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The Role of Standardized Procedures in Nurse Practitioner Practice – A Comparison of California and Other States

The Role of Standardized Procedures in Nurse Practitioner Practice – A Comparison of California and Other States

Standardized procedures are written policies and practices developed by nursing, medicine, and administration for nurse practitioners to perform specific medical functions in collaboration with physicians in an organized healthcare system (Kandrack et al., 2019). They form a basis to guide the nurse’s competency when performing procedures that are safe for the patient. Non-compliance to these standardized procedures is liable for disciplinary action by the board of nursing due to gross negligence (Kandrack et al., 2019).

Functions of Standardized Procedures

In California, standardized procedures have several functions in the health care system. First, they reduce errors in carrying out procedures, which leads to patient safety and enhances patient satisfaction. Second, they guide nurse-physician collaboration in hospitals by clearly outlining the roles and responsibilities of each profession. Third, they define a clear scope of practice for nurse practitioners, hence evading confusion by junior nurse practitioners. Lastly, these procedures ensure consistency by standardizing the procedures across the state (Kandrack et al., 2019).

Utilization by Nurse Practitioners

In California, the standardized procedures for nurse practitioners are developed by the nurses and the physicians in collaboration with other health organizations and regulatory bodies. Approval is done by the health care administration, and a review is done by the legal department to ensure that it is in line with state laws (Poghosyan et al., 2022). Training of the nurses is done inclusively for them to understand the protocols.

On the contrary, Washington has a wide scope of practice where physicians are not needed to supervise the nurse practitioners as they carry out their duties. In this, they are autonomous in managing the patient conditions without consulting the physicians and other interdisciplinary team members (Hulick et al., 2022). It is important to comprehend that, similar to state laws, standardized procedures vary from one state to another in regard to the requirements of patient care strategies.


Kandrack, R., Barnes, H., & Martsolf, G. R. (2019). Nurse practitioner scope of practice regulations and nurse practitioner supply. Medical Care Research and Review, 78(3), 107755871988842.

Poghosyan, L., Stein, J. H., Liu, J., Spetz, J., Osakwe, Z. T., & Martsolf, G. (2022). State‐level scope of practice regulations for nurse practitioners impact work environments: Six state investigation. Research in Nursing & Health, 45(5).

Hulick, J., Jensen, L., Mihaiuc, A., Shin, R. H., Pope, S., & Gimbel, S. (2022). Current practices and nurse readiness to implement standardized screening for commercially and sexually exploited individuals in emergency departments in Western Washington hospitals. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, 44(4), 322.


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Discussion Prompt
Explain what Standardized Procedures are, what their function is, and how they are utilized by Nurse Practitioners in California.

The Role of Standardized Procedures in Nurse Practitioner Practice - A Comparison of California and Other States

The Role of Standardized Procedures in Nurse Practitioner Practice – A Comparison of California and Other States

Discuss how this practice is different if you live in a state other than California.