Special Education is an Integral Part of the Total Educational Enterprise
Question One: My Position
I agree that special education is not a separate entity from general education but an integral part. Special education services should be provided in the least restrictive environment possible and be based on the individual needs of each student. Special education must be seen as an essential part of the total educational enterprise for all students to receive a quality education. Indeed, this is because:
- Special education allows students with disabilities to be included in the general education classroom, providing them with opportunities to interact with their non-disabled peers. According to Maag et al. (2019), this can lead to more positive social interactions and improved academic performance for students with disabilities. Total inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education classroom can also lead to increased awareness and understanding of individual differences among all students.
- Special education provides specialized instruction and support based on each student’s individual needs (Parmigiani et al., 2021). This type of customized instruction can help students with disabilities progress in academics, social skills, and behavior. Special education can also help prepare students for life after graduation by teaching them independent living and vocational skills. For example, students with disabilities who receive special education services are more likely to find employment after graduation than those who do not receive such services.
- Students with disabilities are more likely to drop out of school if they do not receive special education services (Amatori, Mesquita & Quelhas, 2020). Special education can help keep students with disabilities in school by providing the necessary support and accommodations to succeed. The school system benefits when all students, including those with disabilities, stay in school and graduate. For instance, dropout rates among students with disabilities are significantly lower in states that mandate special education services.
Question Two: Relation to the Covid-19 Pandemic
During the Covid-19 pandemic, many schools had to close their doors and move to online learning. Accordingly, this has been a difficult transition for all students, but it has been especially challenging for students with disabilities. Many of the supports and services these students rely on are not available in an online setting. For example, students who receive speech therapy or occupational therapy may not be able to receive these services via Zoom or other online platforms (Parmigiani et al., 2021). In addition, many students with disabilities require in-person assistance to succeed in school. They may need help taking notes, completing assignments, or understanding the material.
Without these supports, many students with disabilities struggle to keep up with their classmates and may, eventually, fall behind. Distance learning has also made it difficult for students with disabilities to socialize and interact with their peers. Interaction with peers is an important part of the school experience for all students. It is especially crucial for students with disabilities who may not have many other opportunities to socialize. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of special education services and the need for all students to access these services.
Question Three: An Idea from Module 1 Assignment – My Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is that all students can learn and succeed in school if allowed to do so. Accordingly, this includes students with disabilities who may need specialized instruction and support in order to be successful. The FAPE and LRE mandates ensure that all students with disabilities have the opportunity to receive a free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment. Ideally, this means that students with disabilities should be included in the general education classroom as much as possible and only placed in a more restrictive setting if necessary (Hick et al., 2019). My teaching philosophy is aligned with these mandates, and I believe that all students, regardless of their disability, can learn and achieve in school. For example, one of my students with autism made significant progress in his academics and social skills after being included in the general education classroom with the proper support. He is now on track to graduate with his classmates, and I believe he would not have been as successful if he had not been included in the mainstream classroom.
Amatori, G., Mesquita, H., & Quelhas, R. (2020). Special Education for inclusion in Europe: critical issues and comparative perspectives for teachers’ education between Italy and Portugal. Education Sciences & Society-Open Access, 11(1).
Hick, P., Matziari, A., Mintz, J., Ó Murchú, F., Cahill, K., Hall, K., & Solomon, Y. (2019). Initial teacher education for inclusion: Final Report to the National Council for Special Education.
Maag, J. W., Kauffman, J. M., & Simpson, R. L. (2019). The amalgamation of special education? On practices and policies that may render it unrecognizable. Exceptionality, 27(3), 185-200.
Parmigiani, D., Benigno, V., Giusto, M., Silvaggio, C., & Sperandio, S. (2021). E-inclusion: online special education in Italy during the Covid-19 pandemic. Technology, pedagogy and education, 30(1), 111-124.
We’ll write everything from scratch

Special Education is an Integral Part
Read the statement and choose a response that matches your thinking. You can click the link to see where the quote came from if you want to know more. Then, write a response. What does this statement mean? Do you agree, disagree, or partially agree? Why? Can you explain how you relate to this statement? Do you have any life experiences that are shaping your thinking? Pull in some of your ideas from module 1, including your teaching philosophy and opinions of students with disabilities, to help respond to this statement. Your written response should be thorough and expand beyond simple summaries or descriptions into stages of analysis, judgment, and application.
“Special education is an integral part of the total educational enterprise, not a separate order. In any school system, special education is a means of enlarging the capacity of the system to serve the educational needs of all children.”