Teaching in a Specialist Area
The learning environment is characterized by equipping learners with different knowledge and skills. This has created a rise in the number of specialist teachers who specialize in teaching learners specific subjects (Lucas and Unwin, 2009). Specialists are expected to have specialized knowledge and skills in their specialist area and are responsible for meeting the needs of learners in that area (Fisher and Webb, 2006; Hanley and Thompson, 2021). The study of human resource management has been widely adopted in many business institutions due to the vital role of human resource management in the daily operations of an organization. The area focuses on equipping learners with knowledge and skills on hiring and firing employees, maintaining employee welfare, training and development, employee motivation, rewards and compensation, discipline, and adhering to employment laws and regulations. These activities are crucial in maintaining business or organizational continuity by hiring employees with the proper knowledge and skills, reducing employee turnover, and avoiding legal issues that could ruin the reputation of an organization. An educator specializing in the teaching of human resource management is therefore required to understand the key aims of education in the area and focus on administering knowledge matching these aims. Our assignment writing help is at affordable prices to students of all academic levels and academic disciplines.
Task 1: Report
1.1 Explain the key aims of education and training in your own specialist area
The key aims of education and training in human resource management are developing the workers to ensure that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to complete various human resource management functions and familiarizing learners with specific roles and responsibilities they should expect in the practice of human resource management. This information is important because it can be applied in the execution of various managerial roles, such as motivating employees to achieve the required level of productivity.
1.2 Analyze philosophical issues relating to education and training in your own specialist area
One of the philosophical issues relating to education and training in human resource management is unsuitable training programs. The modern-day human resource management environment is changing as companies are adopting the use of technology to delegate tasks and measure the performance of employees for effective performance management. Most of the existing training programs in human resource management focus on equipping learners with knowledge on conventional human resource management practices hence failing to adequately prepare them for the modern human resource management world. Another philosophical issue is indifference in learners. Human resource management education contains a lot of theories that learners have to study. The learning environment in human resource management education also lacs practical activities that learners can engage in to avoid getting bored. Learners with no passion in the area may therefore lose interest in the learning process hence limiting the effectiveness of the education and training program.
Task 2: Report
2.1 Describe the aims and structure of key qualifications in your own specialist area
The main aims of key qualifications in human resource management are meeting the dignity, values, aspirations, and wants of individual learners and providing solutions to the socio-economic issues in the country and community. These aims are influenced by function, societal objectives, organizational goals, and personal ambitions. Organizational goals include reorganizing the importance and role of the management of key qualifications in transferring knowledge from the educator. Key qualifications should focus on recruitment, selection, placement, induction, training, organizational performance appraisal, organizational development plans, and achieving academic goals such as survival in the job market, growth, diversification, and expansion. Personal ambitions include supporting learners in the achievement of personal goals such as job satisfaction, a proper understanding of content, promotion, getting better working conditions, welfare benefits, and motivation. Function goals entail ensuring that the department’s contribution is maintained at an acceptable level for educational requirements. In terms of societal objectives, human resource management has a social responsibility to meet the wants of society. All the resources in an organization should be used to benefit the organization and within the society’s best interest. Human resource management should also adhere to the laws, foundations, and legal constraints put in place by society.
2.2 Describe the aims and structure of learning programmes in your own specialist area
One of the aims and structure of learning programs in human resource management is to provide motivated and committed learners. The second one is facilitating effective change management based on the fact that the human resource management environment is revolutionizing to accommodate the use of information technology and reduce the number of employees in organizations. The third one is providing motivated and well-trained educators to the learners to recruit them and develop them through suitable training and executive development programs for better career development. The fourth one is using the workforce’s abilities and skills effectively and providing opportunities for learners to use these skills and abilities. The fifth one is communicating policies to all students to ensure that they understand the learning programs. Educators should also promote a conducive environment to enhance communication between different management levels and between learners and management regarding procedures, policies, regulations, and rules.
2.3 Explain how your own approach to planning and preparation for the delivery of a learning programme in your own specialist area enables its aims to be met
I focus on assessing the needs of learners to determine the best approach to use in delivering a learning programme. I also use the needs of the learners to purchase or develop relevant coaching courses, evaluate the business impact and effectiveness of learning solutions, and implement support systems. I then focus on ensuring that learners have access to information and tools required to succeed. I additionally set strategic objectives that learners should meet by the end of the learning programme to effectively access the success of the programme. Setting strategic objectives also helps in assessing performance gaps and ensuring that every learner benefits from the program and shares what they learn with each other to foster a collaborative learning environment where learners can exchange ideas and acquire new knowledge and skills.
