Securing Mobile Devices Lab Report
Mobile devices are not just small personal computers but differ significantly in hardware and software components. Based on this fact, mobile security risks differ drastically from those of laptops and desktop computers. This is the reason why the implementation of mobile app protection is vital. Notably, when one mentions mobile devices, they generally mean smartphones. In this case, smartphones face security risks due to connecting and installing software in the form of applications. Remarkably, 80% of the world’s population owns a smartphone, while app downloads have been increasing substantially (Bubukayr & Almaiah, 2021). In 2021, there were 230 billion app downloads. This paper will discuss some of the risks associated with mobile devices, the security measures that can be undertaken to secure mobile devices, and how the security mitigating skills can be used in my career.
Some risks with mobile devices include malicious apps and websites, mobile rans phishing, and man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks. Mobile malware, together with malicious websites, can be utilized to serve the same purpose. This purpose entails stealing and encrypting data, just like traditional computers (Bubukayr & Almaiah, 2021). Common types of malicious apps are Trojans, fond of performing as-and-click scams. Mobile ransomware is the other form of risk associated with mobile devices. This risk is characterized by encrypting files on a mobile device and demanding ransom payment before issuing the decryption key to restore the encrypted data (Abdel-Fattah et al., 2019). Concerning phishing risk, an email with a malicious link is often sent on a mobile device. When these emails are received, the users are duped into clicking on these links causing the transmission of viruses (Abdel-Fattah et al., 2019). Lastly, the man-in-the-middle attack entails a hacker intercepting network communications to either eavesdrop or modify the transmitted data.
Organizations and employees can undertake various procedures to secure their mobile devices. One of the procedures is for organizations to physically protect their devices. The organization should equip the devices with protective cases to prevent breakage in the incidence that they are dropped. Additionally, more protection can be guaranteed through the installation of screen protectors. The other initiative I would adopt in my future career is encrypting and locking employees’ phones. Encryption entails protecting the employees’ phones with a lock code, PIN, or password. If employees in the organization are still using older phone models, I will ensure that encryption is activated manually within the settings app. I would also consider using a VPN to protect mobile devices against any threats. The VPN technology protects communications executed through an open Wi-Fi Network especially when an employee is based in a foreign country or working from home.
Conclusively, the course has been exceedingly educational regarding the security threats related to mobile devices. The leading form of threat facing mobile devices is malicious applications such as Trojans, which are fond of performing as-and-click scams. Besides this, I learned various lessons concerning security threats facing mobile devices. For instance, I learned the importance of an employee avoiding clicking on malicious links as they might be viable sources of phishing risks. Additionally, securing one’s mobile devices against threats starts with the type of passwords one uses. The paper covered four broad security threats facing mobile devices, measures that can be adopted to prevent security threats, and the lessons learned.
Abdel-Fattah, F., Farhan, K. A., Al-Tarawneh, F. H., & AlTamimi, F. (2019, April). Security challenges and attacks in dynamic mobile ad hoc networks MANETs. In 2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT) (pp. 28–33). IEEE.
Bubukayr, M. A. S., & Almaiah, M. A. (2021, July). Cybersecurity concerns in smartphones and applications: A survey. In 2021 international conference on Information Technology (ICIT) (pp. 725-731). IEEE.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Reflect on your experience completing this week’s labs. The lab is about securing mobile devices.
MS Word Document.
(1) Title page,
(2) introduction of the topic/assignment, what the document is about, and what the document will cover.
Securing Mobile Devices Lab Report
(3) Write a 350–700-word response to the following prompts:
Based on your experience with this week’s labs and reading, what are some of the risks associated with mobile devices?
How was the importance of mitigating security exposures revealed through these labs? What procedures can be done to secure mobile devices?
Explain how you would use these mitigating security exposure skills in your career. Which functions from this set of labs do you see yourself using? Why?
(4) your conclusions, take away, or lessons learned, what was the paper about, what was covered, and
(5) List references cited if used, needed, or required.