Rough Draft Qualitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations
A research critique is important because it enables the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of an article. This guides a researcher in determining the relevance of the articles to the specific topic of study. This critique evaluates two qualitative research articles with the aim of evaluating different aspects of the selected studies. A summary of the studies will be provided, and the relevance of the study to the nursing practice issue identified. Furthermore, this paper will describe the methods and the findings of each of the studies and discuss the ethical considerations upheld by the authors of the articles. Our assignment writing services will allow you to attend to more important tasks as our experts handle your task.
Background of the Study
The first qualitative research article is authored by Diaz Rios & Chapman-Novakofski (2018). The authors aimed at the identification of factors that influence the participation of Latinos and Hispanics in community nutrition research. Furthermore, the researchers are seeking to identify strategies to give Latinos and Hispanics access to community nutritional research. The clinical problem is racial discrimination to access proper health care, nutritional, and holistic healthcare services. This is significant to nursing practice because nursing personnel should be on the front line of championing equity in health care service provision. They can achieve this by championing promotive, preventive, and rehabilitative healthcare services for every person.
According to Diaz Rios & Chapman-Novakofski (2018), the purpose of the article is to conduct extensive interviews with experience-laden community nutritional researchers in the United States of America to identify the barriers and enablers of recruitment of Latinos and Hispanics and evaluate any beneficial practice that the group enjoys. The objective of the study is to identify factors that influence participation and evaluate strategies that facilitate access to community nutrition research for Latinos and Hispanics. The authors formulated one research question: What are the factors influencing the participation of Latinos/Hispanics in research from the perspective of community nutrition researchers?
The second research article is authored by Patel et al. (2020). The authors aimed to evaluate the knowledge of health insurance terms among racially and ethnically diverse people. This feedback can be used as an indicator of the access to healthcare services by various ethnic populations in the United States of America. The existence of discrimination to access to health care services and coverage suggests that the racial minority will have minimal understanding of the insurance terms. Nurses should be actively involved in minimizing discrimination by advocating for policies that ensure equitable access to health care services.
According to Patel et al. (2020), the purpose of their study is to evaluate demographic variations on health insurance knowledge. The objective of the study was to determine the level of understanding of health insurance and the Affordable Care Act among ethnic minorities in the USA. The research question that can be formulated from the study: what is the impact of a multi-ethnic population on the understanding of health care insurance and the Affordable Care Act.
How Articles Support Nursing Practice Issue
The clinical problem is racial discrimination to access proper health care, nutritional, and holistic health care services. My PICOT question: Among the ethnic minority population, do culturally appropriate care-based interventions versus traditional approaches reduce discrepancies in access to health care services after six months? The two articles will be used to answer the PICOT question. Both studies reveal that the ethnic minority population has poor access to healthcare services. Patel et al. (2020) reported that Latinos and Hispanics had little understanding of health care insurance and the Affordable Care Act. On the other hand, Diaz Rios & Chapman-Novakofski (2018) reported that cultural variations, formative work, and decisional balance influenced the participation of Latinos and Hispanics in nutritional research. Both authors acknowledge that the current (traditional) approaches have created disparities in access to health care services. A policy that takes into consideration the disparities and addresses the people holistically can help to address the problem.
Both authors used their target population as the ethnic minority and their comparisons as the native population. Patel et al. (2020) propose inclusive and individualized communication as the intervention to address the problem. Diaz Rios & Chapman-Novakofski (2018) propose cultural competency and formative work as the interventions to address the problem. The comparison groups and interventions proposed in the articles are in harmony with those of my PICOT question.
Methods of Study
The article by Diaz Rios & Chapman-Novakofski (2018) used a longitudinal study design. They used in-depth interviews to collect data from nine academics for five months. Longitudinal studies focus on repeated data collection on the target population over a long time. The study by Patel et al. (2020) used a cross-sectional study design. They collected data from 243 participants. Cross-sectional studies focus on data collection at a specific point in time.
