Response-Understanding the Development and Presentation of Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents
Responding to Lorie
Great work organization. As you have noted, bipolar disorder is a mental disorder characterized by episodes of feeling more energetic, active, and very happy than usual, which are defined as manic episodes, and episodes of feeling very sad and being less active than normal are termed as depressive episodes (Post & Grunze, 2021). The specific cause of bipolar disorder is idiopathic, but multiple factors have been linked to the disease. The most prominent factor associated with bipolar disorder is a positive history of substance use disorder and mood disorders in the family and a higher incidence of many psychosocial adversities in childhood (Post & Grunze, 2021).
The comorbidities that are occasionally linked to bipolar disorder, similar to those in adults, make diagnosing the illness in children difficult. Children will manifest mixed or atypical features like irritability, labile mood, rapid cycling course, and behavioral problems. Children will show school problems like sexual behavior and fighting substance abuse, while adolescents may present with incongruent, bizarre, or paranoid moods (Post & Grunze, 2021). A point to note is that normal overactivity, imaginative play, grandiosity, and boastfulness should not be mistaken for bipolar disorder in children. It is for this reason that there is a huge problem with misdiagnosis and underdiagnosis of BPSDs. Moreover, there is less research and unclear clinical guidelines that can be used in the diagnosis of children with bipolar (Post & Grunze, 2021).
Some of the differential diagnoses that you should consider when evaluating children for bipolar I & II disorder include Major Depressive Disorder with mixed features, Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), adjustment disorders, conduct disorders, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and substance use disorder (Post & Grunze, 2021). As you have mentioned, pharmacological, psychotherapy, and psychosocial interventions may be used in children. These interventions address the multiple factors of the illness’s nature and consider the special needs of children, adolescents, and their families (Post & Grunze, 2021).
Post, R. M., & Grunze, H. (2021). The Challenges of Children with Bipolar Disorder. Medicina, 57(6), 601.
We’ll write everything from scratch
**I have provided two discussion posts that were written by peers. Please write a peer response to the two discussion posts that I have provided. At least 250 words. With at least one reference. I have included what the discussion post is about **

Response-Understanding the Development and Presentation of Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents
M1 Discussion board—Multifactorial influences on incidence of bipolar disorders among children and the presentation of the disorders. – Dr. J. Grace
Describe all factors (genetic, environmental, familial, and so on) considered in the development of bipolar disorders in clients under the age of 18 years. Describe how the disease presents among children, including mania and depression. How does this presentation differ from that in adults? What are differential diagnoses to be considered for the diagnosis of either bipolar I or bipolar II disorder in children? Based on the multifactorial factors identified, be sure to include appropriate therapies that speak to these factors relevant to children/adolescents and their families. Provide appropriate referencing.