Suicidal Ideation and Client under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol
The maintenance of individual behavioral health is critical to enhancing their well-being. Behavioral health practitioners play a pivotal role in this regard. They play an essential role in documenting various high-risk scenarios presented to individuals within society and aid them in navigating these difficulties. Documentation of these high-risk situations is critical as it forms a basis on which the recovery process can be instituted. Several high-risk situations are apparent within contemporary society. These include suicidal ideation and clients under the influence of drugs or alcohol, which are high-risk situations and require reporting and documentation. Need help with your assignment ? Reach out to us. We offer excellent services.
Suicidal ideation or such tendencies have seen an exponential rise within societies. This behavior has been implicated across all social and societal constructs, cultures, and ethnicities. Suicidal ideation describes the preoccupation, wish, or contemplation of death by committing suicide. Research findings on suicidal tendencies and thoughts revealed that most people exhibit great control over their suicidal thoughts, with only a tiny proportion proceeding to commit suicide (Roland et al., 2022). Suicidal ideation is, however, viewed generally as a danger to self. Individuals with suicidal ideation have the potential to cause harm to themselves whenever they lose control of their suicidal thoughts. For this reason, these individuals are considered high-risk and should be monitored closely to prevent them from indulging in activities that may cause them harm.
Client under the influence of drugs or alcohol also qualifies as high-risk groups. Alcohol and other drugs of abuse have been implicated in behavioral changes that predispose individuals to various health risks. Alcohol predisposes individuals to careless behaviors that do not promote the preservation of their health. Chronic use of alcohol and other substance abuse leads to addiction and consequential behavioral and health dysfunctions. Regular use of these substances also leads to the development of related disorders as well as psychiatric disorders. The overall impact is often evident in occupational, physical, and cognitive disabilities that adversely impact the well-being of these individuals. Socio-economic aspects of these individuals are also affected, with a majority of them living in poverty (Schulden et al., 2017). For all these reasons, clients under the influence of alcohol or substance abuse are at high risk and require monitoring.
Care requirements for various high-risk groups vary, with the care acuity being higher in groups with the most significant risks. Therefore, coordinated care is required to ensure that all individuals who need care receive it promptly. Individuals with suicidal ideation and those suffering from alcohol and substance abuse are groups that require more significant care requirements due to their risk profile. Attainment of adequate care in these groups requires coordination among various agencies and stakeholders.
Care provision for individuals with suicidal ideation draws multiple groups. These groups work together to establish a safety plan to alleviate these individuals ‘ risky behaviors. These groups include healthcare professionals and individual family members. Healthcare professionals play a vital role in care provisions for individuals with suicidal thoughts or tendencies. Their part is vast, from psychotherapy to pharmacological agents effectively managing the same. Behavioral practitioners play an essential role in the determination of these high-risk behaviors. Their function is to document and establish behavioral patterns and trends that point to individual suffering and coordinate with other care providers the best interventions to correct the underlying issues.
Families are also crucial in the effective management of suicidal thoughts and tendencies. Families form an essential source of psychosocial support in which individuals can find psychosocial comfort. Family members are also better poised for early detection whenever an individual is undergoing psychological turmoil that may predispose them to suicide and suicidal ideation (Wu et al., 2020). Strengthening familial ties may produce beneficial effects in individuals who are otherwise predisposed to suicidal ideation and tendencies.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has also established several provisions targeted at suicide prevention. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is an agency based under the HHS that is at the forefront of promoting the health of individuals living with mental health and substance abuse disorders. This agency offers support to individuals with a history of suicidal ideation and attempts. Under its provision and upon being passed by Congress, the 988 dialing code was created and set to be operated by the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. This agency works in concert with other stakeholders within the healthcare system to ensure that high-risk individuals are adequately taken care of and monitored to prevent them from bringing danger to themselves.
Care provision for clients under the influence of drugs is also vast and draws multiple stakeholders and agencies. The rising incidence of drug abuse and addiction and its socio-economic, physical, and cognitive effects make it of particular concern to state and federal governments and other stakeholders. These stakeholders work in concert to ensure health promotion and preservation among individuals in this group.
Healthcare professionals maintain a central role in managing individuals under the influence of drugs. Their part is to preserve the health of these individuals by instituting therapeutic interventions that are targeted at relieving these individuals of the suffering attributable to drug abuse (Kaswa, 2021). A wide range of interventions has been applied to individuals with drug abuse. These include psychotherapy to talk the individuals out of their negative health behaviors and pharmacotherapy to reverse addiction to these substances of abuse. All these measures produce considerable benefits to the patients and have improved the quality of life of these individuals.
Various agencies have been established under the HHS that are targeted at behavior correction for individuals under the influence of drugs. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is an agency that aims at improving the lives of drug users and people with an addiction. This agency provides resources that enable a better understanding of health promotion among individuals in this group. The National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) is another federal institute that aims to provide care to drug addicts. This organization is responsible for funding scientific research on drug abuse and addiction to establish therapeutic modalities that will improve the quality of life of drug addicts.
In conclusion, clients under the influence of alcohol and those with a history of suicidal ideation are high-risk groups that require adequate monitoring. Care coordination among individuals from these groups requires coordination from all the stakeholders involved in their handling. Various agencies play a vital role in the promotion of the health of these individuals. Additionally, agencies such as the HHS, NIDA, and SAMHSA are pivotal in promoting the health of these individuals. Lastly, healthcare professionals also play a critical role in preserving the lives of these individuals.
Kaswa, R. (2021). Primary healthcare approach to substance abuse management. South African Family Practice, 63(1).
Roland, L., Höller, I., Forkmann, T., Glaesmer, H., Paashaus, L., & Schönfelder, A. et al. (2022). Suicidal behavior in the social environment: Does exposure moderate the relationship between an individual’s suicidal ideation and behavior? Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy.
Schulden, J., Lopez, M., & Compton, W. (2017). Clinical Implications of Drug Abuse Epidemiology. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 35(2), 411-423.
Wu, Q., Zhang, J., Walsh, L., & Slesnick, N. (2020). Family network satisfaction moderates treatment effects among homeless youth experiencing suicidal ideation. Behavior Research and Therapy, 125, 103548.
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Suicidal Ideation and Client under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol
Write a 750-1,000-word paper in which you discuss the importance of documentation in high-risk scenarios and situations in the behavioral health field.
1. Describe the two groups below and explain why they qualify as high-risk.
2. Identify two or more additional agencies or types of intervention that may be involved in coordinating care for these groups (e.g., an older adult may require contact with the police or adult protective services).
Child abuse and neglect
Elder abuse and neglect
Disabled abuse and neglect
Suicidal ideations (Danger to self)
Threats towards others (Danger to others)
Client under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Domestic violence survivor who has just left a violent situation
Include at least three scholarly references, in addition to the textbook, to support your findings.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,