The Impact of Smartphone Connectivity on iGens Self-Concept- Insights from Dr. Jean Twenges Research
Twenge’s research shows that the smartphone generation is marked by an increase in suicide attempts, unhappiness, loneliness, and mental health problems like major depressive disorders. Many smartphone users claim to lack meaning in their lives and often feel left out, causing them to feel lonely (Twenge). Physical interactions are minimal. Children between the ages of 12 and 14 are said to record increasing numbers of suicide. Furthermore, most smartphone users look unhappy, sleepless, hopeless, and have attempted suicide. Twenge advises that individuals need to use their phones for great things and live out their lives. She recommends taking a walk, swimming, visiting a friend, and being present by taking note of their facial expressions and emotions and hugging them.
I have personally felt the impact of smartphone overuse and addiction, particularly related to the use of social media platforms. There was a time that I focused too much on social media communication with friends to the extent that whenever I met with them, it would feel awkward as we would not know how to strike a conversation. In almost every place I go, I often see young people, especially teens, on their phones; thus, one-on-one interaction has lessened. I believe, as Twenge claims, that such are the things that make us feel lonelier, predisposing us to mental health problems like depression.
Overuse of social media is likely to shape our sense of self. The sense of self can be determined by one’s job or being a parent, whereas others’ sense of self is based on their self-esteem, how they view themselves, and how others view them. Given the amount of time individuals spend on social media, their sense of worth has gone down to how others perceive them (Allen). Individuals tend to make comparisons with peers on social media, which affects their self-perception. Social media is now used to validate or disprove one’s sense of self. For instance, if one receives multiple likes from a photo they post, they feel validated and attractive, but with fewer likes, their sense of self is diminished as they feel unattractive. This causes social media to be the tool that defines who somebody I
Works Cited
Allen, Summer. Social media’s growing impact on our lives. American Psychological Association. (2019).
We’ll write everything from scratch
Twenge, Jean. iGen: The Smartphone Generation. TEDx. (2018).
Watch this supplementary video of psychologist Dr. Jean Twenge’s TED talk on “iGen: The Smartphone Generation.” Dr. Twenge is the author of Generation Me, which is mentioned in the textbook.
The Impact of Smartphone Connectivity on iGens Self-Concept- Insights from Dr. Jean Twenges Research
What does Twenge’s research show about the smartphone generation? Do these research findings resonate with your own experiences and observations?
How might we apply the social psychological understanding of the self to this situation? In other words, how might growing up constantly connected through one’s phone and social media shape one’s sense of self?