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The Biblical Concept of Quality vs. Traditional Business Concept of Quality 

The Biblical Concept of Quality vs. Traditional Business Concept of Quality 

The traditional business concept of quality differs greatly from the Biblical concept on the same subject. Traditionally, quality in business is viewed as the ability of a product or a company to meet and exceed the current and potential customer’s expectations at a price that they are willing to pay to have the product or service in their possession. Do you need urgent assignment help ? Get in touch with us at

The company thus plays a more significant role in determining the quality standards for a product or service, and hence quality is often designed to meet short-term objectives such as an increase in sales (Sadegh et al., 2012). Besides, the traditional quality management process often focuses on how people can be improved to deliver more.

For instance, when errors are spotted in a traditional quality management system, managers would often look for the person that is responsible and hold them accountable. Traditional quality management also has an element of management by fear, where managers rely on their powers to instruct their subordinates on what to do.

On the contrary, the Biblical concept of quality is quite detailed and touches on the human aspect of decision-making. Quality according to the Bible, quality calls for a state of completeness or absolute wholeness. Good quality thus describes an element that is free from defects, faults, or any shortcomings. For instance, the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 3:13 that “the true character of each individual’s work will become manifest. For the day of Christ will disclose it, because that day is soon to come upon us clothed in fire, and as for the quality of everyone’s work– the fire is the thing which will test it” (New International Version). From the verses, it is clear that, unlike the traditional business concept of quality, the biblical concept emphasizes individual input that is pegged on motivational rewards. Every work will be tested for quality, and the best quality is the one that is rewarded. The Bible also calls for continuous improvement in quality as opposed to reviews.


Sadeghi, S., Shabot, M. M., Barzi, A., & Mikhail, O. (2012). Integrating quality and strategy in health care organizations. Jones & Bartlett Publishers


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The Biblical Concept of Quality vs. Traditional Business Concept of Quality

The Biblical Concept of Quality vs. Traditional Business Concept of Quality

Prompt: How does the biblical concept of quality differ from that of the traditional business concept of quality?

Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply