Latest News - Sociology

Group Affiliation

Group Affiliation Groups are part of the fundamental aspect of human culture that remains the same in human existence. For instance, people lived in small social groups of families, clans, and...

Social Competition and Cooperation

Social Competition and Cooperation Everyone worldwide has varying opinions when dealing with various daily aspects, from food preferences to big social disputes. People can choose to use all their...

Social Deviance

Social Deviance Various societies’ well-being depends on their ability to conform to specific societal or cultural norms. However, individual action towards these norms is often varied....

Spiritual Needs for Older Adults

Spiritual Needs for Older Adults Spirituality is one of the dimensions of wellness. Even though the definitions of spirituality are disputed and still evolving, the basic concept is that...

Interventions When Working with Older Adults

Interventions When Working with Older Adults Art and music are said to be highly effective practices in enhancing communication as well as stimulating memory (Getz, 2022). Through Alison’s...


Groups An in-group refers to a group one belongs to and believes to be an important part of who they are. In contrast, an out-group is a group one does not belong to, and individuals tend to feel...