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Setting and Communicating Employee Expectations- Key Managerial Practices

Setting and Communicating Employee Expectations- Key Managerial Practices

What a Manager Must Do in Order to Prepare for a Performance-Setting Dialog

Setting performance standards for new employees should start with a clear job description for each role. The manager should assign measurable performance standards for every position beforehand. For instance, if the new employee’s job is to help customers make purchases, a measurable baseline performance standard can be 30 positive customer reviews per year. Also, a manager can seek the new employees’ input in setting performance expectations by distributing performance forms before a formal meeting (Gallo, 2011). Involving new employees in setting standards empowers them since they feel they have a direct contribution to the company’s success. Do you need help with your assignment ? Get in touch with us at

The Risks That a Manager Takes if This Dialog Does Not Take Place

One of the risks of not setting clear performance standards is the risk of high employee turnover. If employees get negative performance reviews yet think their performance is above the bar, they may quit or be discouraged (Gallo, 2011). Also, the lack of a clear performance guideline exposes the appraisal process to biases. A manager or colleague with personal differences with an employee may rate an employee’s performance unfairly. Other risks associated with not setting performance standards include legal risks, job dissatisfaction, and a lack of morale.

Short-Term and Long-Term Benefits That May Be Realized as a Result of Having a Performance-Setting Dialog With a New Employee

Setting new employee performance standards helps managers to keep employees accountable. With predetermined performance standards, managers understand how employees’ roles impact organizational success, thus keeping the latter on their toes (Gallo, 2011). Also, the process enhances the well-being of employees.  When employees have a clear vision of their expectations, they know when to take a break to avoid burnout. Performance standards also help employees attain results faster since goals are based on a deadline.

The Role of Feedback in Helping New Employees Achieve Their Performance Expectations

Giving employees constructive feedback is crucial in improving their productivity. Feedback helps employees improve their skills and knowledge of their jobs (Asumeng, 2013). The tool also enhances job satisfaction while reducing turnover rates as it makes employees feel valued (Asumeng, 2013). An employee who sacrifices their time to work overtime, for instance, deserves positive feedback. A manager can send a note to the employee’s mail saying: ‘Thank you for putting an extra effort at work. We understand working beyond the normal hours is not easy, but your positive attitude has helped the company achieve its goals. We appreciate you being part of the team.


Asumeng, M. (2013). The effect of employee feedback-seeking on job performance: An empirical study. International Journal of Management30(1), 373.

Gallo, A. (2011, February 7). Making Sure Your Employees Succeed. Harvard Business Review.


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Effective managers understand that there are significant advantages to developing a clear set of performance standards to be shared with new employees. By reviewing the job description, managers can compile a list of desired outcomes that align with the job duties. These outcomes are then used to define the quality and quantity of the tasks to be accomplished. They also show how the new employee’s duties relate to the organization’s goals and provide specific metrics for measuring performance.

Setting and Communicating Employee Expectations- Key Managerial Practices

Setting and Communicating Employee Expectations- Key Managerial Practices


Use this week’s content and external research to gather information on setting and communicating employee expectations. Write a comprehensive summary (275-400 words) to discuss each of the following questions:

Describe what a manager must do in order to prepare for a performance-setting dialog.

Identify and explain the risks that a manager takes if this dialog does not take place.

What are some of the short-term and long-term benefits that may be realized as a result of having a performance-setting dialog with a new employee?

What role does feedback play in helping new employees achieve their performance expectations? Provide at least one specific example to support your conclusion(s).