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Stereotyping Problem

Stereotyping Problem

I would issue an online survey questionnaire to investigate whether there is a stereotype problem in my facility. Patients would fill out the questionnaire to express their experience with the doctor, nurse, or any other staff member. According to Ferguson (2015), patients who feel stereotyped by healthcare workers tend not to adhere to medical instructions and mostly mistrust their nurses or other healthcare providers. For instance, patients stereotyped because of socioeconomic factors will likely postpone their testing and resort to a less ideal or nonstandard treatment because of financial limitations (Bernheim et al., 2008). This results in disparities in the quality of health care. Therefore, the questionnaire will revolve around garnering the patients’ opinions and how they relate with their healthcare workers.

Interpersonal conflict is aggressive behavior that is considered mild as it involves behaviors such as the covert spreading of rumors regarding other coworkers or being rude to another coworker (Guidroz, Wang, & Perez, 2012). Conflict at a hospital may emanate from patients, coworkers, nurse managers, physicians, or relatives of the patients. Several literature studies show that conflict experienced in healthcare from any source can negatively impact the outcomes of the organization and individuals (Guidroz, Wang, & Perez, 2012). Also, when a staff member engages in physical abuse or interpersonal conflict, they cause negative emotions like fear and anger, leading to emotional exhaustion that, in turn, results in withdrawal behaviors of employees and increased turnover (Guidroz, Wang, & Perez, 2012).

Nurse leaders, nurse managers, nurses, doctors, physicians, patients, and other healthcare workers are the stakeholders in addressing the issue. The best way to manage interpersonal conflict in the facility is to have a professional code of conduct that would set ground rules for all the stakeholders to stay disciplined. The leaders in the facility should also consider emotional intelligence as a prerequisite for hiring. Ramsay (2001) states that leaders must learn to be cool, avoid direct accusations, listen to others, and interpret the argument to show that they comprehend the issue. This is crucial because controlling rage can be difficult when faced with a heated mood; staying objective about things is required to avoid escalating issues.

In conclusion, attending to patients requires empathy and prioritization of patient needs. Healthcare workers need to understand the outcomes of stereotypes in a hospital and how negatively it impacts health care quality. Moreover, solving conflicts in healthcare requires leaders and staff who are emotionally intelligent and objective about the issues at hand.


Bernheim, S. M., Ross, J. S., Krumholz, H. M., & Bradley, E. H. (2008). The influence of patients’ socioeconomic status on clinical management decisions is qualitative. The Annals of Family Medicine, 6(1), 53-59.

Ferguson, D. (2015). Healthcare Stereotyping can negatively affect Patient Outcomes. Fierce Healthcare.

Guidroz, A. M., Wang, M., & Perez, L. M. (2012). Developing a model of source‐specific interpersonal conflict in health care. Stress and Health, 28(1), 69-79.

Ramsay, M. A. (2001, April). Conflict in the health care workplace. In Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings (Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 138-139). Taylor & Francis.


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Click here to read The Influence of Patients’ Socioeconomic Status on Clinical Management Decisions: A Qualitative Study.

Stereotyping Problem

Stereotyping Problem

A safe and appropriate organizational culture involves developing employees’ understanding of how patient population characteristics can influence clinical decision-making.

As a hospital administrator, you hear some complaints and want to investigate whether the problem of stereotyping exists at your facility.

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research various types of stereotyping such as racial, ethnic, religious, and gender. Based on your research and understanding, respond to the following:

How will you conduct the investigation? What will you do if the problem does exist at your facility?
Recently, staff has been complaining about abusive physician behavior. A process introduced to deal with abusive physician behavior alienates some doctors. As a direct result of the staff complaints, one of every three doctors threatens to leave the hospital.

Recommend a system for addressing the grievances and a long-term solution focused on the interpersonal conflict.

Use the case study form to complete this discussion.

Definition of the problem.
Identification of the stakeholders.
Identification and evaluation of alternative solutions.
The solution was chosen, and its justification