The Face of Our Oceans- Presentation Script
Hello. In today’s presentation, I will be presenting my Gestalt Theory Project on The Face of Our Oceans. Welcome.
Gestalt Theory
According to Skottun & Krüger (2021), gestalt theory posits that people use their senses and previous experiences to learn about the world around them. One of the key concepts of gestalt theory is figure and ground. This concept suggests that a figure emerges from the background based on an organism’s primary need. Notably, gestalt theory maintains that if something is missing in a figure, people focus on completing it (Eleanor, 2013). The second concept is personal responsibility. Gestalt theory states that people are responsible when they know what is happening around them. Being aware of what is in a person’s environment is linked to the third concept, balance, and polarities. Gestalt theory states that organisms focus on maintaining a steady state, including their affective, mental, and physical state (Eleanor, 2013). Achieving balance requires present-centeredness, which includes taking responsibility for feelings, thoughts, actions, and the immediate experience. Gestalt theory also suggests that individuals require awareness, which is the impulsive sensing of what a person is doing, planning, and feeling. Another concept of Gestalt theory is unfinished business. Accordingly, gestalt theory maintains that anything that has not been completed persists in a person’s memory and pushes an individual to complete it (Eleanor, 2013).
Principles of Gestalt Theory
The key principles of gestalt theory include continuation, closure, proximity, similarity, symmetry and order, and figure/ground. The continuation principle suggests that a person’s eye focuses on following the smoothest path when looking at lines. Closure is based on the idea that a person’s brain fills in the missing parts of an image or design to complete an image. Next, proximity considers the distance between elements. On the other hand, similarity includes connecting elements in a design that may not be next to one another. Further, the symmetry and order principle suggests that a person’s brain perceives ambiguous shapes in the simplest manner. Lastly, the figure/ground principle suggests that a person’s brain distinguishes between the objects it considers to be an image’s foreground and the background.
Application of Gestalt Theory
The three gestalt laws applied in this project include continuation, closure, and figure/ground. The continuation law will be applied with the assumption that the viewer’s eyes will focus on following the smoothest path when looking at the lines used to draw the face. Next, the closure law will be applied in the assumption that the brain will fill the missing parts of the face. Finally, the figure/ground law will be applied in the assumption that the brain will distinguish the objects in the foreground based on the dark background in the image.
One inspiration for this project is the online images showing the extent of ocean pollution. The main pollutants depicted in the images include garbage, construction and demolition waste, plastics, and electronic waste. The second inspiration is water conservation campaigns and protest images.
Target Audience
The target audience for this project includes environmental activists, water conservation researchers, government authorities such as water conservation policymakers, marine protection agencies, and the general public. The project will focus on creating awareness of the extent of ocean pollution to mobilize the target audience to take action against ocean pollution.
Concept Development
The concept in this project was developed by first conducting research on the issue of ocean pollution and how it is represented visually in blogs and social media posts. The second consideration was getting ideas from digital content such as social media posts and blogs. The next step was sketching the desired images. The concept development process was then finalized by drawing the final product.
The planning process involved selecting the desired image, brainstorming, and decision-making. Image selection included comparing ideas from digital content and selecting three ideas, while brainstorming included consulting friends to determine the best ideas and seeking alternatives. Lastly, decision-making involved selecting one idea based on personal convictions and my friends’ suggestions.
Sketches were created using Photoshop. The sketching process included creating the design and aligning the image to ensure all lines were straight. The design was created by drawing small dots representing the final image and then connecting the dots.
The concept development process began by drawing an image of a human face with a dull background. Based on the law of closure, the brain will fill the missing parts of the face. The law of figure/ground will also apply. Based on this law, the brain will process the space not occupied by the image as the background. Another law that will apply is the law of continuation. Based on this law, the viewer’s eye will focus on following the smoothest path when looking at the lines used to draw the face. The next step was looking for an image of ocean pollution online. The main features considered when selecting the image included waste, water, and a human image.
Final Product
Eleanor, O. (2013). Gestalt therapy around the world. Wiley.
Skottun, G., & Krüger, Å. (2021). Gestalt psychology and field theory. Gestalt Therapy Practice, 7–19.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Gestalt Project Assignment Instructions
For this project, you will create a piece of art designed with the use of gestalt laws of perception as tools for creating emphasis/focal point and unity. Your completed project needs to utilize at least 2 of the Gestalt laws. Start with a message in mind. What would you like your audience to feel or understand because of your effort? What would you like to communicate: a feeling? A concept? A goal?
The Face of Our Oceans- Presentation Script
• Step 1: Research and brainstorm. Decide how you will communicate your message through gestalt to your target audience. Select the medium for your project.
• Step 2: Sketch, plan, and gather materials and inspiration. Take photos and screenshots of your work in progress.
• Step 3: Create and refine the project.
• Step 4: Complete and submit your project via a PowerPoint Presentation prepared according to the guidelines below.
At the conclusion of your project, create a PowerPoint presentation that explains your knowledge of the theory, preparation for the art project, and application of the theory in the creative project, in addition to presenting your work of art in a professional manner.
• Title slide: Gestalt Theory Project, Your Name
• Part 1 (3–6 slides): Theory explanation
o Explanation of Gestalt theory. Include an explanation of the principles of gestalt.
o Explanation of how your work is an application of this theory exhibiting at least 2 laws.
• Part 2 (3–8 slides): Process
o Inspiration, target audience explanation, concept explanation (message)
o Concept development (planning, sketching, and showing the process). This section must contain photographs or screenshots of your work in progress.
• Part 3 (3–6 slides): Final product.
If you are submitting a hand-rendered piece, include 3 photographs of the entire piece from different angles. Take these photos in good light, without shadows. One photograph should be straight, fill up the frame (background cropped out), and be large on the slide to show the details. Zoomed-in photos of details often show details that might be missed. Any uploaded photos should be 300 dpi, taken in good light (or edited properly), and be of good quality.
o If you are submitting a digital piece, include 1 fully rendered image of the piece. Additional images zooming in to parts of the piece are worthy of notation. Uploaded images should be of good quality and 300 dpi.
Notes on Format:
• Each slide does not require every word of the dialogue, but rather brief bullet points to trigger the memory/provide a guidepost for information to follow verbally.
• A more thorough written script must be included in the speaker’s notes section (what you would be saying if you were presenting this verbally).
• The overall presentation must be designed formally and consistently.
• Images must be of professional quality with the best possible lighting.
• Each Presentation must be available in PowerPoint format as well as in PDF format. You may submit in a different format if the instructor can view the speaker’s notes or if they are attached in an additional document with slide-by-slide script.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.