Sociology- Coursework
Why is remarriage in old age is becoming more common and the positive aspects of remarriage today?
One main reason remarriage in old age has become more common is the rising divorce rates across all ages of married couples, even old couples. As such, there are more divorced-aged individuals who might get married again. The second reason is that in the past, remarriage, especially of widowed individuals, was not as acceptable in society. However, this has changed in recent years; more widowed individuals get to meet other people if they are open to it. Some positive aspects of remarriage today include filling the gap or void left when a person becomes divorced or widowed, especially in old age (Hillier & Barrow, 2014). Secondly, in old age, one’s children are grown up, which takes away relationship strains like being stepparents. Lastly, today there is an increase in prenuptial agreements, which plays a significant role in reducing conflicts in blended families. Get in touch with us at We offer assignment help with high professionalism.
How does the value of work in American society affect attitudes about retirement and leisure, factors affecting values of leisure, and the expanding work and leisure opportunities for older Americans?
Work in American society has always been given a high value. It could be because some consider work to be an indicator of social standing or because it is used as an indicator of personal and practical value and moral quality, hence the term work ethic. This high value has been shown to negatively impact retirees because a lot of their personal value is linked to work and not being able to do so anymore makes them feel less valuable. In addition, strong work ethic retirees are unable to enjoy leisure activities. Some of the factors affecting the values of leisure include age, work ethic, and symbols of social standing. Finding work is difficult for everyone, and this only gets challenging as one gets older. Older people, however, could be employed part-time in companies that specifically target individuals their age, like Walt Disney World and McDonald’s. In terms of full-time job opportunities, aged individuals could make a shift in their careers; for instance, a retired professor could work as an advisor (Hillier & Barrow, 2014). Further, the best chance is in self-employment, where retired individuals can start their own business using their years of expertise or even start something entirely new that they are passionate about.
Why does Congress establish Social Security and the original objective of the program, the problematic trend of fewer workers to support more retirees, and options to keep the Social Security system solvent?
Social Security was initially a social welfare program designed to reduce the effects of poverty on the most poverty-vulnerable population because of the Great Depression. One of these populations was the older adults. The principle of the Social Security system is that the younger working generation pays to supplement income for those who have retired, a principle which will also apply to them when they retire. However, there is an increase in the number of retired individuals compared to the working generation, which puts strain on the payments, putting the Social Security fund at risk of bankruptcy (Hillier & Barrow, 2014). One option to solve this potential problem is to increase the number of years at which one retires. A second option would be to get rid of this program and instead make savings mandatory for every employed individual.
What are some specific reasons for elderly dissatisfaction with housing, including personal changes, financial changes, increasing maintenance, urban blight, and the desire to purchase leisure?
Some personal changes that bring about housing dissatisfaction for older adults include health issues that cause challenges like going up the stairs. Financial changes include a reduction in the number of earnings, which means that expenses like property tax should be affordable depending on one’s income (Hillier & Barrow, 2014). Some older people have lived in their houses for a long time, which means that the house is also older, and this comes with problems like leaking roofs and peeling paint. As such, the maintenance costs tend to be high for such houses, which adds to the budget of older adults in such houses. Urban blight is often associated with areas with a huge population of older people; consequently, this deterioration of security, among other things, then causes housing dissatisfaction.
What are measures for and sources of caregiver distress and possible solutions for this distress, including psychological interventions and respite care?
Sources of caregiver distress include a caregiver’s own health or personal problems, a strain of responsibility due to the direct personal care of older adults, demands from other aspects of the life of a caregiver, strained family relationships, and difficulties in finding outside help. Possible solutions for this distress include support groups, family counseling, educational groups, and groups focused on solving problems between caretakers and older adults (Hillier & Barrow, 2014). Further solutions include taking a break by hiring help or placing older people in a nursing home temporarily as one takes the needed break.
What are some causes of suicide for older people, the social movement to give older adults the choice to die with dignity by their own hand, and therapeutic interventions for suicide among the elderly?
Some common causes of suicide among older adults include depression from bereavement, isolation, poverty, loss of independence, and poor health conditions. Hemlock Society was a social movement founded by Derek Humphrey with the aim of helping people make choices on how they would deal with their terminal diseases, i.e., commit suicide (Hillier & Barrow, 2014). Skilled therapists are the best therapeutic intervention for anyone, including older people with suicidal ideations.
Hillier, S. M., & Barrow, G. M. (2014). Aging, the individual, and society. Cengage learning.
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The questions are based on Chapters 7-12, and answer each question in-depth in essay paragraph style.
Why is remarriage in old age is becoming more common and the positive aspects of remarriage today?
Sociology- Coursework
How does the value of work in American society affect attitudes about retirement and leisure, factors affecting values of leisure, and the expanding work and leisure opportunities for older Americans?
Why does Congress establish Social Security and the original objective of the program, the problematic trend of fewer workers to support more retirees, and options to keep the Social Security system solvent?
What are some specific reasons for elderly dissatisfaction with housing, including personal choices, financial changes, increasing maintenance, urban blight, and the desire to purchase leisure?
What are measures for and sources of caregiver distress and possible solutions for this distress, including psychological interventions and respite care?
6. What are some causes of suicide for older people, the social movement to give older adults the choice to die with dignity by their own hand, and therapeutic interventions for suicide among the elderly?
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