The Impact of Leadership Gaps on Organizations and Their Stakeholders
The primary objective of organizations is improving performance to survive and thrive. In today’s competitive marketplaces, firms must continuously improve their performance. Research indicates that effective leadership plays a crucial role in improving organizational performance. Effective organizational leadership is essential for the growth and development of any organization. Effective CEO leadership supports organizational members and teams in overcoming problems and achieving worthwhile goals.
Without proper leadership, followers lack the charm to improve individual performance. Charismatic leadership theory explains how leaders inspire followers to prioritize organizational goals over personal interests (Karamat, 2013). Charisma, a rare and complex phenomenon that might be short-lived, is typically observed in organizations facing crisis or survival. Transformational theory emphasizes the importance of charisma in leadership. Leaders employ charm to empower followers, leading to better performance levels. Therefore, if a leader is completely absent and fails to directly attend to employees’ needs, the status quo will continue.
Also, the lack of leadership implies that followers will lack the resources to do their jobs right. Transactional leadership optimizes organizational performance by tying job success to incentives and providing the resources required. To succeed in today’s work environment, leaders must go beyond transactional styles of positive reinforcement and oversight and adopt deeper, more intellectually enjoyable, uplifting, and charismatic approaches. Transformational leaders establish a strategic vision, convey it effectively, model it via consistent actions, and foster devotion to the goal (Karamat, 2013). The leader of Spring Valley Detention is consistently absent from work and does not provide his juniors the incentives they require to excel at their jobs.
Subsequently, the constituents of the detention center include inmates serving a range of sentences. The lack of proper leadership at the detention may potentially lead to the occurrence of situations that negatively affect the inmates’ welfare. Some of the threats facing inmates due to lack of leadership include insecurity, individual safety concerns, and potential abuse by guards. The inmates may also lack basic needs such as healthcare and food supplies due to a lack of coordination at the top. Correctional officers are also notable stakeholders at Spring Valley Detention Center, and they are responsible for overseeing the inmates and ensuring overall safety at the prison facility. Without proper leadership, correctional guards risk burnout, confusion, and low morale. Also, healthcare providers are core constituents of the prison facility, as they ensure inmates are in good shape to continue serving their sentences. Without effective leadership, healthcare providers lack the vision they can align with as they perform their duties.
According to Lieberman (2013), focusing on results instead of people in an organizational setting may negatively impact morale. When followers realize that leaders are more focused on results, they may develop feelings of not being valued by the organization, a catalyst for low morale. Also, focusing on results without taking into account followers’ input may hinder innovation and creativity. Since creativity is an outcome of engaged employees, organizations that do not consider employees’ welfare make their staff feel unappreciated and are less likely to exploit their potential.
Overall, a lack of leadership from an organization’s CEO negatively affects performance. That is because such an organization misses the benefits of a transformational and transactional leader. Whereas transformational leadership provides the charm necessary to push employees to exploit their potential, transactional leadership avails resources necessary to improve performance.
Karamat, A. (2013). Impact of Leadership on Organizational Performance A Case Study of D&R Cambric Communication.
Lieberman, M. (2013, December 27). Should Leaders Focus on Results or People? Harvard Business Review.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Write a 525-word paper assessing the situation at the detention center. Include a discussion of the following questions:
How does the lack of leadership from the chief executive affect an organization? Can other sources provide leadership?

The Impact of Leadership Gaps on Organizations and Their Stakeholders
Who are the constituents of the detention center? How are they affected by the situation?
What is the result when supervisors focus on processes instead of people?