Religion in Todays Climate Religion is a social belief, symbol, and ritual by people in certain groups as a system of faith and worship based on supernatural beings like God that guide them to live...
Latest News - Sociology
Proneness to Opiate Addiction Among the many theories associated with drug abuse, one that stands out the most is the proneness theory to illicit drug abuse, particularly opioids (Shafiee et al.,...
School Violence School violence can be described as violence involving youths that occurs on school grounds, during school events, or on the way to and from school. In addition, in most cases, a...
Written Assignment 1-Maritime Profession and Depression Background Seafaring has been widely reported as a risky profession when it comes to mental and physical health. According to Brooks &...
Parenting and Role Models and Youth Violence Youth violence refers to the deliberate use of physical power or force to harm or threaten other people by adolescents between the ages of 10 and 24...
Social Problems and Sociological Perspectives Racism is a socially developed system that distinguishes and classifies individuals sharing phenotypical features. Sociologists perceive racism issues...