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Strengths Finder Assessment Results

Strengths Finder Assessment Results

Strengths-based leadership entails focusing on your strengths and delegating tasks that you aren’t as skilled or experienced at to others. This approach can also be used to identify your team members’ strengths and encourage them to use them in a way that benefits everyone. The assessment I took represented my strengths in each of the four leadership domains: Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building, and Strategic Thinking.

Which of the 34 abilities did you expect to discover?

I expected the assessments to include at least two very important “strengths”: enhancing self-determination and developing competence and confidence. This helps to build a bridge between me, allowing me to fully engage and feel in control of my life. In addition to assisting and strengthening others. Engaging in competence and confidence development allows me to engender choices, latitude, and responsibility in my life; generating interest in a successful outcome is based on leadership principles and the complex interplay of development “nodes” in my “internal” environment. Kouzes and Posner (2012)

Describe briefly your top five strengths and how you use them.

Deliberative, Harmony, Intellection, Restorative, and Connectedness are my top strengths. “I am deliberative in the sense that I am instinctive; thus, I approach my studies or work with dignity and businesslikeness.” I am willing to sacrifice affection and relationships to be true to myself because of my talents.” Gallup Inc. (2006-2012)

Then I am at peace because “due to my weaknesses, I rely on the collective intelligence and wisdom of experts to guide me toward the best solutions or answers.” Nonetheless, the realist in me recognizes that the outcomes I produce frequently have an impact on the ability of others to do their jobs well. I have no trouble understanding how my work relates to that of others and vice versa.” Gallup Inc., 2006-2012

Because of my strengths in intelligence, “I frequently challenge my own thinking.” I enjoy having time to myself to process ideas and identify areas for improvement. “I frequently consider upgrading my surroundings and the people with whom I associate.” Gallup Inc., 2006-2012.

Restoratively, I try to overcome my limitations or shortcomings on occasion. “Perhaps I’ll learn basic skills so I can do things without asking for help.” I am an individual performer by nature. I am usually determined to overcome my limitations without the support and assistance of others. I’m driven to eliminate flaws that keep me from accomplishing as much as I’d like.” Gallup Inc., 2006-2012.

“I sense I am somehow linked to every human being on the planet,” I feel through my connectedness. Whatever I do or do not do affects them. Their decisions eventually have an impact on me. I walk a tightrope between the need to manage every aspect of my life and the realization that this is impossible. People are more important to me than things by nature. My decisions are guided by the value I place on humanity. It also has an impact on what I say and do, as well as what I choose not to say or do.” I believe I use my “Connectedness” strength the most frequently. Gallup Inc., 2006-2012.

My Assessment Results / Surprising Results

Yes, the results are in line with my expectations because interpersonal skills must be present as a tool and technique to enable corporative success and collective synergy, both of which are indicators of success. These traits, characteristics, and styles aid in the development of behavioral patterns and coalitions to partnerships, generating stakeholder support and impact in order to deliver a successful corporatized service to benefit the personal, social, and corporate environments. I didn’t find the results particularly surprising or interesting! Kouzes and Posner (2012)


People are often too talkative, and lack structure in their personal and work environments, and the mode of development can create unnecessary barriers. Effective self-development, on the other hand, builds a bridge between external stakeholders, organizational/cultural backgrounds, varying levels of expertise, and desired outcomes. When I use the processes outlined in the “StrengthsFinder Assessment Results,” I discover that internal soulful communication processes enable me to be poignant, direct, and have a clear purpose of thought. Kouzes and Posner (2012)

That allows clarity of thought to come through all of the “chatter” in my mind and others to streamline and make it easy to understand the boundary of what is required; then, in me, the negative impacts are mitigated, and the positive outcome is enhanced!


Fundamentals of Organizational Leadership. Pamela S. Shockley-Zalabak

Figure 7.1, “The Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid” on page 224

Figure 7.2, “Communication Tactics for Leadership” on page 241

Figure 7.3, “Principled Leadership,” starting on page 247

The Leadership Challenge, 5Th Edition, Kouzes, Posner, (2012).

Chapter 1, “When Leaders Are at Their Best,” pages 9–40.

Chapter 2, “Clarify Values,” pages 43–69.

Chapter 3, “Set the Example,” pages 71–97.

Strengths-Based Leadership Report, Gallup, Inc. (2000, 2006-2012).


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The Gallup Strengths Finder assessment has gained popularity as a tool for personal and professional development. According to a recent study published in the Journal of Career Assessment, the Strengths Finder assessment has been found to have strong psychometric properties and can reliably identify individuals’ strengths (Kaplan, Vacha-Haase, & Moghaddam, 2021). This suggests that the tool can be a useful resource for individuals looking to gain insight into their natural talents and abilities.

Strengths Finder Assessment Results

Strengths Finder Assessment Results

Effective leadership is crucial for organizational success, and recent research has identified several key qualities that contribute to good leadership. According to a study published in the Journal of Business Ethics, ethical leadership is positively associated with employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment (Kim & Beehr, 2021). The study found that ethical leadership, which involves fairness, honesty, and responsibility, can create a positive work environment that fosters employee loyalty and engagement.

In addition to ethical behavior, empathy has also been identified as a critical leadership skill. A recent article in Harvard Business Review suggests that empathy is the most important leadership skill, enabling leaders to connect with team members and develop strong relationships based on trust and mutual respect (Goleman, 2018). This can lead to greater collaboration and cooperation within teams, as well as increased job satisfaction and productivity.

Adaptability has become increasingly important in today’s rapidly changing business environment. A study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that leaders who are able to adapt their leadership style to different situations are more effective than those who rely on a single style (Chen, Kirkman, Kanfer, Allen, & Rosen, 2021). This suggests that the ability to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances is a critical leadership skill in today’s business landscape.

Based on the StrengthsFinder report, my top five signature themes of talent are Relator, Positivity, Woo, Achiever, and Includer. My Relator theme suggests that I’m comfortable with intimacy and derive pleasure from being around close friends. My Positivity theme makes me generous with praise, always on the lookout for the positive in a situation, and able to inject drama into every project. My Woo theme implies that I enjoy meeting new people, initiating conversations, and building rapport. My Achiever theme explains my constant need for achievement and the internal fire that pushes me to do more. Finally, my Includer theme means that I actively avoid exclusive groups and want to expand the circle to include as many people as possible. By focusing on these signature themes, I can identify and build on my natural talents to achieve consistent, near-perfect performance and enjoy personal and career success.

The two characteristics that I would like to strengthen would be cultural competency and the ability to let go of tasks and learn to delegate to others.  In my current position as the charge nurse, I tend to see that something needs to be done and jump on it.  I have been called into the office and I’ve been told I need to stop with the extra tasks that I do because it takes away from what I should be doing and it’s the responsibility of other staff.  I look at it as we are a TEAM and that’s what I do.  With cultural competency, I feel as though we can never be too familiar with different cultures.  We have a wide variety of cultures in our unit and I find that I learn new values and beliefs constantly.  I would like to be proficient in that area and know everything that I can about all cultures which I feel would help me provide better patient care now and in the future.

In conclusion, the Gallup Strengths Finder assessment can be a useful tool for personal and professional development, while ethical behavior, empathy, and adaptability are critical qualities of effective leadership. By focusing on these qualities, leaders can create a positive work environment that fosters employee loyalty, engagement, and productivity.