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The Impact of Inclusive, Interactive Learning Environment on Student’s Academic and Social Growth

The Impact of Inclusive, Interactive Learning Environment on Student’s Academic and Social Growth


Introduce the topic

  • I will elaborate on what it means to have an inclusive learning environment.
  • I will explain how an inclusive, interactive learning environment influences students’ academic performance and social development.
  • I will incorporate evidence-based information to support the topic.

Importance of the problem

  • I will explain the significance of inclusive learning in education.
  • I will account for how an inclusive learning environment has influenced a specific population.

Definition of Key Terms

  1. Inclusion
  2. Learning environment
  3. Academic excellence
  4. Social development

Related Literature

  1. Professional development
  • I will discuss the significance of educators’ empowerment towards supporting an inclusive environment.
  • I will demonstrate the significance of educators in the success of an inclusive learning environment.
  1. Teaching and learning methods
  • I will explain the impact of multisensory learning intervention in fostering inclusive education.
  • I will discuss the significance of differentiated instructions in the classroom to support diversity and inclusion in education.
  • I will provide information on effective classroom management and its importance in propelling an inclusive learning environment.

Learning Theory Association

  • I will identify a learning theory that aligns with the impact of an inclusive learning environment.
  • I will discuss how the learning theory is associated with an inclusive learning environment to achieve desired academic outcomes and support social growth.

Gaps in the Research

  • After evaluating what scholarly articles depict about the topic, I will identify a research gap that requires to be addressed.
  • I will outline the need for future research on the niche that has not been addressed in the published studies.

Biblical Worldview

  • I will draw connections between the biblical perspective and inclusivity in education.
  • I will identify scriptures that support inclusion and fairness in providing an inclusive learning environment to all students, regardless of their special educational needs.


  • I will restate and reconnect the significance of fostering an inclusive learning environment to embrace and accommodate all students in a general learning environment and its contribution to students’ performance and social development.
  • I will recommend that learning institutions implement, foster, and incorporate beneficial strategies related to inclusive learning and students’ academic and social growth.
  • I will proofread and ensure my paper is grammatically correct to avoid losing points due to avoidable issues.


  • I will acknowledge other authors’ information for any borrowed idea for their material by incorporating in-text citations and providing a reference list of all the materials utilized in the paper based on the expected formatting to prevent plagiarism, which is unethical in professional writing.
  • I will use recently published materials to ensure that resources are relevant and reliable. One of the articles I anticipated to use is:
  • Leifler, E. (2020). Teachers’ capacity to create inclusive learning environments. International Journal for Lesson & Learning Studies9(3), 221-244.
    • This journal article provides information on the significance of empowering educators to increase their skills and capacity to integrate an inclusive learning environment effectively.


We’ll write everything from scratch


For this assignment, you will create a planning outline for your paper. Think of this outline as a starting point to plan the information you will include in your final paper. This will not be the actual outline for your paper; at this point in the course, you do not have enough information to complete a full outline for the final draft you will write during Module 5: Week 5.

The Impact of Inclusive, Interactive Learning Environment on Student's Academic and Social Growth

The Impact of Inclusive, Interactive Learning Environment on Student’s Academic and Social Growth


You are in the planning stage, so you will write down the main sections you will cover in the paper and state your ideas about what you will include in each section. You will use the headings listed below. These will be the Level 1 headings you will use in the final draft/final paper, except for the first one, the Introduction, because an Introduction heading is never used in a research paper. Under each heading, write what you plan to include in that section.

  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
  • Related Literature
  1. Learning Theory Association
  2. Gaps in the Research
  3. Biblical Worldview
  • Conclusion
  • References