Annotated Bibliography Johns, M. M., Poteat, V. P., Horn, S. S., & Kosciw, J. (2019). Strengthening our schools to promote resilience and health among LGBTQ youth: Emerging evidence and research...
Latest News - Sociology
Late Adulthood The vignette presented is of an 85-year-old African American woman called Alaina, experiencing various difficulties characteristic of late adulthood. Alaina may be experiencing...
Caregiver Support and In-Home Supportive Services In-home Supportive Services care is commonly used to help low-income older adults, disabled or blind individuals, including children, ensure their...
Advanced Care Planning Families must discuss the individual’s personal, emotional, spiritual, and financial needs during advance care planning. Families need to talk about the right person who...
Development in Middle Adulthood Seth is in stage 7 of Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development. This stage entails Generativity versus Stagnation. Consistently, this stage mainly comprises...
Gentrification Gentrification is the process of changing the character of a neighborhood through the influx of more affluent residents and businesses. It is a common and controversial topic in urban...