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Student Log Instructions and Example

Student Log Instructions and Example

Activity Hours
Research 3 hours
Research 3 hours
Research 1 hour
Research 1 hour
Meeting with mentor 1.5 hours
Research 2 hours
Meeting with instructor  1 hour
Nurse education 2 hours
Develop PICO Question 1 hour
Meeting with Mentor 1.5 hour
Review literature 3 hours
Meeting with instructor 1 hour
Attend conference 1 hour
Conduct Interview/Survey 3 hours
Prepare QI Presentation 3 hours
Reflection Paper 2 hours
TOTAL 30 hours


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Your log should reflect the type of work you did while developing your QI project. It should be a running record that includes research. For example, developing your search strategy table, brainstorming with peers, and mentor, and meetings with your mentor and/or your instructor.

Student Log Instructions and Example

Student Log Instructions and Example

Time spent reading articles and developing the PICO question as well as the final PowerPoint presentation may also be included. Document the time you spent writing your reflection paper. There may be more activities associated with your Quality Improvement project that were not identified here. If you are unsure if an activity counts, ask your instructor. The maximum time allotted for one activity is 3 hours and the minimum time allotted is 30 minutes