The IDEAL Problem-Solving Model
The IDEAL problem-solving model is a framework that can be used to resolve problems effectively (Reigeluth, 2009). The model consists of five steps: Identification of the problem, defining the problem, exploring possible solutions, acting on the best solution, and looking back and evaluating the results. To apply this model to a current problem or issue, one must first identify the problem and define it clearly. This involves gathering information and understanding the root cause of the problem. Once the problem is defined, one can explore possible solutions by brainstorming and evaluating different options. After selecting the best solution, one must act on it by implementing the solution and monitoring the results. Finally, one must evaluate the results and reflect on the process to identify areas for improvement. Our assignment writing services will allow you to attend to more important tasks as our experts handle your task.
Reflecting on a past problem or issue, I learned that applying the IDEAL problem-solving model can lead to an effective resolution. In the past, I encountered a problem at work where a project was behind schedule due to a lack of communication between team members. To resolve the issue, I first identified the problem and defined it clearly. I then explored possible solutions by holding a team meeting to discuss the issue and brainstorm solutions. After evaluating different options, we selected the best solution and acted on it by implementing a new communication plan. Finally, we evaluated the results and reflected on the process to identify areas for improvement.
In conclusion, the IDEAL problem-solving model can be a useful tool for resolving problems effectively. By following the model’s five steps, one can identify the problem, define it clearly, explore possible solutions, act on the best solution, and evaluate the results. Reflecting on past experiences can also help identify areas for improvement and ensure that the model is applied effectively in the future.
Reigeluth, C. M. (2009). Instructional-design theories and models. A new paradigm of instructional theory. Routledge.
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Societal factors discussed in this post: The Internet and the Economic Crisis of 2007 to 2008
For this assignment, I chose two of my neighbors, who are close friends of my family. For someone approximately my age, I chose Talia, my friend, who was adopted by her adoptive parents, James and Michelle, when she was around two years old. James and Michelle were volunteer workers in Africa for a charity organization, and that is how they adopted Talia, an orphan from Zambia. The second subject of my assignment is Talia’s grandfather, Carl Rogers, who is approximately eighty. I am not close to him, but Talia has told me a lot about him; hence, I have an idea of who he is.

Inherited factors that have had profound effects on the lives of the two are race for Talia and the arrhythmia disease for Carl. Notably, arrhythmia is a disease that places individuals suffering from it at risk of sudden cardiac death (Schwartz et al., 2020). Societal factors that influenced the development of these two individuals include the Internet in Talia’s case and the economic crisis of 2007 to 2008 in Carl’s case. Analyzing how the inherited factors affected Talia, being a black woman, especially in America, means that the odds were not in her favor. With racism and gender inequality still persisting, as a black woman, Talia occupies one of the lowest rankings in society (Healey et al., 2018). This affects almost everything she does because she feels she has to work three or more times as hard as everyone else to be seen as good as everyone else. In addition, her physical attributes, like her hair, play a huge role in her life (Feldman, 2012). On the other hand, for Carl, being diagnosed with arrhythmia meant that he had to alter his life drastically at a young age so that he could live. This also affected his lineage because his son was afraid of having children who would also inherit the disease, hence the adoption.
Regarding societal factors, the Internet has had more of a positive impact on Talia’s development. Young people nowadays benefit massively from the Internet, and Talia happens to be one of these people who make money from it. Additionally, the Internet provides much information and personal connections, enabling Talia to learn more about her ethnicity. Further, the economic crisis negatively affected Carl as it did with millions of Americans. Carl had a difficult time, especially after he lost his savings and had to rely on his children for everything. After he recovered by selling some of his property, Carl’s trust in banks had eroded, and he now prefers investing to saving.
Based on the inherited and societal factors I have listed for Talia and Carl, most of them, including the economic crisis, arrhythmia, and race, cannot be changed because they were out of control for them. All these two could do with these factors is figure out how to live with them and acknowledge the profound impact they had on how they would live the rest of their lives.
Feldman, R. S. (2012). Child development. Pearson Higher Ed.
Healey, J. F., Stepnick, A., & Eileen, O. (2018). Race, ethnicity, gender, and class: The sociology of group conflict and change. Sage Publications.
Schwartz, P. J., Ackerman, M. J., Antzelevitch, C., Bezzina, C. R., Borggrefe, M., Cuneo, B. F., & Wilde, A. A. (2020). Inherited cardiac arrhythmias. Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 6(1), 58.
Consider a problem or issue you may be currently encountering in your volunteer experience, in your academic or work experience, or in your personal life, and apply the IDEAL problem-solving model. Discuss how you can work to resolve the problem using the IDEAL model. Additionally, reflect on a problem or issue that you encountered in the past. What did you learn from that experience in trying to resolve the problem or issue and how could you have applied the IDEAL problem-solving model to reach an effective resolution?