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Systems Theory

Systems Theory

Relationship between the Systems Theory and Clinical Social Work Practice within My Setting

In my setting, clinical social work involves assessing, diagnosing, treating, and preventing emotional, mental, and additional behavioural conflicts. This is a private practice dealing with various patient issues. Family, group, and individual therapy are frequent treatment modalities in this setting. Most of the clients require therapy owing to several life challenges.

One of the theories often applied in the setting is the system theory. It has been extremely helpful in aiding people in dealing with various issues. System theory tends to be an interdisciplinary systems study as they associate with one another in a more prominent and compound structure (Badcock et al., 2019). The theory’s central idea is that the whole tends to be more significant compared to the totality of its part ( Luhmann et al., 2013). Typically, a holistic outlook toward people’s choices, personalities, and hardships tends to be vital as far as practical social work is concerned. A social worker observes all aspects that distinctly shape people’s encounters.

Consequently, the systems theory has been used in this practice to comprehend various issues such as child abuse and its relationship to personal problems like anxiety, low self-esteem, and any other relationship concerns (Cash et al., 2019). In this regard, the family system theory has been consistently utilized. It tends to perceive the family unit as a compound structure comprising its own systems and feedback circles. Presenting the systems theory as a problem-focused technique for handling compound interpersonal relations and social networks introduces a social relations framework (Schirmer & Michailakis, 2019). The theory is consistent with the values of the social work profession, and in that regard, human relationships are vital. This theory analyses human relationships as a whole and in parts.

The Theory-driven Problem Statement and Assessment of the Client System (Family)

The family at hand is considered dysfunctional to a particular degree, owing to the challenges presented. This family consists of the father, mother, and three children aged 14, 12, and 7. Peter is the father’s name, while Rebecca is the mother’s. All the family members have personal problems that relate to the family structure. John is the eldest son, and he has faced charges of vandalism; thus, he is committed to community service, which he seldom attends. Also, he has been involved in shouting matches with his dad, and he misses school sometimes.

Even more devastating is how disrespectful John is towards the two parents, a behaviour that Angelo, the minor brother, seems to be emulating. Vivian is the lastborn, always demanding and seeking attention: the parents are very guilty for their inability to handle her. An additional concern is that Peter has a brother named Jones. Typically, the children state that it is as if Peter does not know Jones at all. On the other hand, Rebecca says that Jones is not a good person to be around the kids and that she is terrified of him. Furthermore, anxiety and panic attacks have disabled Rebecca, and for this reason, she is on a pension, and at the same time, Peter gets the carer’s support.

The Rationale for the Problem’s Occurrence

This family can be best understood by examining it as one whole structure. A family is an emotional unit, so personal conduct should be considered from the family’s context. As much as the family has influenced these people, everyone affects the entire family. Typically, the systems theory provides a structural viewpoint for human issues. Following the thesis, systems like the family constitute a set of things that create something whole. As such, the family comprises five people, the units comprising the entire family system. The family’s aim is for the system units to work together to attain a common goal. Accordingly, the family units cannot be separated, and the present issues must be handled in the family as a single element. A family structure tends to operate by incorporating values in the minds of the components to the extent that the family members realize patterns and see the essence of unity.

Nevertheless, this fails once there is discord in the family, causing the issues. People in this family have been unable to operate in harmony, resulting in the formation of incomplete pictures and destructive behaviours. The family seemingly projected John’s issues. Rebecca tends to have anxiety and panic attacks, and as such, she is on a pension, and at the same time, Peter gets the carer’s support. This means that the family is poor, which might have been the problem’s origin. Poverty can stress people in a family, thus acting out on each other.

Additionally, Peter and Jones’s lack of a good relationship shows no love in his family, which could be passed on to the children. Failure to show enough love to the kids could explain John’s lousy behaviour. It could also be why Vivian is so demanding because she barely gets attention. All these destructive tendencies of everyone could be making Rebecca experience panic attacks.

