System Implementation to be Integrated into the Gloomdecor LLC
Background Information
Businesses’ operations are significantly boosted with the implementation of an e-commerce website because of the numerous benefits of this process. First, an e-commerce website enables a company to establish and strengthen its product portfolio. The presence of an e-commerce website allows consumers to associate the organization’s product with the firm’s brand instead of assuming that the product belongs to the marketplace without individual firms. Furthermore, the company of e-commerce websites also enables organizations to learn more about the audience regarding their geographical location, how they discovered their website, and how they heard about it. The e-commerce website provides a golden opportunity for the firm to develop its own rules that govern its economic activities and directly impact the customers’ purchase journey. For instance, the website permits the organization to add product photos, alter the website layout, adjust the website theme, and feature some of the organization’s loyal customers. This paper will begin by covering the logical and physical structure of the design of the company’s e-commerce systems with graphical tools. The document will then illustrate the placement of infrastructure components with external and internal connectivity tools. The bill of materials will also be tabulated to encompass items, descriptions, model numbers, and approximate costs. Finally, the paper will conclude with the methodology and process concerning engineering, furnishing, and installation of the specified inventory package.
Design of Logical and Physical Layout of Gloomdecor LLC Information Systems
The planned information system for Gloomdecor LLC should be based on simplicity and coherence to foster volume sales of the product portfolio. Upon visiting the e-commerce website for the first time, a prospective customer should not be confused about the next step. On the other hand, coherence relates to the organization selling its products with the right feel and look. This will drive Gloomdecor LLC to engage customers who are interested in purchasing furniture, kitchen appliances, and pet products. However, a logical and physical layout is paramount as it causes the company to meet these operation needs. Each design has unique specifications that contribute to attaining organizational goals and objectives.
The Logical Layout of E-commerce Website
The logical database design determines the logical data structures needed to support an organization’s information system. The logical design layout helps implement the e-commerce website by ensuring that the database satisfies the requirements developed by Gloomdecor LLC. In the case of a flawed logical design layout, the organization may spend more on data collection, storage, and protection of the e-commerce website during its utilization. Since the definition of rational design is based on the system’s functionality, there are three broad categories of logical design: system logical design, data processing and data logical design, and the program’s logical design (“Packtpublishing,” 2018). However, since this design will be focused on the management components, Gloomdecor LLC will utilize the logical system design. The following simple steps should be followed in the rational design of the e-commerce information system for Gloomdecor LLC;
Definition of Management Functions: In this stage, the organization should state the essential tasks of the system together with its respective partitioning. Partitioning is the breakdown of a task into elementary management functions that permit the effective execution of the overall task. How the partitions are done goes a long way in influencing the various forms of alternatives available to manage the organization. In cases where there is a high degree of the partitioning of an overall task to produce isolated and decentralized management functions, this denotes that the organization has a simple way of doing things (“Packtpublishing,” 2018). On the other hand, a low degree of fragmentation represents a centralized way of doing things that require complex coordination of tools and information.
Management Function Analysis: In this second stage, the IT practitioners will be tasked with determining how each function will be performed and the duty of the computer towards their performance. Different alternatives may be applied depending on the type of function to be executed. For example, in planning method operation, the practitioners may use a simple experience-based method. Also, computers will offer different support levels for the various available alternatives (“Packtpublishing,” 2018). Regarding this perspective, models cannot be used concerning a highly partitioned structure.
Management Function Evaluation: In this phase, the provided network of alternatives is selected. In most cases, the criterion for selection is economical, where the IT department considers social and physical costs. For instance, the organization may settle for a network that necessitates attaining the highest present value of net returns. The problematic nature of quantitative evaluation has compelled many organizations to pay for qualitative assessment that considers cost/benefit elements.
Procedure Specification: The objective of this stage is to define the layout in much detail, including the performance of each function, the inputs and outputs of each process, the flow of information, and the general format and layout of the e-commerce information system. This stage is a continuation of the previous phase of evaluation by documenting techniques for administrative procedures.
Requirements Specification Over the Interior: This is the last stage of the logical design layout that encompasses the formalization of the functions that constitute the interior that have been mechanized. These details are essential for the execution of the computational design. Some specifications in this stage include information on how the outputs will be produced, detailed inputs concerning the interiors, data derivation, and processing rules. This stage is critical as it responds directly to data processing and logical design.
The Physical Layout of E-commerce Website
Physical design refers to design components that encompass geometric representations. This entails assigning each fixed shape and fabrication layer spatial locations with appropriate routing connections completed in mental layers. Therefore, physical design directly impacts the circuit performance, area, reliability, power, and manufacturing yield. Performance is affected in the sense that long routes of physical design may result in a delay in signal delivery (Soegoto et al., 2018). Concerning area, placing modules far apart results in slower chips, while a more significant number of vias reduces the reliability of the circuit used. Because of its complexity, the physical design of the information system for Gloomdecor LLC will follow these steps;
Create a Gate-Level Netlist – A netlist is a foundation for physical design after being obtained as the outcome of the synthesis process. The synthesis process translates the RTL designs into gate-level specifications that other tools can understand within the physical design structure.
