State Party Platform- The Green Party of Virginia
One of the major parties in my state is the Green Party of Virginia (GPVA). GPVA is a constituent party of the Green Party of the United States. The party sponsors candidates to run on an ecological platform, emphasizing the need to adopt environmental sustainability (The Green Party, 2024). I agree with and support the party’s platform. Environmental sustainability will come in handy at such a time when environmental degradation has caused untold suffering to humans in the US and across the world. GPVA’s platform aligns with the biblical principle that requires current generations to care for future generations. For instance, the Bible says, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it” (New International Version, 2011, Gen. 2:15). This verse shows that people should be environmental stewards by protecting the environment.
Blaizen Bloom, the GPVA Co-chair, and Chesapeake representative, has consistently voted in favor of the Green Party’s ecological platform. He resisted the Del-Mar fracked gas pipe construction in Maryland because it violated the environmental sustainability principles. While outlining his resistance, Blaizen averred that the world is shifting to renewable energy, emphasizing the need to eradicate fossil fuels. Implementing fossil fuel projects at a time of climate emergency should be resisted since the goal is to transition to 100% green sustainability.
I support Blaizen’s resistance to fossil fuel projects. Instead of investing significant resources in projects that reverse gains made so far, there is a need to redirect such resources to support the green energy transition. The Green Party encourages the Federal government to play a prominent role in preventing private investors from exacerbating the environmental crisis. I will contribute campaign funds to support Blaizen and other candidates rooting for environmental sustainability. Besides, I will actively participate in forums supporting green energy and give speeches rooting for the Green Party’s platform. I also will campaign for pro-green leaders seeking elective office at various levels of governance. Crowding governance structure with pro-green leaders is vital to alleviating the menace of fossil fuels.
The Green Party. (2024, January 26). Green Party Says Biden Must permanently halt LNG and other new fossil fuels infrastructure.
The Holy Bible: New International Version (NIV). (2011). Biblica, Inc. (Original work published 1973)
We’ll write everything from scratch
Locate the websites for the major political parties in your state. Once you have located the party website, determine the elements of the party platform. Organize the following information into an essay. Include the correct citation of the party’s website and any other references you used for this essay using the current APA format. Do not write about the Republican Party of Virginia.
State Party Platform- The Green Party of Virginia
Examine one of your state’s party platforms.
Do you agree with the platform?
Why or why not?
What biblical principles apply to your position?
Examine the voting record of your elected representative to state government.
Does the person vote in line with the party platform?
Give specific examples.
What views would you like to express to your representative?
How can you get involved with politics at the local level to support the candidate of your choice?