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The Use of Social Media Demographics for Effective Marketing

The Use of Social Media Demographics for Effective Marketing


This is an excellent post. Any social media network user demographic statistics are a critical piece of data for any marketing strategy. In the same way, a person would want to be aware of the audience that uses the product and services; it is equally important to know which customers are on a particular platform to aid in marketing decisions, advertising, and researching. The social space is continuously changing, so it is important to know the updated statistics as one revisits the decisions made and tailor content to how the target audience uses the different social media platforms. Social media demographics help set up marketing personas and better understand the audience. Suppose a business or organization seeks to expand its audience, such as by reaching Generation Z. In that case, it can use current demographic data to figure out the network to focus on.

According to Leonard (2018), Twitter has a number of advantages, including narrowing the audience by using common interests and keywords. Twitter also allows one to choose where the ads should appear, such as search results, profiles, or timelines. However, there are some disadvantages to using Twitter ads, the first being that reporting is not as vigorous as on Google and Facebook. Also, because Twitter is a continuous stream of information, an advert can go unnoticed by a person who would be interested simply because the advert got lost in the clutter.

Concerning the ANA choice of Twitter as a mode of communication, the demographics in the figure above show that those that need the vaccine the most, that is, the 65-year-olds and above, form the smallest percentage of persons that use or frequent Twitter. The statistics are worse when it comes to those living in rural areas. Hence, an elderly female of 65 years of age living in a rural area has the least likelihood of seeing the ANA advert on Twitter.


Chen, J. (2020). Social media demographics to inform your brand’s strategy in 2020. htftps://

Leonard, K. (2018).The Pros and Cons of Twitter Advertising.


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Discussion Response on Nursing Organizations


In my eyes, one of the most well-known nursing organizations is the ANA or the American Nurses Association. I learned about it early on in school and have continued to hear about it throughout my professional and academic career as a nurse.

Discussion Response on Nursing Organizations

Discussion Response on Nursing Organizations

Recently, the ANA has been focused on the importance of vaccinations in the wake of Covid-19. They currently have several campaigns using social media to spread information about the vaccines as well as promote the importance of them and the importance of adhering to current CDC guidelines for vaccines.
ANA is big on Twitter which I actually didn’t know until doing research for this discussion. I don’t do much social media but apparently, they do. They currently have several video ads on Twitter regarding the vaccines and the importance of adhering to CDC guidelines. These can be viewed here
Research has confirmed that social media can be used to manipulate behaviors and outcomes of individuals. There is even research regarding social media and its ability to predict polls, vaccine coverage and public health (Dunn et al., 2018). I do believe social media greatly influences people’s decisions and while it is too early to tell its effect on the Covid-19 vaccination rate, I will be curious to see what comes out in the years to follow.

Dunn, A.G., Mandl, K.D. & Coiera, E. Social media interventions for precision
public health: promises and risks. npj Digital Med 1, 47 (2018).