Should Infants Attend Daycare?
Develop two well-supported arguments against infants attending daycare.
Decisions on whether to take infants to daycare vary from one individual to another based on the individual’s circumstances and the benefit the daycare would have on the infant. Nonetheless, some arguments are against infants attending daycare, and parents should consider them. To begin with, it is crucial to understand that for better emotional bonding, a parent should be close to the infant as long as possible (Singer & Wong, 2019). Taking an infant to daycare may bring about bonding and emotional attachment issues between the parents and the infant. When parents take infants to daycare when very young, there will be no opportunity for the infant to establish attachment with the immediate caregivers who are the parents. Secondly, infants are put at risk of infections. It is important to note that infants have immature immune systems and, hence, are generally predisposed to infections (McGrath-Morrow et al., 2022). In most daycare settings, infants from different backgrounds are handled by the same people and are put close to each other. The infants can, therefore, contract infection from each other.
Develop two well-supported arguments for infants attending daycare.
On the contrary, there are also arguments supporting infants attending daycare. Firstly, daycare helps infants develop socialization and peer interaction at an early age, which has several developmental benefits (Kuger et al., 2019). Spending time in daycare with other people, such as daycare caregivers and other infants, helps infants develop skills such as empathy, communication, cooperation, and sharing. This is helpful in the resolution of conflicts and emotional management. Secondly, some daycare settings have educational programs that improve infants’ learning capability (Kuger et al., 2019). This plays a vital role in cognitive development.
Is there a clear winner between these arguments? What are your conclusions?
From the above discussion, it is not apparent which arguments win. Both arguments have pros and cons, and it should be upon the parents to decide which decision suits them. Besides, not all daycare settings are similar. Some daycare settings provide quality services, so issues like the one concerning contracting infections will not be an issue. Therefore, parents should search through the available daycares before making a final decision.
Kuger, S., Marcus, J., & Spiess, C. K. (2019). Daycare quality and changes in the home learning environment of children. Education Economics, 27(3), 265-286.
McGrath-Morrow, S. A., Agarwal, A., Alexiou, S., Austin, E. D., Fierro, J. L., Hayden, L. P., & Collaco, J. M. (2022). Daycare attendance is linked to increased risk of respiratory morbidities in children born preterm with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The Journal of Pediatrics, 249, 22-28.
Singer, E., & Wong, S. (2019). Emotional security and daycare for babies and toddlers in social-political contexts: Reflections of early years pioneers since the 1970s. Early Child Development and Care.
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Should Infants Attend Daycare?
There is much debate about placing infants in daycare. What if the infant’s mother works full-time outside the home? Does maternal employment interfere with attachment? Do babies who grow up in daycare suffer any ill effects? Briefly research this issue.
1. Develop two well-supported arguments against infants attending daycare.
2. Develop two well-supported arguments for infants attending daycare.
3. Is there a clear winner between these arguments? What are your conclusions?