Partitioning – This step is essential as it is used in dividing the chip into separate chunks. This step is executed to differentiate between distinct functional blocks and facilitate the placement and routing procedures. This gives the design engineer sufficient time to handle a particular aspect of the design process (Soegoto et al., 2018).
Floorplanning – As the engineers calculate the dimensions of the blocks and place them at appropriate spots on the chip, floorplanning is essential as it keeps highly connected blocks close to one another.
Placement – This step encompasses placing standard cells inside the core boundary of an optimal location. The sequence occurs so that the design is composed of minimal congestion, guaranteeing the best timing. Each PnR tool avails different commands that permit users to adjust the creation of the information system concerning timing, area, power, and congestion specifications (Soegoto et al., 2018). Also, this stage ensures that physical cells are placed in such a way that they meet DRV, timings, and foundry specifications.
Static Time Analysis – This method entails evaluating the timing performance of a design by checking the presence of timing violations on data traveling paths. This is made possible by the fact that STA breaks down the layout into timing paths, calculates the signal propagation delay along the data traveling trail, and checks for any violations in the input and output interface. Even though dynamic simulation can also be used for timing analysis, static timing analysis has proven to be faster and more efficient.
Clock Tree Synthesis – This step is essential for reducing skewness and insertion delay. Therefore, it necessitates sequential clock distribution to all the design elements.
Routing – This establishes a connection between cells and the blocks. The two common types of routing are global routing and detailed routing. Detailed routing is used for making actual connections, while global routing connects networks of different geographical locations.
Physical Verification – This entails verifying the authenticity of the layout by ensuring that it includes all the technological prerequisites, density verification, and cleaning density.
Illustration of Possible Placement of Key Infrastructure Elements with External Connectivity (Internet) and Internal Connectivity (Firewalls, LAN)
The illustration of the critical infrastructure elements with external and internal connectivity elements can easily be made using the client-server architecture. The client-server architecture – also identified as the client-server model – breaks down existing workloads between clients and servers that exist on a single system or are linked by a computer network. The client-server model encompasses database servers, general-purpose servers, and many clients (Oluwatosin, 2014). Therefore, this model shows only the significant components for easier understanding instead of indicating the hubs and routers deemed as a minute.
Figure 1. Client Server Architecture
A client-server model will be used within Gloomdecor LLC to deliver information from a server to a digital device. The data for this organization will be stored in the database servers. Therefore, when clients are required to access specific information from the database servers, the general-purpose servers send the requested information to the database servers (Oluwatosin, 2014). Once the database servers verify the client’s credentials, the requested information can be downloaded on the devices used by the respective client. Therefore, multiple clients can access similar or different files from the database server simultaneously during the specified working hours (Oluwatosin, 2014). This is important as it aids in building consistency across all devices used by Gloomdecor LLC employees.
Figure 2. DMZ Network (Lenhard, 2022)
Since Gloomdecor’s e-commerce website is connected to the internet and accessed by a wide variety of clients, it can be hectic to substantiate the validity of the parties accessing confidential information from the website. Therefore, the installation of the DMZ network architecture provides an additional layer of safety by working on the assumption that all the users are untrusted by default (Lenhard, 2022). Therefore, it prevents users from accessing the organization’s sensitive or valuable information. The architecture uses access control to protect the organization against attacks by providing IP spoofing to the organization’s website.
The Bill of Materials for the Website
Item | Description | Model Number | Approximate Cost |
Bearings | Reduces friction between moving parts | $8 | |
Vex Shaft Couplers | Permits the use of two wire motors in places that previously had a clutch while maintaining eh shaft length. | $25 | |
Dc Motor (Drive) | An amplifier that interfaces between a controller and a DC motor | Jameco 232040 | $35 |
Dc Motor (Shooter) | Determines speed, acceleration, power consumption, and performance. | Jameco 253518 | $32 |
Plastic Wire connector | Used in fastening two or more low-voltage conductors | $15 | |
Wire Crimps | Joining two pieces of metal together by either deforming one or both. | $10 | |
Mini Servo Motor | Converts electrical signals into mechanical motion. | $20 | |
End user computers | Grants users access to data anytime, anywhere, using one or more devices. | $120 | |
Telecommunication processors | Aid in the connection of telecommunication networks | $60 | |
Firewalls | Monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic based on the organization’s security framework. | $45 | |
¼” washers | Provides good corrosion and rust protection. | $17 |
Methodology and Process for Engineering, Furnishing, and Installation of the Identified Inventory
Waterfall Methodology
The most preferred methodology for Gloomdecor LLC’s e-commerce website will be the waterfall methodology since it emphasizes a linear progression from the beginning to the end of the project. This entails the execution of the website’s various developmental aspects, flowing like a waterfall through the multiple phases of project development. The completion of one degree necessitates the beginning of the other phase. The waterfall methodology comprises five standard stages, as briefly elaborated below.
