Supervising Others
Attributes of Leadership Styles and Approaches That Facilitate Quality Supervision
Supervision requires essential management and leadership skills such as planning, problem-solving, delegation, designing roles for team members, setting goals, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring that all team members or employees work towards meeting a shared goal that meets an organization’s interests (Rokach, 2021). The leadership style adopted by a supervisor may be dictated by the nature of the workplace or project and the size of the team under supervision. The main attributes of leadership styles and approaches that facilitate quality supervision are good communication skills, flexibility, problem-solving skills, and confidence. The role of a supervisor as the eyes and ears of an organization requires supervisors to set a good example for other employees (Zepeda et al., 2020). In most instances, if a supervisor is not confident and does not communicate the organization’s expectations to employees, the employees are highly likely to be unproductive, thus affecting the organization’s general performance. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.
Supervisors also require problem-solving skills to effectively solve problems that could interfere with the regular running of operations in the organization. Being a supervisor also entails delegating roles and responsibilities based on an employee’s expertise. Hence, good communication skills are needed to ensure the employee assigned a specific role knows what they are expected to do (Driver, 2018). Supervisors also need to be flexible to adjust to the workplace environment. For instance, after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, most organizations required their employees to work from home. This meant that the role of the supervisors had to be adjusted to ensure proper supervision was maintained through regular Zoom meetings and accessing employee clock-in and clock-out times.
Supervisory and Leadership Skills Demonstrated by the Supervisor in the Petrakis Case Study
One of the supervisory and leadership skills demonstrated by the supervisor in the Petrakis case study was a willingness to listen. The supervisor listened to the social worker explain why the case should not be reported to the agency and decided to help her because the outcome was not her fault. The supervisor also demonstrated teamwork by allowing the social worker to develop the proper steps to take to deal with the issue arising from the social worker’s previous interaction with the client that had resulted in unethical practice. The supervisor was also rational and understood that it is expected to make mistakes, so she continued to speak to the social worker about her personal feelings and assisted her in understanding that the current situation was not her fault. This was vital in keeping the social worker motivated and ignoring what was beyond her control.
Quality Supervision Demonstrated by the Supervisor
The supervisor in the video demonstrated quality supervision by allowing the social worker to provide suggestions to the client without interfering or correcting the social worker. She only came in to talk to the social worker about dealing with the consequences of her interaction with the client. The supervisor also demonstrated quality supervision by understanding the root cause of the problem before picking a side to determine how the client would be helped. The supervisor also showed quality supervision by pointing out what the social worker did wrong by informing her that advising a client as she had done was not a good idea and was unethical. She then encouraged her not to panic by telling her she was not responsible for other people’s actions and helped her develop the steps she would take to deal with the situation.
Driver, C. (2018). Supervision: A psychodynamic and psychoanalytic perspective on supervisor practice and supervisor training. Supervisor Training, 175-184.
Rokach, A. (2021). Introduction: The many shades of leadership and supervision. Leadership and Supervision, 1-6.
Zepeda, S. J., Alkaabi, A. M., & Tavernier, M. D. (2020). Leadership and supervision. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Take a minute and think about the supervisors you have had in the workplace. What were the characteristics of effective supervisors? As you reflect on these experiences, consider how supervision affected your ability to complete the tasks associated with your job. Also, consider how leadership styles can influence social workers’ and supervisors’ relationships.
Supervising Others
Review the Petrakis case study in this week’s video for this assignment and note how supervisory and leadership skills are portrayed.
Assignment (4–5 paragraphs)
Complete the following Journal entry:
Identify attributes of leadership styles and approaches that facilitate quality supervision.
Evaluate the supervisory and leadership skills demonstrated in the Petrakis case study by identifying which supervisory and leadership skills the supervisor explained.
Explain whether the supervisor in the video demonstrated quality supervision and why. Provide specific examples to support your evaluation.
Attached are the video and transcript. I have also attached the case study to refer to that the case study is based from.
To cite case study:
Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014a). Sessions: Case histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing [Vital Source e-reader].
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