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The Impact of Inclusive Interactive Learning Environment on Students Academic and Social Growth

The Impact of Inclusive Interactive Learning Environment on Students Academic and Social Growth

Inclusion in the learning environment significantly impacts students’ academic excellence and social growth through interaction with people from diverse backgrounds. An inclusive learning environment also enables students to respect their identity differences, learning preferences, and abilities, promoting academic success for all students. Inclusivity also fosters a collaborative learning environment, where instructors incorporate effective teaching practices to accommodate all students in the learning activities and address their academic needs to encourage academic prosperity (Powers & Alvarez, 2019). Additionally,  instructors should promote an inclusive, friendly, and supportive classroom climate to encourage student interaction and engagement with learning materials, which helps them deliver relevant knowledge that steers better performances. Furthermore, learning institutions must integrate inclusive approaches into their educational systems. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals focus on education inclusion, allowing all students with and without special educational needs to learn in one setting by incorporating appropriate curricula, teaching strategies, and learning materials (Molina Roldan et al., 2021). There is a gap for further research on the impact of interactive groups and learning environments for students without special educational needs when sharing the settings with students with special educational needs. However, research shows that all students with or without special educational needs benefit from an inclusive, interactive learning environment, but the specific impact has not been addressed.

Practices, Policies, or Procedures that Relate to the Topic

Education and equity are inseparable disciplines that have contributed to the need for an inclusive and interactive learning environment to foster and address all students’ educational needs (Powers & Alvarez, 2019). Social justice and equity in the learning institution are important societal issues that promote equitable treatment of all students, support a friendly environment and encourage participation and collaboration in learning activities (Ainscow, 2020). Undeniably, equitable resources and learning opportunities for all students promote an effective learning environment where students can exploit and interact with different resources to achieve their academic goals. Also, implicit biases and discrimination in education prompted the development of policies that foster inclusion education to address the barriers to effective teaching and learning practice by making everybody accountable for their actions. Over the past decades, there has been intense segregation between students with and without special educational needs. During school placements, students with special educational needs and other disabilities are sent to elementary schools for people with disabilities. The segregation prompted the investigation of the effectiveness of inclusive, interactive learning environments for students with and without special educational needs.

Importance of the Topic

Inclusion and diversity have become the culture of most learning institutions, focusing on respecting each student’s identity and promoting a sense of belonging among students from different backgrounds. An inclusive, interactive learning environment supports each student’s needs and interests and helps them achieve their academic goals. Consistently, collaboration among students with different identities also promotes diverse cultural understanding, which allows individuals to appreciate their differences and incorporate cultural-related practices, essential aspects that encourage social oneness and collaboration due to understanding each other’s beliefs and practices. Notably, an inclusive learning environment has encouraged learning practice that accommodates students with and without special educational needs in the same learning environment without overlooking the worth and potential of each student. Following this, research shows that students with disabilities and special educational needs perform better when learning in an interactive and integrated setting with students without special educational needs compared to their segregated environment (Molina Roldan et al., 2021).

Steps Taken to Address the Topic

Schools have incorporated various steps to promote inclusion in their education strategies and practices. They have developed inclusive policies integrated into their educational strategy. Following this, schools ensure flexible and responsive systems that address all student’s needs. Moreover, stakeholders have implemented policies in all school and classroom activities, which promote diversity and coordination toward achieving academic success (Brussino, 2021). On the other hand, instructors focus on understanding their students’ needs, integrating supportive strategies to address them, and monitoring their progress to achieve expected outcomes. Additionally, instructors foster a supporting learning environment that helps students respect diverse identities and backgrounds, which enables them to acquire diverse knowledge (Varsik, 2022).

Biblical Worldview

An inclusive, interactive learning environment aligns with the Christian approach of respecting and upholding an individual’s dignity. Christianity encourages learning settings open to all students, with or without special educational needs. All students have the right to education access, giving students with disabilities equal privileges to attend regular learning environments and acquire equal treatment as other students without special needs. “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, to bring praise to God” (Romans 15:7). The Bible depicts the importance of togetherness since it demonstrates Christ’s nature and the example he set for humanity to reciprocate. Also, oneness brings praise to God. Moreover, the biblical worldview outlines the significance of inclusion and preferring each other, which should be incorporated into the learning environment. Through Christian faith, believers acknowledge the benefits of working as a united body, which, when implemented in education, can help students achieve better performance and support social development.


Ainscow, M. (2020). Inclusion and equity in education: Making sense of global challenges. Prospects49, 123-134.

Brussino, O. (2021). Building capacity for inclusive teaching: Policies and practices to prepare all teachers for diversity and inclusion.

Molina Roldán, S., Marauri, J., Aubert, A., & Flecha, R. (2021). How inclusive interactive learning environments benefit students without special needs. Frontiers in Psychology12, 1510.

New International Version (NIV) Romans 15:

Powers, A., & Alvarez, B. (2019, January 22). Why social justice in school matters. Retrieved from

Varsik, S. (2022). A snapshot of equity and inclusion in OECD education systems: Findings from the Strength through Diversity Policy Survey.


We’ll write everything from scratch


All the assignments in the course will lead to the creation of the final project, which will be a research paper that reviews the most recent scholarly literature about the topic. This will be identified in the course as the Course Project: Final Paper Draft Assignment and the Course Project: Final Paper Assignment.

The Impact of Inclusive Interactive Learning Environment on Students Academic and Social Growth

The Impact of Inclusive Interactive Learning Environment on Students Academic and Social Growth

The written assignments completed in Module 2: Week 2, Module 3: Week 3, and Module 4: Week 4 will assist you in gathering the most recent scholarly information published about the topic. You will refer to these assignments as you write the draft version in Module 5: Week 5 and the final paper in Module 7: Week 7.

For this first written assignment, you will explain the topic you will develop, explore, and investigate. The topic should pertain to an issue or problem in the field of education.