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The Significance of the Rowley vs. Board of Education Case

The Significance of the Rowley vs. Board of Education Case

According to Yell et al. (2007), the landmark United States case decision on the Rowley versus Board of Education provided the most significant legal interpretation about people living with disabilities. The decision clarified previously unclear legal issues, such as the meaning of free and appropriate education (FAPE). There was a need for clarification since the federal government provides finances to facilitate state and local government agencies to offer education opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Ultimately, the Supreme Court ruled that state authorities had the power to define what amounts to FAPE and make policies designed to achieve these minimum standards under the doctrine. Our assignment writing services will allow you to attend to more important tasks as our experts handle your task.

Students should be provided with the facilities they require to attain a level playing field in education. One way to achieve this is through continuous assessment, accountability, and monitoring to ensure that students with disabilities improve their educational outcomes through an individualized education program (Yell et al., 2007). An individualized education program (IEP) should incorporate measurable goals against which these students will be assessed. If outcomes do not improve, then teachers should make instructional changes to help them improve. IEPs go a long way to enhance performance among students with disabilities.

While I was in K-12, some accommodations were extended to other classmates with diverse disabilities. For instance, those who experienced hearing impairments would sit near the front of the class. Also, students with vision impairment received computers with larger screens to facilitate their capture of instructions. Other accommodations included notetakers and extra time during tests. These accommodations are necessary to create a level playing field for students with disabilities. Such students experience barriers in their learning process, which may deny them the opportunity to exploit their full potential. These accommodations should not be limited as long they are based on an informed assessment process by qualified instructors.


Yell, M. L., Katiyannis, A., & Hazelkorn, M. (2007). Reflections on the 25th anniversary of the US Supreme Court’s decision in Board of Education v. Rowley. Focus on Exceptional Children39(9).


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I think the Rowley case is a great example of what society today refers to as “equity.” (You’ve probably noticed that DEI or “diversity, equity, and inclusion” are so-called “buzz words” in education and employment, among other places). In Rowley, because of the disparity between the child’s achievement and her potential, the court held that she was not receiving a “free appropriate public education,” which the court defined as “an opportunity to achieve [her] full potential commensurate with the opportunity provided to other children.”

The Significance of the Rowley vs. Board of Education Case

The Significance of the Rowley vs. Board of Education Case

What do you think about the Court’s decision? Do you think students should be given what they need in order to be on a level playing field with others? Can you think of examples from when you were in K-12? Were there students who were given certain accommodations in order to succeed in their classes? Should there be limitations to accommodations?