The first phase of the waterfall methodology is identified as the requirements phase. In this phase, the project manager gathers all the project sponsor’s requirements. These requirements are written and describe the project’s various aspects, such as costs, risks, assumptions, success metrics, dependencies, and timelines for completion (Light, 2009). This is then followed by the design phase, which the software developers primarily execute. The software developers design the technical solutions to various problems as set out in the product requirements, including but not limited to scenarios, layouts, and data models. A logical design describing the purpose and scope of the project is created and then transformed into a physical structure with the aid of specific hardware and software technologies (Light, 2009). Thirdly, physical design implementation sets off whereby programmers code applications based on project requirements and specifications muffed with testing criteria.
The fourth phase of the waterfall methodology entails verifying the website developed. The software developers commit to testing to detect all available errors and rectify them for a good user experience with the software. The testing team will evaluate the design documents and personas and use case scenarios in drafting test cases (Light, 2009). Finally, the e-commerce website can then be deployed for use and maintained regularly. Any updates are then incorporated into the e-commerce website to ensure that the organization is up to par with the latest developments. Gloomdecor LLC will benefit significantly from using the waterfall methodology because it necessitates easy detection of errors in the analysis and design stages. Furthermore, this methodology stimulates accurate estimation of the project cost, especially after the definition of requirements.
Lenhard, T. H. (2022). The Demilitarized Zone. In Data Security (pp. 93-98). Springer, Wiesbaden.
Light, M. (2009). How the Waterfall Methodology Adapted and Whistled Past the Graveyard. Gartner Research.
Oluwatosin, H. S. (2014). Client-server model. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, 16(1), 67-71.
Packtpublishing. (2018). System Modeling: Understanding Logical and Physical Architecture – Data Science Central. Retrieved 26 August 2022, from
Soegoto, E. S., Marbun, M. A. S., & Dicky, F. (2018). Building the Design of E-Commerce. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 407, No. 1, p. 012021). IOP Publishing.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Week 8 Assignment – System Implementation
This is the fourth in a series of five sequential assignments (the course project) in which you continue to act as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of a hypothetical e-commerce start-up company of your design.
You have been working on delivering an information technology project plan in anticipation of the company’s relocation to a new facility.
System Implementation to be Integrated into the Gloomdecor LLC
In the first-course project deliverable, you created a project plan inception document and supported the Gantt chart.
In the second-course project deliverable, you developed the business requirements to be incorporated into the information systems design you are creating. You also updated your original supporting Gantt chart based on major and minor tasks identified in the business requirements document.
In the third-course project deliverable, you created an infrastructure design that considered the key elements of software, hardware, security, and business process flow for your e-commerce startup company. Once again, you updated your supporting Gantt chart to reflect the major and minor tasks uncovered while developing the infrastructure design.
This fourth-course project deliverable focuses on the project’s construction phase. In this assignment, you will develop the system implementation plan document. This document will include the engineering, furnishing, and installation (EFI) technical aspects of your e-commerce company’s information systems infrastructure. This assignment consists of two parts:
Part 1: System Implementation Document
You will create an 8–10 page system implementation document that details the engineering, furnishing, and installation (EFI) technical aspects of your e-commerce company’s information systems infrastructure.
Part 2: Updated Gantt Chart
You will use Microsoft Project to once again update the supporting project Gantt chart begun in your first-course project deliverable.
You are not creating a new Gantt chart, only updating the one you created in the previous assignment with the major and minor tasks uncovered while creating the system implementation document.
You are to create or assume all necessary assumptions to successfully complete this assignment.
You must submit both parts as separate files to the assignment area. Label each file name according to the appropriate part.
Part 1: System Implementation Document
You are to write an 8–10 page system implementation document in which you:
Use graphics tools to design the logical and physical layout of the planned e-commerce company’s information systems.
Use graphics tools to illustrate the possible placement of key infrastructure elements with external connectivity (Internet) and internal connectivity (firewalls, LAN).
Develop the bill of materials and tabulate it in a spreadsheet to include item, description, model number, and approximate cost.
Document the methodology and process to include the engineering, furnishing, and installation of the identified inventory.
Use three sources to support your writing. (Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. Access the library or review library guides for help with research, writing, and citation.)
Part 2: Updated Gantt Chart
Use Microsoft Project to:
Update the previously created Gantt chart with the major and minor tasks identified in the system implementation document.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Note the following:
The preferred method is for the narrative portion of your assignment to be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
Include a cover page containing the assignment title, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
Include a source list page. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The source list page is not included in the required page length.