to bolster their productivity.
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Inam, H. (2016). Five Practices of Transformational Leaders. Forbes.
Kahnweiler, J. B., & Conant, D. R. (2018). The Introverted Leader: Building On Your Quiet Strength. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
Korejan, M. M., & Shahbazi, H. (2016). An analysis of the transformational leadership theory. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 8(3), 452. AJOL.
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Effective leadership skills are critical for the success of HR professionals supporting organizational effectiveness efforts. You should have some awareness of your own leadership style and the implications of such a style for current and future leadership roles. Dealing with the challenges in today’s organization and being aware of critical leadership theory that you can apply to future roles is critical to success in leading organizational efforts.
In this week’s Discussion, you will reflect on your own leadership style by taking the Humanmetrics survey and then reviewing the Psychology Junkie translation on leadership styles in the Learning Resources. Then, you will analyze tools and models of leadership.
**Give a brief reflection on the implications of your leadership style, including actions you can take to address any of the possible struggles of your leadership style.
**Provide a description of a few areas you should review when assessing the challenges of organizational leadership
*Identify at least three personal practices that are attributed to the mindset needed to lead effectively with inner agility in transformational times.
*Select one leadership theory and explain how it might apply to you in a current or future leadership role.