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Systems Requirement Checklist

Systems Requirement Checklist


This refers to the output generated by the system (Andres-Jimenez et al., 2020). In the context of Personal Trainer, Inc., the outputs include member statements, daily activity reports, monthly member sales reports, and exception inactive reports for inactive members. Member statements are the reports generated for members detailing their account activity, charges, and payments. Daily activity reports provide a summary of all sales transactions for the day, including cash sales and charges. Monthly member sales reports summarize sales activity for the month, including sales by activity type and revenue. Exception report for inactive members and late payers identifies members who have not been active or have not paid their dues, allowing for targeted marketing and collection efforts.


Refers to any data fed into the system either manually or automatically (Andres-Jimenez et al., 2020). The key inputs include member information, membership charges, cash sales, and member payments. Member information includes basic details such as name, contact information, membership level, and account status. This data is used to manage member accounts and generate reports. Membership charges are the fees incurred by members for using the fitness centre’s services and purchasing merchandise. Charges are recorded on charge slips signed by the member. Cash sales are recorded for merchandise and services purchased by members and non-members. Member payments are made by members to settle their account balances. Accounting data such as revenue, costs, and profit-and-loss information for each activity and the overall business.


There are various processes involved in this system. This includes member management, which allows one to enrol, edit, or deactivate member information. We also have recording cash sales and charges in the BumbleBee accounting software. Additionally, the accounts receivable summary is transmitted to headquarters, member payments are applied to accounts, and reports are generated.


The key performance requirements for this system include accurate recording of cash sales and charges. Secondly, the accounts receivable summary should be transmitted to headquarters in a timely manner. Prompt application of member payments to accounts is also a key requirement. Finally, there is the generation of reports within specified timeframes.


In ensuring security, there are several control requirements for Personal Trainer, Inc. Firstly, member information is securely stored to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or breaches. Access to the BumbleBee accounting software is restricted to authorized personnel only, safeguarding financial data and ensuring confidentiality. Additionally, member charges and payments undergo validation processes to prevent errors or fraudulent activities. Audit trails are maintained for all transactions and changes to member accounts, enabling traceability and accountability. Moreover, backup and recovery procedures are in place to safeguard system data, ensuring continuity of operations in the event of data loss or system failures.


The approach to transposing information into requirements was interviews, observation, and document reviews to understand the business processes, goals, and challenges (Thorogood, 2020). This is done to gather and analyze information. The key elements involved in the system, such as members, activities, charges, and reports, are identified. The necessary requirements, such as inputs, outputs, processes, performance criteria, and controls required to meet the business needs, are specified for each element. The requirements are then organized and prioritized based on the importance and impact on the system’s functionality. Finally, relevant stakeholders document and validate the requirements to ensure they accurately reflect the business needs.

Problem of Incorrect Interpretation of Requirements

Incorrect interpretation of requirements is common in requirements gathering and can happen for various reasons. For instance, there may be a lack of clear communication between stakeholders and the systems analyst, ambiguous or incomplete information provided during the fact-finding process, assumptions made by the systems analyst based on their own understanding or experience, or changes in business requirements during the development process.

How Iterations of Requirements Help Resolve Incorrect Interpretations

To address incorrect interpretation, it is important to have multiple iterations of requirements gathering and validation. By engaging stakeholders throughout the process and regularly reviewing and refining the requirements, the systems analyst can identify and resolve any incorrect interpretations early on. Iterations of requirements can help resolve incorrect interpretations by providing opportunities for stakeholders to review and provide feedback on the requirements (Heck et al., 2020). This allows them to clarify any misunderstandings or ambiguities. It also enables the systems analyst to refine and clarify the requirements based on stakeholder feedback. This will ensure that the requirements accurately reflect the business needs. Iterations allow for the incorporation of changes in business requirements. As the project progresses, new requirements or changes to existing ones may emerge, and iterations provide a structured way to address these changes.


Andres-Jimenez, J., Medina-Merodio, J. A., Fernandez-Sanz, L., Martinez-Herraiz, J. J., & Ruiz-Pardo, E. (2020). An intelligent framework for the evaluation of compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(13), 5471.

Heck, J., Steinert, M., & Meboldt, M. (2020). Advancing empirical evidence of iteration stereotypes in the fuzzy front end of product development processes. Procedia CIRP, 91, 61–70.

Thorogood, G. &. (2020). Requirement Gathering Methods (pp. 127–129). Gathering


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Using the Continuing Case: Personal Trainer, Inc. case study found in your module resources, you will create a systems requirement checklist to be submitted as a Word document.

Systems Requirement Checklist

Systems Requirement Checklist

To complete the assignment, describe your approach to this task, specifically regarding how a systems analyst transposes information into requirements. Consider in your document the problem of incorrect interpretation of a requirement. Is this normal? Describe how iterations of requirements can help resolve incorrect interpretations.