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The Internal And External Criticism That Is Used To Evaluate Middle-Range Theories

The Internal And External Criticism That Is Used To Evaluate Middle-Range Theories

Evaluating middle-range theories is an essential part of moving the nursing field forward. Middle-range theories are a type of nursing theory that focuses on connecting practice and research in nursing. They are more specific, easy to implement, and have a narrow dimension compared to other nursing categories, such as grand theories (Smith,2019). The evaluation of middle-range theories employs both internal and external criticism.

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Internal criticism is defined as the internal set of distinct elements of a theory united in evaluating middle-range theories. External criticism, on the other hand, considers a concept’s connection to well-being, nursing, and individuals. Regardless of their differences, internal and external criticism must be considered. There are criteria for evaluating various approaches in both internal and external criticism. The criteria for internal criticism include assessment, logical development, adequacy, consistency, and clarity, whereas the criteria for external criticism include difficulty, value, scope, and reality of the approach (Peterson,2019). As a result, issues addressed include whether the approach has a logical flow due to several assumptions and whether these assumptions reflect the real world of nursing.

The evaluation of middle-range theories begins with examining both internal and external criticism. The first step in internal criticism is determining the clarity of the theory, that is, whether the theory clearly expresses all of the main elements of the approach. It is also assessed before putting the theory into practice to ensure it is well understood. Another criterion for providing a good explanation of key concepts is consistency. Additionally, adequacy is evaluated to ensure that no gaps are discovered.

Finally, logical development ensures the previous arguments are identified and resolved (Drevenhorn,2018). On the other hand, examining external criticism determines how difficult the approach is for the reader to understand quickly before implementation. In addition, the value is determined to determine how functional the theory is to the reader in the nursing field of study. The scope is another criterion established to ensure that the limited dimension in nursing reality is focused on using a group of ideas. Finally, because many theorists make assumptions, the reality is determined to determine whether these assumptions reflect the real world of nursing (Risjord, 2019).

Finally, the essence of the middle range theory is determined after evaluation by how it handles both internal and external criticisms. Taking the approach into account, only the theory that meets both internal and external criteria can be implemented and contribute positively to the field of nursing study. As a result, well-evaluated middle-range theories provide comfort care to patients in nursing courses.

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Drevenhorn, E. (2018). A proposed middle-range theory of nursing in hypertension care. International Journal of Hypertension, 2018.

Peterson, S., & Bredow, T. S. (2019). Middle range theories: Application to nursing research and practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Risjord, M. (2019). Middle‐range theories as models: new criteria for analysis and evaluation. We’llng Philosophy, 20(1), e12225.

Smith, M. C. (2019). Nursing theories and “nursing practice. FA Davis.


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Title of Discussion of Week 2: “Making judgment as to whether a theory could be “adapted for use in research is very important. Describe the internal and external criticism that is used to evaluate middle-range theories. ”

The Internal And External Criticism That Is Used To Evaluate Middle-Range Theories

The Internal And External Criticism That Is Used To Evaluate Middle-Range Theories

Evaluating middle-range theories is essential to advancing the nursing field of study. It helps ensure that the approaches are used in research tasks, leading to accurate and valuable data gathering and interpretation. This is done by examining the theory’s internal consistency, coherence, and empirical theory, as well as its external validity and comparability to other theories’ atheoretical data. Further, it is essential to evaluate the theory’s parsimony.

            Internal criticism is essential to evaluating a theory’s logical consistency, coherence, and empirical accuracy. Thitheory’sf criticism involves examining the internal structure of a theory to determine its logic, consistency, and coherence. Examining the theory’s assumptions, ideas, and hypotheses is part of this process. Examining the conceptual definitions and connections between ideas, in theory, is an integral part of internal critique. This ensures that any inconsistencies or grey areas inside the idea are identified and addressed (Khoshnood, Rayyani & Tirgari, 2020). For instance, a logical contradiction may exist if a theory defines a notion in one manner and then utilizes it differently. It can also be challenging to grasp a theory and apply its theoretical evidence if its notions are not well-defined or are too ambiguous.

            External criticism is essential to evaluating a theory’s external validity or applicability to other set theory populations. This critique examines how well a theory generalizes by contrasting it with other ideas and evidence. Evaluating a theory’s external validity involves testing its theories, ideas, and hypotheses in texts and with other populations—an essential aspect of external critictheory’she the evaluation of a theory’s assumptions (Smith, 2019). A theory’s assumptions are the basic ideas or beliefs it rests upon. For instance, a theory’s external validity can be compromised if it presupposes that all members of a given population act in the same manner. Any further challenge in evaluating the generalizability of a theory arises if its underlying assumptions are either poorly defined or too nebulous.


Nursing theory constantly develops, so the “valuation of intermed”ideas is essential. One approach to nursing theory that seeks to bridge the gap between research and practice is “middle-range nursing.” Compared to other types of theories, such as the grand nursing theories, middle-range theories are simple to implement because they are more detailed, have a more precise focus, and have a narrower scope. Both external and iPender’scritique examine the efficacy of Barnum’s ideas.

Reference :

Khoshnood, Z., Rayyani, M., & Tirgari, B. (2020). Theory analysis for Pender’s health promotion model (HPM) by Barnum’s criteria: a critical perspective. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health32(4).

Smith, M. C. (2019). Nursing theories and nursing practice. FA Davis.