Task 3: Report
3.1 Analyse the inclusiveness of your own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning program in own specialist area
My approach to planning and preparation of a learning program focuses on fostering collaboration by creating diverse teams, thus promoting inclusion. I also ensure that my lesson plans include discussions that require learners to work together to find solutions to ensure that every learner is part of the learning process. I also use a blend of both oral and visual teaching techniques. According to Holley and Dobson (2008), combining these techniques helps in accommodating the needs of learners based on the fact that some learners understand content when it is presented using visual aids while others prefer listening. I also issue handouts so that learners can read what I teach in class during their own time so that slow learners are not left behind.
3.2 Explain how own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning programme in own specialist area takes account of key curriculum issues, including the role of new and emerging technologies
I require learners to present their assignments in PowerPoint form to enhance their skills in using technology to make presentations based on the fact that this is a new trend in many organizations. Learners are also required to submit their assignments via email and attend zoom classes held three times a week. I also use audiotapes and visual presentations in my lecturers and give the learners tips on how they can improve the visual appeal of their visual presentations by using my presentation as a guide. I also encourage learners to connect the projector without my assistance whenever there are visual presentations to be made so that they can learn how to use the technology.
Task 4: Report
4.1 Analyse ways in which teaching and learning resources, including new and emerging technologies, meet the individual needs of learners in their own specialist area
Technology plays a significant role in creating interactive learning environments, providing access to a wide range of study resources such as books and articles stored in online databases and promoting 24.7 learning, particularly through online learning (Thota, 2015). Technology also supports education through the implementation of a modern framework of linked education. There are various online videos that learners can use to enhance their retention of content learned in class, particularly those applying different concepts taught in class (Likitrattanaporn, 2018). For instance, students may watch a video presenting the different roles of a human resource manager in a real work setting and the challenges a human resource manager may face hence enabling learners to understand how they should apply the concepts they learn in class. Study materials can also be stored online in the intuition’s database for students to easily retrieve them whenever needed.
4.2 Analyse the inclusiveness of own use of teaching and learning resources in a specialist area
My teaching and learning resources promote inclusion by being diverse to meet the needs of all learners, including those with disabilities. I ensure that all my lecture notes and study materials are accessible in print and audio form so that students can access them in the format they are comfortable with. I also encourage learners to form discussion groups and assign various tasks to them so that they can work together to avoid the exclusion of learners who may have physical, sensory, and cognitive issues preventing them from being active in the learning environment. Every group member is expected to participate in the presentation of the group’s assignment responses by presenting at least one part of the assignment.
Task 5: Report
5.1 Liaise with others within a specialist area to develop own practice
I mainly use visual managers, survey-based research, and group learning to create a collaborative learning environment. I divide learners into small groups and assign different tasks to every group to promote teamwork, social engagement, and awareness of the needs of one another while building self-confidence as learners are free with one another. I also include authority figures in my teaching environment by consulting them on what needs to be done to foster collaboration among learners, eliminate discrimination, and enhance the accessibility of study resources among learners. I also attend workshops that are held monthly to equip specialists in different specialist areas with knowledge on how to promote inclusive learning in the teaching environments. I also attend team building programs with other trainers and teachers and exchange ideas with them on how to effectively equip learners with the required knowledge and skills in my specialist area and how to increase information retention among my learners so that they benefit from my teaching not only in passing exams but also in handling the different tasks assigned to them in the workplace.
5.2 Review the impact of liaison with other teachers and trainers within own specialist area on own practice
Liaising with trainers and teachers within my specialist area has enabled me to learn different teaching approaches that I can use to ensure that my learners acquire the knowledge and skills required in the workplace. It has also made me learn about different challenges I may encounter in the teaching process and how to address them effectively to avoid limiting the success of the learning process. Liaison with the trainers and teachers has also enabled me to learn about different resources and learning materials that I can use to ensure that my learners get all relevant knowledge and skills required to be an effective human resource managers in the modern-day business environment.
Task 6 Report
6.1 Review the effectiveness of own knowledge and skills in a specialist area
My knowledge and skills in human resource management education have enabled me to select the best approaches to equip learners with the required knowledge and skills. I also have knowledge on how to incorporate the use of technology in the learning process to improve learning outcomes. I have also been using technology to create an interactive learning environment, thus facilitating the retention of content taught to learners. For instance, one of the learners commented that the use of videos has made him understand most of the concepts in human resource management and the significance of human resource management education, thus motivating him to complete the course and start a career in training people on human resource management practices.
