Strategic Planning Framework for Addressing Task Force-Identified Challenges
SWOT Diagram
Collaboration with the local community Unit specialization Training and development initiatives |
Unfavorable community perception Issues with legal compliance Shortage of staff |
Integrating technology into operations Embracing diversity Enhanced training |
Insufficient budgeting Evolving crimes Negative political sentiment |
Suggested Changes
One of the weaknesses identified for DPD is an unfavorable perception by community members. To alleviate this challenge, the police department should engage in enhanced community outreach. Programs such as neighborhood watch offer locals an increased role in policing and will endear officers with locals (Brogden & Nijhar, 2013). Further, the department should adopt cultural sensitivity training among its officers. The SWOT analysis suggests that although Dallas is a diverse city, most officers are white, and this may hinder policing activities if the respective officers do not receive sufficient cultural training to be culturally sensitive. By offering training, officers will learn the nitty-gritty specific to other communities, such as Asians, African Americans, and Latinos living within the Dallas community.
Stakeholders and Their Responsibilities
DPD leaders will be responsible for implementing the recommended changes. The leaders, in collaboration with legal experts, will design community policing programs that respond to local needs. Other stakeholders include faith groups and social services agencies. These parties will offer insights into local needs to help the department design responsive community policing interventions (Skogan & Hartnett, 2019). Overall, members of the public are also vital stakeholders as they will provide insights into local needs to help the department improve through town hall meetings.
Timeline of Events
Month 1-Month 3: The department’s leadership will formulate a task force to assess local needs and offer findings.
Month 4-6: Hold meetings, create channels of communication, and implement public awareness campaigns
Month 7-9: Offer cultural responsiveness training to all serving field officers
Month 10-12: Launch pilot community policing initiatives, followed by an evaluation and subsequent implementation of the entire plan
Identification of Resources
The PDP has multiple resource openings to leverage in implementing community policing programs. First, the department can utilize its federal allocation to implement the plan. Since that may not be sufficient, the department should be open to donations from philanthropists and local businesses. However, donors should be vetted to avoid conflict of interest in policing.
Communication Strategies
PDP should leverage traditional and digital platforms to reach the public. For instance, the department should publish ads in local television networks and newspapers. Further, given the spread of social media platforms, the department can publish the messages on its pages. Also, verified local bloggers will be handy when passing messages on to the public.
Brogden, M., & Nijhar, P. (2013). Community policing. Willan.
Skogan, W. G., & Hartnett, S. M. (2019). Community policing. Police Innovation: Contrasting Perspectives, 27-44.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Your Learning Team is a task force comprised of department leaders and strategy sponsors. The task force is responsible for developing a strategic plan for your selected department or system. As the task force, you must identify the problematic areas of the department or system and provide an outline of the strategic plan’s development process that you will use to write the strategic plan.

Strategic Planning Framework for Addressing Task Force-Identified Challenges
Write a 1-page outline in which you provide the framework for developing a strategic plan for your department or agency. That plan will address the problematic areas the task force has identified.
Include the following in your outline:
SWOT analysis diagram
Suggested action or change
Stakeholders and their responsibilities
Timeline of events
Identification of resources
Communication strategies