Social-Emotional Comparative Article Critique
Article Critique One
The article titled “Social-Emotional Learning Interventions for Students With Special Educational Needs: A Systematic Literature Review by Sepideh Hassani and Susanne Schwab (2021) presents a systematic evidence-based analysis of social-emotional learning interventions for children with special educational needs (SEN). The authors of this research examine this subject using data from eleven pertinent studies that examine the connection between child-focused interventions and social-emotional well-being (Hassani & Schwab, 2021). The research thus indicates that the effects are not always positive but that, in general, the impact of these interventions on students with special needs is relatively small. The study’s conclusion is made in the final section, which offers recommendations for improvements that should be made for the next research and interventions.
The authors put forward the value of social-emotional well-being and adeptness by stating that they are essential for students with special educational needs. Such articles establish the knowledge basis of multiple forms of SEN and point out the absence of common consensus about its definition (Hassani & Schwab, 2021). Through the systematic review performed, the authors added to the credibility of their results. Nevertheless, the fact that only a few of the studies (11) could be included in the analysis could narrow the applicability of the findings. Although the article succeeded in accentuating the necessity of further exploration and progress in intervention studies, it did not pay adequate attention to the issue of developing the social-emotional capabilities of students with SEN.
Personal Reflection
Examining the effects of socio-emotional learning interventions on special education pupils is a critical topic that this article explores. The data shows that the initiatives are not as effective as desired, mainly because they have limited impact. As a professional, I profoundly acknowledge the vital role of developing social-emotional skills in students because this directly influences their general well-being and academic achievement (Hassani & Schwab, 2021). This article reiterates the call for individualized interventions that cater to the varied needs of SEN students. Moreover, it highlights the need for ongoing research and strategy refinement. In the future, it is paramount to concentrate on the production of appropriate interventions that can competently handle the social-emotional growth of students with special education needs.
Article Critique Two
The article titled “Social-emotional Development of Students with Social-emotional and Behavioral Difficulties in Inclusive Regular and Exclusive Special Education” by Zweers et al. (2021) explores the social-emotional development of students with social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties (SEBD) in inclusive regular education and exclusive unique education settings. The research was conducted on 195 primary school students with SEBD, and the social and emotional outcomes of these students were compared between the two educational settings. The result is that regular education students with SEBD who are in inclusive settings have greater social-emotional functioning than those in exclusive special education (Zweers et al., 2021). The article emphasizes the significant and positive impact inclusive education might have on the social-emotional development of students who have SEBD.
Zweers and his colleagues did an extensive study that is very useful in the aspect of the emotional and social development of students with SEBD in different settings. The research design, which is a comparison of inclusive regular education and exclusive special education, is one of the things that makes this study rich. The study of 195 primary school students with SEBD provides a large sample size that can be used to make meaningful conclusions. The results that show higher social-emotional competence in students with SEBD in regular education inclusive context demonstrate the likely benefits of inclusive practices. This implies that the inclusive environment, which incorporates diverse peer interactions and social support, contributes positively to the social-emotional development of the students with SEBD. However, it is important to note the study’s limitations, such as its emphasis on elementary school pupils and the potential influence of both environmental and individual factors on the social-emotional results.
Personal Reflection
This article focuses on a significant topic of social-emotional development for students with social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties and the influence of different learning settings on their welfare. I understand the importance of creating classrooms where all students are welcomed, and their social-emotional needs are met. The results of this study support the view that inclusive education can have positive impacts on the social-emotional functionality of students with SEBD. The highlighting of the advantages of inclusive practice, for example, the creation of a sense of belonging and provision of emotional support, repeats the necessity of inclusive education for promoting the overall well-being of students with social-emotional and behavioral difficulties. Furthermore, the need for continuous efforts in the development of inclusive policies and practices that meet the unique needs of these students is also brought to the forefront.