Cross-sectional studies have the merit of cost-effectiveness and timeliness. This is because they focus on a particular point in time. Their demerit: fails to establish a cause-and-effect relationship (Thomas, 2020). Longitudinal studies have the merit of establishing a cause-effect relationship. However, they are time-consuming and costly. This is because data has to be collected repeatedly over a long period.
Results of the Study
The article by Diaz Rios & Chapman-Novakofski (2018) identifies three main indicators for participation in community nutrition research. They include formative work, cultural variations, and decisional balance. Interpersonal approaches that focus on understanding community settings can help to facilitate participation in these research programs. These findings are relevant to nursing practice. Nurses should uphold a holistic care approach to ensure that ethnic minorities access health care services. This knowledge can be used to formulate policies that advocate for equity in health care.
The article by Patel et al. (2020) reported that ethnic minority groups, especially Latinos and Hispanics, demonstrated lower knowledge about health insurance and the Affordable Care Act. This confirms the existing variation in health care insurance and access to health care services. Individualized communication approaches are proposed as an intervention for the problem. Nurses should utilize these findings to formulate a framework for ensuring equity in health care services. They should ensure that a holistic care approach is upheld and that the existing policies benefit the minority groups.
Ethical Considerations
Researchers should uphold ethical provisions in their study. They should uphold the confidentiality and anonymity of the participants. Furthermore, they should seek legal approval from relevant boards and organizations for all studies involving human subjects (Fleming & Zegwaard, 2018). The authors upheld the confidentiality and anonymity of their participants. No names are mentioned in the articles. They addressed the sample as participants rather than using personal identifiers. University of Michigan Health Sciences and Behavioral Sciences Institutional Review Board and University of Illinois Institutional Review Board are listed as the authorities who approved the studies for Patel et al. (2020) and Diaz Rios & Chapman-Novakofski (2018), respectively.
The clinical problem is racial discrimination to access proper health care nutritional and holistic health care services. My PICOT question: Among the ethnic minority population, does culturally appropriate care-based interventions versus traditional approach reduce discrepancies to access to health care services after six months? Findings from the qualitative articles are relevant to the PICOT Question. Confidentiality, anonymity, and approval from relevant authorities are examples of ethical considerations that should be upheld by researchers.
Diaz Rios, L. K., & Chapman-Novakofski, K. (2018). Latino/Hispanic Participation in Community Nutrition Research: An Interplay of Decisional Balance, Cultural Competency, and Formative Work. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 118(9), 1687–1699.
Fleming, J., & Zegwaard, K. E. (2018). Methodologies, Methods and Ethical Considerations for Conducting Research in Work-Integrated Learning. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, 19(3), 205–213.
Patel, M. R., TerHaar, L., Smith, A., Tariq, M., Worthington, K., Hinton, J., & Lichtenstein, R. (2020). Knowledge of Health Insurance Terms and the Affordable Care Act in Racially and Ethnically Diverse Urban Communities. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 22(3), 456–466.
Thomas, L. (2020). Cross-Sectional Study | Definitions, Uses & Examples.,an%20extended%20period%20of%20time.
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Qualitative Studies
Background of Study
Summary of studies. Include the problem, significance to nursing, purpose, objective, and research question.
How do these two articles support the nurse practice issue you chose?
Discuss how these two articles will be used to answer your PICOT question.

Rough Draft Qualitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations
Describe how the interventions and comparison groups in the articles compare to those identified in your PICOT question.
Method of Study:
State the methods of the two articles you are comparing and describe how they are different.
Consider the methods you identified in your chosen articles and state one benefit and one limitation of each method.
Results of Study
Summarize the key findings of each study in one or two comprehensive paragraphs.
What are the implications of the two studies in nursing practice?
Ethical Considerations
Discuss two ethical considerations in conducting research.
Describe how the researchers in the two articles you chose took these ethical considerations into account while performing their research.