Social Class and Stratification
Social stratification refers to the social groups’ hierarchy based on unequal social status, power, and wealth. The social stratification forms include but are not limited to the caste system, class system, and slavery (Grusky, 2019). The caste system refers to the system of social division where one is born into a particular class determining their life trajectory; one example is India’s caste system. The class system, on the other hand, refers to an individual being born in a particular social position, but in this case, one can move either down or up the social structure in the course of their life. Some class systems are open, allowing for social mobility, and others are closed. Finally, slavery is a condition where one human owns another human as property. Enslaved people were deprived of most human rights and privileges held by free people.
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People that possess power, prestige, and wealth are those with high socioeconomic status. This group can protect and better their life interests, including attaining better education and well-paying jobs. In contrast, those with low socioeconomic status experience poverty and lesser chances of attaining a better education and a well-paying job.
Regarding the explanation of stratification, Davis and Moore argued that roles and jobs are distributed in ways that benefit society (McLeod, 2013). According to them, some jobs are superior to others, just as some body organs are more important to the body’s functioning. The superior jobs require more hours and money in training and schooling. They also have more rewards in the form of wealth and higher status. The two perspectives that explain social stratification are functionalist and conflict theories. The former argue that societal structure and power are based on shared values or goals, interdependence, and cooperation. Conflict theorists, on the other hand, argued that societal structures result from social groups’ competition for influence and wealth.
Social Inequality and Discrimination
One form of social discrimination is gender discrimination, which refers to the unequal treatment of a group or an individual based on gender (Dixon, Durrheim, Tredoux, Tropp, Clack, & Eaton, 2010). Sexual harassment is an example of gender discrimination. Structural and cultural factors contributing to inequality are attributed to uneven rewards and unequal opportunities for different social statuses or societal positions. It involves recurrent and structured distribution patterns of punishment, rewards, wealth, and opportunities. In addition, gender discrimination is characterized by the gender pay gap, which is the wage difference between men and women. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), women are paid 20% less than men globally, and although there are variations, the gap is relatively more comprehensive in some countries than in others. Also, fewer women are in leadership and management positions compared to men.
Social inequality also involves prejudice, which is the unjustified negative attitudes towards someone based on his membership in a particular social group (Baldwin, 2017). Secondly, there is discrimination, which is the practice that differentiates or excludes individuals or groups based on their perceived characteristics. Thirdly, racism is any behaviour, belief, or attitude to justify or explain discrimination and prejudice against ethnic or racial minorities based on perceived inferiority. Pluralism is where persons of all ethnicities or races are separate, but they have social equality, while assimilation is when the minority groups gradually adopt the patterns of the dominating culture. Segregation is the social and physical separation of people into categories, and finally, genocide refers to the organized killing of one group of people by another group. Discrimination exists in two forms, individual and institutional discrimination. The former involves an individual’s discriminatory behaviour, while the latter involves discrimination entrenched in a social institution. Jim Crow segregation is one important example where the state’s laws mandated that Blacks and Whites be separate in every area of life.
Social Class in America
American society has been stratified into social classes based on one’s education, occupation, and wealth. A lot of Americans believe in the three-class model; the upper, middle, and working class (Carlson & England, 2011). According to the American Dream logic, society is meritocratic, and class is based on achievement. That means one belonging to a particular social class is based on their level of education, class distinction, and career accomplishment. Individuals’ social class impacts their health, family life, and education. In terms of health, it impacts their ability to receive good nutrition and healthcare.
Regarding family life, social class influences household composition, patterns of marriage and childbearing, and home stability. In the U.S., the possibility of a marriage ending is significantly more significant for a couple with a lower socioeconomic status than those in the upper class. Finally, socioeconomic status impacts one’s education because those from the high class have the means to attain the best education and ultimately acquire prestigious jobs.
Irrespective of its causes, poverty has distressing effects on the people affected. Studies that scholars have conducted have documented the consequences brought about by poverty (Mood & Jonsson, 2016). Ultimately, poverty causes social tension and threatens to divide a society due to income inequality. This will happen when there is a poor distribution of wealth in a country. Developed nations have maintained stability due to the presence of the middle class; even so, some of these countries are slowly losing the middle class, and consequently, there has been an upsurge in clashes and riots. Poverty is one of the most dangerous factors in society and can cause an entire country to destabilize. One example is the Arab Spring which led to revolts due to high poverty levels.
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Baldwin, J. (2017). Culture, prejudice, racism, and discrimination. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication.
Carlson, M., & England, P. (2011). Social class and changing families in an unequal America. Stanford University Press.
Dixon, J., Durrheim, K., Tredoux, C., Tropp, L., Clack, B., & Eaton, L. (2010). A paradox of integration? Interracial contact, prejudice reduction, and perceptions of racial discrimination. Journal of Social Issues, 66(2), 401-416.
Grusky, D. (2019). Social Stratification, Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective. Routledge.
McLeod, J. D. (2013). Social stratification and inequality. In Handbook of the Sociology of mental health (pp. 229-253). Springer, Dordrecht.
Mood, C., & Jonsson, J. O. (2016). The social consequences of poverty: an empirical test on longitudinal data. Social Indicators Research, 127(2), 633-652.
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Module 3 – Case
Social Class and Stratification
Assignment Overview
For this assignment, you will create a document addressing specific issues associated with discrimination, stratification and social inequality.
Social Class and Stratification
Case Assignment
Assignment: Discrimination, Stratification, and Inequality
- Analyze the different social stratifications
- Explain sexual and racial discrimination
- Critique inequalities in gender and age and their impacts on society
- Analyze poverty and its effects on society
Step 1 Read the assignment guidelines below.
Assignment Guidelines
In this assignment, you will analyze social stratification, inequality, and discrimination issues. Use a Word document that highlights the concepts you learned in this module. Your completed assignment should include the concepts of social stratification, social inequality, and social class in America. This paper does not need to be in an essay form but should include a reference list. Be sure to address each section separately.
The assignment requirements are as follows:
Requirement | Details |
Cover Page | Title Your name Date |
One to two-page discussion of issues associated with social stratification | Your discussion should include the following:
· A definition for stratification · The formation of social ranking (development of social classes, caste, and slavery systems) · How have power, prestige, privilege, wealth, and other desirables affected individual life chances? · Davis and Moore’s argument regarding the function of stratification. · Discuss the difference between the functionalist perspective and conflict theorists of why the elite are in power. |
One to two-page discussion of issues associated with social inequality and discrimination | Your discussion should include the following:
· A definition of gender discrimination. · A discussion of structural and cultural factors and traditions that contribute to the inequality and are designed to maintain the status quo (i.e., male superiority). · Discuss the wage gap, where women’s average earnings are about $.73 for every dollar a man earns, and whether gendered jobs exist. · What prejudice, discrimination, and racism is. o Define segregation, assimilation, pluralism, and genocide. o Discuss the different forms of discrimination (individual v. Institutional). |
One to two-page discussion of issues associated with social class in America | Your discussion should include the following:
· Discuss social class in America and its consequence on society. · Examine poverty and its effects on society. |
One page with citations | Cite your sources in a reference section. |
- All three topics should be contained within one document.
- Label each section with the title provided in the requirements.
- At the end of the document, cite the sources you used to complete it.
Assignment Expectations
Create five sections of content for your assignment as noted in the above table (including the cover page and reference list) using the following guidelines to engage the blog audience further:
- Use clear, concise sentences.
- Use relevant, real-life examples to help explain concepts.
- Relate the material to your personal experience when possible.
Use APA style, and proofread your paper.
Submit the completed assignment to Case 3 Dropbox.