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Rituals Surrounding Death and Grieving

Rituals Surrounding Death and Grieving

The Christian and Buddhist practices surrounding grieving the loss of a loved one have similarities and differences manifested in several ways. Similarities between the two religions are displayed in the performance of a wake to mourn a family member’s death and a funeral as the last rites to honor the deceased. Further, community members in both religions usually invite a religious leader to preside over the dead’s funeral service (Uzell, 2018). However, Christians and Buddhists differ in the way they treat the deceased body during the funeral. Christians bury their deceased family members, while Buddhists cremate their dead (BBC, 2021). Moreover, Buddhists engage in charitable acts after their family member dies as a way to allow them to have a positive afterlife. Contrastingly, Christians believe that a deceased person goes to heaven and thereby desists from performing rites that may indicate the person will be reborn after death.

The similarities and differences manifested in Christianity and Buddhism are applicable in my culture. Every time my community members lose a loved one to death, we conduct a wake, a funeral service, and then bury the deceased, a practice that is similar to Christianity. We do not cremate the dead as is practiced in Buddhism. The practices manifested by Christians and Buddhists when mourning the death of their loved ones are beneficial as they help people alive accept the loss they have experienced of their loved ones (Funeral Partners, 2021). If I were to attend the funeral services conducted by the two religions, I would also act like the people present in the service to express my acceptance of their cultures. For instance, I would engage in charitable acts as Buddhists do to increase the luck of the deceased in the next world. I would also be part of the people helping in pall bearing in Christian service as a way to prove I agree with their cultural practice.

However, if these practices were against my conscience and belief, I would politely request to be excluded from them. For instance, I would not attend the cremation ceremony of a deceased Buddhist as I do not believe this is the right way to send off the dead. I would also not be part of the congregation listening to a sermon praising the dead person in Christian service. In some instances, the deceased had maladaptive behaviors when alive, and praising them in a funeral service promotes deceit as a value.

This research has helped me understand that cultural practices surrounding death and grieving have similarities and differences. Therefore, how each culture mourns the demise of their loved one is different from another, increasing the members’ uniqueness. I have also learned that for every culture, the grieving actions that members engage in after the death of their loved one result from beliefs that are practiced from one generation to another. Moreover, I have learned that the cultures I have examined have similarities and differences with my culture on mourning the death of a loved one. For instance, I have realized that my cultural way of mourning the death of a loved one is similar to that of Christians and differs slightly from that practiced by Buddhists. Overall, I have learned to appreciate cultural practices across the world surrounding death and grieving.


BBC. (2021). Death and mourning – Practices in Buddhism – GCSE religious studies revision – Eduqas – BBC bitesize. BBC Bitesize.,stage%20of%20rebirth%20to%20occur

Funeral Partners. (2021, January 8). What are Christian funeral rites

Uzell, J. (2018, March 27). Death and funeral rituals in world religions. Religion Media Centre.


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Research different cultural rituals associated with the death and grieving process. Culture is defined as all knowledge and values shared by a group. For example, you may discuss a wake, a New Orleans funeral, and/or different religious rituals (Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam). Be sure to include practices of more than one culture and your understanding of these cultures.

Rituals Surrounding Death and Grieving

Rituals Surrounding Death and Grieving

-In your response, present an unbiased perspective when comparing and contrasting these cultural groups.

How are the rituals of each culture similar and different from each other?
What is the reason for specific rituals, and are the reasons for a specific ritual similar to another culture?
How are these rituals similar and different from your own culture?
Why are certain rituals practiced in death and grieving within the particular cultures you examined, and How are they beneficial to the cultural group?
Why do you practice specific rituals in death and grieving, and how do they benefit you?
If you were to attend the funeral of the cultural groups you examined, how would you show that you are accepting of the cultures?
What are examples of ways you might show acceptance? (clothing, communication, gestures)
How would your behavior be different depending on the particular culture?
How has this research affected your outlook or perspectives toward culture and cultural differences in general as well as in the specific area of death and grieving?
Formatting Requirements

The essay should be a minimum of 1 to 2 pages and double-spaced
Written in APA style/Format
See the document provided in the module for formatting in APA
Include three references (should include in-text citations and a reference page)
At least one reference should come from the Bevill Library, a local library,, or the Alabama Virtual Library (see the library link on the Bevill web page)
Please submit as a Word document or a PDF through Canvas