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Revolutionary War and War for Independence

Revolutionary War and War for Independence

The Conflicting Perspectives on the Founding of the American Nation

Being a soldier in the Revolutionary War was an honor because I participated in shaping the history and future of my country. It was not easy because of the conflicting perspectives on the funding of the American nation during this period. The republican revolution focused on reconstituting American society by eliminating monarchial customs to favor virtue, unity, and disinterested public leadership. However, the founders started having doubts about whether this vision could be realized. The unity and integrity of the republican could not be sustained among intense personal and political disagreement (Estano, 2009). TFederalists wanted a strong national government, but the Republicans did not. The Republicans feared that the federal government could get too much power, especially to levy taxes and incur a national debt to foreign countries. The Federalists also favored the interests of the urban elite. Still, the Virginia planters such as Madison and Jefferson, who were leading the Republicans, were not in favor of creating a robust national economy and a commercial and urban nation.

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The Events That Contributed to the Development of the U.S. Constitution

During this period, the development of the U.S. Constitution was also influenced by different events that affected how the Republicans and Federalists interacted. The events focused on modifying the Articles of Confederation, which provided a loose collaboration of states with a weak central government (Burdick, 2018). One of the main events was the imposition of high taxes on the Americans to allow the European monarch to fund the colonial army so that it could become strong and help in widening European colonies. Another event was the development of the Virginia Plan, which was a consolidated government based on comparative representation among the states. The old patriots then advocated for the New Jersey Plan, with which the Federalists supported Republicans, and Federalists began working together following the Connecticut Compromise. We also witnessed controversies on slavery. Another event was the resignation of George Washington due to the pressure he was receiving from those who opposed his arguments against factionalism and sectionalism within the country. When France and Britain went to war, Washington passed the Proclamation of Neutral, which created a foundation for the nation to try to remain neutral in foreign affairs and not get involved in conflicts.

Are the philosophies that you fought for/advocated for decades ago still represented today, in 1796? What principles and attitudes have changed? What principles and philosophies remain in place?

The philosophies that I fought for and advocated for decades ago are still represented today because some of the issues that were present during that time are still present today. For instance, we fought for equality and eliminating discrimination. Today, human rights activists advocate and fight for the equality of women and minority groups. The fight against discrimination is also evident in most societies. For instance, after the George Floyd killing by a white police officer, there was a global campaign to advocate for the rights of African Americans. Different laws are also being passed to eliminate discrimination in the workplace. The philosophies and principles have also changed because Americans have become more open-minded in accepting issues such as racial discrimination and their role in eliminating the problems without relying on mass support. For instance, employers are creating diverse workplaces to set an example in eliminating the discrimination of minority groups. The philosophies and principles of antislavery remain the same as slavery continues to be acknowledged as evil. Antislavery state and federal laws have also been passed to protect vulnerable groups such as children and immigrants.


Burdick, C. K. (2018). TLawlaw of the AmericConstitutionion, Vol. 1: Its Origin and Development (Classic Reprint). Forgotten Books.

Estano, J. M. (2009). Friendship and Conflict: The Relationship of the U.S. “Founding Fathers”. Inquiries Journal, 1(10).


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Revolutionary War and War for Independence

Revolutionary War and War for Independence

For this assignment, you will imagine that it is now 1796; you are a Revolutionary War/War for Independence soldier or a patriot who was unable to fight.
Write a reflection paper that explains the conflicting perspectives on the founding of the American nation during this period. Discuss events that contributed to the development of the U.S. Constitution during this period. Are the philosophies that you fought for/advocated for decades ago still represented today, in 1796? What principles and attitudes have changed? What principles and philosophies remain in place?
Your paper must be a minimum of two pages in length.
Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.