Article Critique Three
The article “The Effects of Inclusion on Academic Achievement, socioemotional development and Well-being of Children with Special Educational Needs” by Dalgaard et al. (2022) is a systematic review to determine how inclusion affects children with special educational needs (SEN) in terms of their academic achievement, socioemotional development, and well-being. The authors use a strict Campbell Collaboration protocol to screen the relevant scientific pieces of literature on this topic. The outcomes of this research indicate that inclusive education is beneficial for the academic achievements, psychological well-being, and social advancement of children with special educational needs. This illustrates the significance of the care practices which result in positive outcomes for these children.
The article by Dalgaard et al. (2022) is a well-organized and well-executed systematic review that shows the effects of inclusion on children who have special needs. The authors apply the Campbell Collaboration method, which is aimed at ensuring top-quality research results. By evaluating different studies, we get a holistic view of the impact of the inclusion of children with special needs on their academic achievement, social and emotional development, and well-being. The consistent and positive effects seen in these areas suggest that inclusion can be a positive experience for students with SEN (Dalgaard et al., 2022). Nevertheless, the reviews have the limitations of publication bias and the studies of different types that are included in the review. The focus of the next studies should be on the identified drawbacks and explore the specific processes by which inclusion serves as the basis for success for children with SEN.
Personal Reflection
This research examines the role of inclusion in academic achievement, social-emotional development, and overall health of students with specific education needs and the requirement for an inclusive practice in the environment of education. I now know the need to make a place where students of all different needs will feel comfortable. The influence of inclusion on children with SEN is shown in the conclusion section of this review, and it greatly influences their academic, social, and emotional development. This research emphasizes how important it is for educators and schools to consider students’ needs beyond just their academic achievement. They should also assist them in connecting with other students, feeling like they belong, and receiving the support they require (Dalgaard et al., 2022). In addition to using evidence-based practices, school administrators must ensure that inclusion remains a top priority in order to place students with special education needs in learning environments that best support their social and intellectual development.
In their systematic review, Dalgaard et al. (2022) revealed that inclusion is advantageous to the academic scores of children with special education needs (SEN). However, the impacts on social-emotional development and welfare were not clearly presented. The study was not designed specifically to assess how social-emotional learning programs affected inclusion but the impact of inclusion as a whole. Hence, the current research differs from that of Hassani and Schwab (2021), who focused on social-emotional learning interventions for students with special education needs.
In the study by Hassani and Schwab (2021), they systematically reviewed social-emotional learning (SEL) interventions for students with special educational needs. The assessments have revealed minor positive effects of SEL programs for students with SEN. This is in line with the common idea that SEL programs can lead to some significant but meaningful benefits for students with special needs. It is in contrast to Dalgaard et al. (2022), which not only addresses SEL interventions but also the impact of inclusion in general.
While Dalgaard et al. (2022) and Hassani and Schwab (2021) discuss the effects of interventions and inclusion on special education students, Zweers et al. (2021) took a different route. Zweers et al. compared the social-emotional development of students with social-emotional and behavioral difficulties in different educational settings: both inclusive and limited special education. In contrast to pupils in exclusive special education, students in inclusive normal education demonstrated superior social-emotional development at the conclusion of the study (Bierman & Sanders, 2021). This provides a unique point of view on how social-emotional development is affected by diverse educational situations.
In summary, Dalgaard et al. (2022) determined the consequences of inclusion on academic achievements while Hassani and Schwab (2021) considered the effectiveness of social-emotional learning interventions for students with special educational needs as their research focus. Lastly, Zweers and others (2021) found results on social-emotional development gaps between inclusive regular education and exclusive special education settings. Notably, Dalgaard et al. (2022) and Hassani and Schwab (2021) discussed intervention and effects similarly, while Zweers et al. (2021) provided a different idea by comparing educational settings.
Biblical Worldview
According to the biblical worldview, children who struggle with social and emotional issues should be treated with compassion and care since they are human, first and foremost, made in God’s image. According to Psalm 139: 13–14, every individual has intrinsic worth and dignity since they are fearfully and wonderfully made by God, regardless of their abilities or limitations (Barker, 2020). With this understanding, one can better appreciate the role of identifying and valuing students with social-emotional needs as well as their individuality, kindness, and respect.
