Social Work Research-Sampling Method
The study on how parents can improve their coping skills will be a qualitative study conducted by interviewing respondents. According to Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill (2012), the type of data to be collected and the nature of the research dictate the study approach employed. The availability and nature of research subjects also determine the method of sampling that can be employed. In selecting a sample, a researcher should ensure that the obtained sample is representative of the whole population under study. In this study, a convenience sampling approach will be employed to obtain the research subjects. This is a sampling technique whereby the researcher selects research participants based on their accessibility to the researcher. In the context of the study, it will entail selecting the parents who are easily reachable and readily available for the interviews. This is a non-probability sampling method: all parents within the study area will have an unequal chance of being included in the sample since availability determines their convenience for the study.
The study will require conducting comprehensive interviews with research participants to fully understand how the four factors under study contribute to their coping skills. In addition, the study will be more profound if the interviews are conducted face-to-face with the respondents. A large sample will help in eliminating the bias associated with convenience sampling, as Mauldin (2019) suggests. The sampling method will also facilitate follow-up in case more information is required. The sample will also consider obtaining information from parents with two children and above. This will enable the parents to compare how the children offer support and how it helps the parents in improving their coping skills.
Mauldin, R. L. (2019). Foundations of Social Work Research. Arlington: Mavs Open Press
Saunders, M., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2012). Research Methods for Business Students. 6th edition, Pearson Education Limited.
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If you were conducting research on our class topic: How to Improve Coping Skills in Parents
Social Work Research-Sampling Method
What type of sampling method would you use and why?
Please Note: Reading is chapter 6 of the textbook, Thanks.