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The Impact of Racism on Child Development and Behavior

The Impact of Racism on Child Development and Behavior

Racism significantly influences a child’s growth and development, resulting in negative implications on their social interaction and behavior. Racism is a form of prejudice or discrimination against members of a specific race. Racism fosters inequitable opportunities and access to resources among people from different races. Unequal distribution of essential resources to a certain group may hamper children’s development and the quality of their living standards.

Internalized racism is one of the most outstanding concepts that have a significant impact on my life. According to University of California Television (UCTV) (2021), internalized racists believe that White people are superior while non-White people are inferior. The categorization of Americans as superior or inferior based on their races began the history of slavery of the Black people. The non-White population has fewer privileges to access essential resources and services, including the quality of education and healthcare, affecting their living negatively. Racism has a major effect on a child’s growth and development. Children who witness their parents being treated with disrespect develop harmful stereotypes that negatively affect their self-esteem. Such children withdraw from social engagements and activities due to distress from experiencing discrimination and lack of identity.

Minority groups, comprising the non-White population, reside in impoverished settings with poor sanity and lack of food and water to drink. Most of their children attend public schools with low quality of education compared to White children, who are more privileged and have better access to quality education in private schools. The living setting of the minor races exposes them to health conditions that negatively impact their health throughout their life. Children from races experiencing discrimination, such as the Black, are more vulnerable to misconduct and offensive activities, which impairs their behavior. Racist systems, attitudes, and actions directly or indirectly affect children’s development.


University of California Television (UCTV). (2021, May 15). The impact of racism on child development and behavior [Video]. YouTube.


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The Impact of Racism

The Impact of Racism

Professor instruction: View the The Impact of Racism on Child Development and Behavior video. Choose a concept from the video, and IN YOUR OWN WORDS, discuss a section of the video that connects with your life experience.

Video name: The Impact of Racism on Child Development and Behavior

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