The Bible constantly reminds us that the main commandment is to love one another. This also holds true for children who might require support and attention in order to meet their social-emotional needs. The book of 1 Peter 3:8 teaches that love and compassion are essential in building meaningful relationships and promoting the well-being of others (Barker, 2020). Through this, we can generate an atmosphere in which students needing social-emotional support will feel safe, welcomed, and relaxed.
The Bible also instructs believers to love everyone despite their situation. They should see people with different disabilities as integral members of the society. The inclusion of students with special needs makes them feel that they are part of the team and that they get all the help they need regarding their social-emotional problems (Heyder et al., 2020). The scripture, in the book of 1st Corinthians 12:22-25, reminds believers that all members of the body of Christ are essential, regardless of their abilities or challenges, and that each person has a unique role to play (Barker, 2020). Inclusion should be viewed as an opportunity to recognize the potential and the significance of the students with social-emotional needs and, at the same time, as an instrument allowing them to become an integral part of the academic and social environment.
In the Bible, the social-emotional need of students is highlighted when it emphasizes that the community of believers should come along to offer support and encouragement. The Scripture of Galatians 6:2 teaches that believers should bear one another’s burdens, providing comfort during times of difficulty or struggle (Barker, 2020). This guideline is also a crucial factor to students who have other needs and need extra help and motivation. Educators, parents, and societies should give students a conducive environment that has the right facilities and make it peaceful so that these students can have the chance to emerge victorious from their challenges.
To sum up, the Bible states that God is the greatest source of strength, comfort, and healing. According to Philippians 4:6-7, believers are encouraged to bring their concerns and needs to God in prayer, seeking guidance, wisdom, and peace (Barker, 2020). Through praying for students with social-emotional needs, their families, and the ones who are helping them, believers can become the hope and support they need.
Barker, K. L., Strauss, M. L., Brown, J. K., Blomberg, C. L., & Williams, M. (Eds.). (2020). NIV study bible. Zondervan.
Bierman, K. L., & Sanders, M. T. (2021). Teaching explicit social-emotional skills with contextual supports for students with intensive intervention needs. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 29(1), 14-23.
Dalgaard, N. T., Bondebjerg, A., Viinholt, B. C., & Filges, T. (2022). The effects of inclusion on academic achievement, socioemotional development, and well-being of children with special educational needs. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18(4), e1291.
Hassani, S., & Schwab, S. (2021, December). Social-emotional learning interventions for students with special educational needs: A systematic literature review. In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 6, p. 808566). Frontiers.
Heyder, A., Suedkamp, A., & Steinmayr, R. (2020). How are teachers’ attitudes toward inclusion related to the social-emotional school experiences of students with and without special educational needs? Learning and Individual Differences, 77, 101776.
Zweers, I., de Schoot, R. A. V., Tick, N. T., Depaoli, S., Clifton, J. P., de Castro, B. O., & Bijstra, J. O. (2021).Social-emotional development of students with social-emotional and behavioral difficulties in inclusive regular and exclusive special education. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 45(1), 59-68.
We’ll write everything from scratch
For this assignment, you will find three journal articles on the topic of social-emotional development in students with special needs. You will then compile three article critiques. Each article critique should contain a summary of the article, an analysis of the author’s key points, and personal reflection that is at least one paragraph each. You will then write a summary comparing what you found in each article critique and include a biblical perspective on students with social-emotional needs.
Social-Emotional Comparative Article Critique
Parameters for this assignment include:
Include a title page and reference page in APA format.
Include headings for each section of your paper.
- Title Page
- Article Critique One
- Summary
- Analysis
- Personal Reflection
- Article Critique Two
- Summary
- Analysis
- Personal Critique
- Article Critique Three
- Summary
- Analysis
- Personal Reflection
- Conclusion
- Comparison
- Biblical Worldview
- Reference Page
- Each section of your paper should be at least one page in length, total paper should be between 4-7 pages not including your title and reference pages.
- Include 3-5 references (one for each article critique and 1-2 for your conclusion), as well as 2 Scripture references.