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Social Competition and Cooperation

Social Competition and Cooperation

Everyone worldwide has varying opinions when dealing with various daily aspects, from food preferences to big social disputes. People can choose to use all their different opinions to either come together in cooperation or create a basis for conflict. Cooperation behavior occurs when people trust each other in peaceful interactions and communications, intending to profit themselves through the benefits created. In contrast, competition is a behavior whereby people try to get all the rewards themselves, thereby reducing the possibility of success for other parties (Payne, 2020), leading to real-world disputes. Do you need help with your assignment ? Contact us at

In society, there are numerous real-world disputes. For example, sexual orientations and preferences have become the basis for many disputes, especially with prejudice against the LGBTQ+ community. Same-sex partners, as in homosexuality, have been a basis for disputes on its acceptability. These disputes can be based on moral beliefs according to different cultures, which are a set of standards that enable these cultural groups to live cooperatively by following what is considered right or wrong.

Consistently, two positions are set in this dispute: those supporting and those disputing same-sex orientation or preference. Therefore, some communities or groups can be comfortable with it while others will find it extremely unacceptable, thus affecting said individual. For instance, a homosexual couple can feel accepted and open in the United States, while another couple in a community with different morals can be discriminated against and isolated from their own families and communities.

However, social fairness comes into effect in such a situation. In a society, it is natural and normal to fight for right and fair things while reacting negatively to unfair things (“Maricopa Open Digital Press,” 2022). With social fairness, conflict is avoided, and cooperation happens in some cases. Consistently, the LGBTQ+ community has grown to be accepted by communities and is still making progress. Therefore, people should first listen to different opinions and find a solution that will favor both parties and live in cooperation instead of conflict.


Payne, W. (2020). Human Behavior and the Social Environment II. The University of Arkansas.

Maricopa Open Digital Press. (2022). Retrieved from


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Choose a real-world dispute among individuals or groups and analyze it using the principles discussed in chapter 19 of your textbook.

Social Competition and Cooperation

Social Competition and Cooperation

APA format is required; remember to cite your sources.