Social Work-Community Community is considered a vague term in sociology, and it is because of this vagueness that different sociologists have given varying definitions of this term. Talcott Parsons...
Latest News - Sociology
Parenting Styles The four parenting styles are authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful, based on demandingness and responsiveness. Authoritative parenting, also known as democratic...
The Impact of Environments and Culture on Human Development People’s environment and culture shape them in many ways they can hardly admit or realize. These influences are largely...
Sexual Orientation Sexuality is not a Choice The definition of sexuality is the gender or sex one is attracted to. Many believe that the default for sexuality should be an attraction to the opposite...
Sociological Perspectives on Economy Capitalism and Socialism Capitalism and socialism are terms used to describe the economic concepts used to manage financial resources to achieve a given...
Climate Change Climterm’ ange’ refers t’ long-term temperature shifts because of human activities such as releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (OpenStax 460). Many scientists...