6.2 Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to practice in a specialist area
My main strengths are that I have a degree in human resource management, and I am conversant with all laws and regulations applied in human resource management practice, including those regulating employee-employer relations, discrimination of workers, employee relations, and labour relations. My major weakness is lacking the human resource management certification needed to practice human resource management in an organizational setting, thus limiting me to being an educator. I am, however, focusing on enrolling for the certification course during the January intake.
6.3 Identify opportunities to improve and update own knowledge and skills in a specialist area
The rise in the use of technology in human resource management creates an opportunity for me to acquire knowledge on the use of different technologies used in human resource management practice, such as electronic performance measurement technologies and technologies used to delegate tasks to employees in the work environment. Another opportunity is in strategic human resource management, where I can update my knowledge on the role of human resource managers in strategic management.
Fisher, R. and Webb, K., 2006. Subject specialist pedagogy and initial teacher training for the learning and skills sector in England: the context, a response and some critical issues. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 30(4), pp.337-349.
Hanley, P. and Thompson, R., 2021. ‘Generic pedagogy is not enough’: Teacher educators and subject-specialist pedagogy in the Further Education and Skills sector in England. Teaching and Teacher Education, 98, p.103233.
Holley, D. and Dobson, C., 2008. Encouraging student engagement in a blended learning environment: the use of contemporary learning spaces. Learning, Media and Technology, 33(2), pp.139-150.
Likitrattanaporn, W., 2018. A Study of Language Learning Strategies for Practical Use through the Process of Cooperative Learning. International Journal of Educational Technology and Learning, 3(1), pp.35-44.
Lucas, N. and Unwin, L., 2009. Developing teacher expertise at work: in‐service trainee teachers in colleges of further education in England. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 33(4), pp.423-433.
Thota, N., 2015. Connectivism and the Use of Technology/Media in Collaborative Teaching and Learning. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2015(142), pp.81-96.
We’ll write everything from scratch
You have recently been appointed as a lecturer to a new college that has the capacity to expand and bring transformation to life. A subject specialist is required to deliver and create motivation for the students. This is a good institution with a diverse class profile. This is your first contact in the new school, and the management staff is readily available to support you in all aspects of the school’s policy and expectations. You are responsible for demonstrating excellent subject knowledge and delivering the course with respect to the quality assurance framework. You should be able to demonstrate creativity in your delivery. You are also expected to assess the students to reflect on their skill enhancement and development.

Teaching in a Specialist Area
Note: You are required to review recent articles, books, and other relevant literature. Wikipedia strictly does not allow references to answer any part of the task given. You must reflect a practical understanding of each question and are required to provide candid academic references of any evidence you have in relation to the answer.
Task 1: Report
You are required to demonstrate an understanding of the aims and philosophy of education and training in your specialist area. In order to do this, you are required to;
- Explain key aims of education and training in your own specialist area.
- Analyze philosophical issues relating to education and training in your own specialist area.
Task 2: Report
You are required to respond to the following questions with regard to qualifications and programs in the subject areas;
- Describe the aims and structure of key qualifications in your own specialist area.
- Describe the aims and structure of learning programs in your own specialist area.
- Explain how your own approach to planning and preparation for the delivery of a learning program in your own specialist area enables its aims to be met.
Task 3: Report
You should respond with a focus on relating inclusiveness and the curriculum in your subject area.
- Analyze the inclusiveness of your own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning program in your own specialist area.
- Explain how your own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning program in your own specialist area takes account of key curriculum issues, including the role of new and emerging technologies.
Task 4: Report
You are to demonstrate your understanding of how to use resources for inclusive teaching and learning in your specialist area.
- Analyse ways in which teaching and learning resources, including new and emerging technologies, meet the individual needs of learners in their own specialist area
- Analyze the inclusiveness of own use of teaching and learning resources in a specialist area.
Task 5: Report
You are to be able to show that you can work with others within a specialist area to develop your own practice.
- Liaise with others within a specialist area to develop your own practice
- Review the impact of liaison with other teachers and trainers within their own specialist area on their own practice
Task 6 Report
Demonstrate your ability to evaluate, improve, and update your own knowledge and skills in your specialist subject area.
6.1 Review the effectiveness of own knowledge and skills in a specialist area
6.2 Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to practice in a specialist area
6.3 Identify opportunities to improve and update your own knowledge and skills in a specialist area