The Intervention Plan: Goals, Intervention Strategies, and Criteria

The goal of the intervention strategy is to help the family live in harmony by helping solve each person’s challenges. The plan will ensure that John attends community service, stops fighting with his dad, and starts respecting his two parents. Additionally, Angelo will stop emulating bad behaviour while Vivian minimizes her demanding tendencies. Rebecca will also be able to deal with her panic attacks and anxiety while Peter repairs his relationship with Jones. All the family members will work on themselves and also improve their relationship with each other to allow for harmonious living.

The intervention strategies most appropriate to handle these issues are cognitive-behavioral. These strategies will help the family members recognize negative thinking and behaviour tendencies. Each of the members will realize how the negative thoughts and emotions they might have could contribute to the behaviours they were portraying. They will be required to change their thinking in a positive direction, which will help change every aspect of their lives for the better.

One of the criteria that will be used in determining whether the problem will be solved is the unity in the family. The family as a whole is better, and as such, their harmony is very vital. Additionally, the personal improvement of each individual will be determined. The specific issues that each had will either be reduced or ended altogether. Essentially, Rebeca’s anxiety attacks will reduce, Vivian will stop being demanding, and John’s behaviour towards his brother will improve. Additionally, the parents will have to show affection to the kids, which will help solve many instances of harmful conduct. John will also begin creating a relationship with his brother.

Summary of Intervention Activities

One of the intervention activities is journaling and thought record. They will be required to write the negative thoughts that come to mind and, on the opposite column, indicate positive thinking that they could alternatively select. They will then practice choosing the good ideas in most cases. Role-playing will also be part of the activities. Accordingly, this approach will help the family members work through diverse conduct in possibly challenging circumstances. Typically, playing out the probable scenarios will help reduce fear. Another activity is behavioural experiments, which are, in most cases, utilized in anxiety disorders. For example, before Rebecca embarks on an undertaking that makes her anxious, she will be asked to forecast what will happen and later discuss whether the guess was accurate. With time, she could see that the likelihood of the anticipated disaster occurring was low.

Relaxation and stress reduction activities will be highly applicable. Most people engage in destructive behaviour because they are, in a way, stressed. At times, stress could be expected of people, so they don’t recognize it. Some activities comprise muscle relaxation, deep breathing exercises, and imagery. Typically, imagery helps people imagine something they desire as though it has already happened. This has been known to increase life satisfaction and attain the set goals.

Additionally, meditation will be part of the activities and will be done in a group. However, personal meditation will also be encouraged. The family members will have a guided group meditation to help slow their thought process. Ultimately, this will have the potential to change their lives completely. A person like Rebecca can handle panic attacks more effectively through this activity.


Badcock, P. B., Friston, K. J., Ramstead, M. J., Ploeger, A., & Hohwy, J. (2019). The hierarchically mechanistic mind: an evolutionary systems theory of the human brain, cognition, and behaviour. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience19(6), 1319-1351.

Cash, B., Hodgkin, S., & Warburton, J. (2019). A transformative approach to systems theory in caregiving research. Qualitative Social Work18(4), 710-726.

Luhmann, N., Baecker, D., & Gilgen, P. (2013). Introduction to systems theory (pp. 50-5900). Cambridge: Polity.

Schirmer, W., & Michailakis, D. (2019). Systems theory for social work and the helping professions. Routledge.


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The paper is a theory application paper. See the attached paper details for guidelines and follow them strictly. The theory to be covered is the systems theory- as defined below.

Systems Theory

Systems Theory

Systems theory proposes that people are products of complex systems rather than individuals who act in isolation. In this theory, behaviour is influenced by various factors that work together as a system. These factors include family, friends, social settings, religious structure, economic class, and home environment, all influencing how individuals act and think.

Systems theory can be used to treat issues like eating disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, school trauma, and risky behaviour. In ecological systems theory, individuals are observed in multiple environments so that behaviour is fully understood. Family systems theory examines the family as a social system influencing behaviour and thoughts.

Social workers using systems theory will work to understand how their clients are influenced by the systems they’re a part of. Social workers then identify where systemic breakdowns are affecting behaviour.